super species player.

Chapter 80 Completion of S-level dungeons—full!

Chapter 80 Completion of S-level dungeons—full!
[Congratulations, you have eliminated all players with different camps, and you are about to enter the final "ace" battle]


The main task is updated, and the battle for the "trump card" is still undecided.

"Sure enough, the goal of the hell-level dungeon is to destroy us all."

Jiang Qian sighed, clenched the blood-stained pen tightly in his hand, and slowly straightened his back.

When he turned around, he met the eyes of the figure who landed behind him...

The alarm bell in my heart rang!
——Standing opposite is "himself".

At the same time, the "self" on the opposite side suddenly cast a snake shadow and sneaked towards Jiang Qian!

He held the same pen as Jiang Qian in his hand, and his skills and precision were exactly the same as Jiang Qian himself.

It can be said that this is the moment of killing the enemy in Jiang Qian's mind at the moment!

The initial hand-to-hand combat left a deep scratch on Jiang Qian's wrist.

Not bad.

He exchanged this injury for the fatal injury caused by cutting his throat.

The weird collections around cheered loudly, and the cups in the hands of the butler Simon and the Duke shook, as if celebrating the final victory in advance, but this victory obviously did not belong to him.

Jiang Qian looked up at the huge "trump card" banner where thousands of silk threads gathered.

It hangs quietly in the sky, staring at the life coming and going on the ring, without moving.

"It's not enough to win all the players, you have to break through yourself to be considered a trump card?"

Jiang Qian tried to understand its internal logic, and immediately focused on the next question in his mind:
"How can I fix me fast?"

As soon as this question came to mind, the "self" on the opposite side rushed again, with such ferocity that even Jiang Qian himself was surprised!
Facing such a fierce offensive, Jiang Qian couldn't be distracted from considering other countermeasures, so he could only fight with all his heart.

Both "each other" got serious, and the scars on Jiang Qian's body became more and more serious!

Soon, both he and the "self" on the opposite side were covered with scars, and even the movements of attacking each other slowed down, but the spirits of both sides were still highly tense, carefully guarding against each other.

If this goes on like this, I might really be killed by myself, what should I do?If you strike first, you will be predicted by "yourself" in advance; wait for the opportunity?The "self" will definitely strike first... Jiang Qian stared at the mirror-like "self" and suddenly realized.

He stopped in the commotion of the weird collections around him.

Two figures freeze on the rotating ring, and the scene gradually quiets down.

Immediately afterwards, two figures approached slowly.

Jiang Qian stretched out his hand forward, and his index finger and middle finger were blocked by some kind of invisible at the distance between the two.

With the slow application of force, the figure on the opposite side deviates strangely - the mirror flips!
No wonder!
Jiang Qian woke up like a dream.

When he was the first to raise his vigilance, the "self" on the opposite side began to attack him. When he tried to find a solution to deal with the "self", the "self" on the opposite side launched a crazy offensive-his enemy was himself at the moment Inner projection.

It's just that this "projection" was subtly exaggerated and enlarged, so he didn't immediately notice it.

With the mirror flip done.

The "self" on the opposite side is gone!

Standing in front of Jiang Qian again was the familiar mouthless puppet, watching Jiang Qian quietly.

Jiang Qian's smile slowly faded.

Not long ago, the same scene happened in front of the gold-framed mirror in the center of the specimen wall.

Therefore, Jiang Qian reached 100% of the progress of the side mission.

And now, this strange puppet, flipped through the mirror, reappeared in the last party of the "Ace" battle!
What does it mean to repeat the old tricks?
and many more……

Jiang Qian suddenly remembered the mysterious gift received by the Duke's mansion: It seems to be called "silent gaze"?
Could this be the big boss of Duke Highlander's Mansion?

Jiang Qian instantly put a safe distance away from the other party, guarding against the puppet's sudden attack.

However, there aren't any fancy attacks.

When the mirror surface was flipped, Jiang Qian heard a prompt from the dungeon:
[Congratulations to the player: Don't use Qianlong. In the final battle for the trump card, you successfully broke your obsession with yourself and won the final victory of the "ace" copy! 】

[Main mission accomplished!100% completion]

[Submission completed!100% completion]

[Choose "Settlement" or "Destroy 'Silent Gaze'"]

Main quests and side quests are all full!Calculated in this way, the experience value should be enough to upgrade, looking forward to the first kill settlement reward... Jiang Qian silently calculated.

But when he heard the last sentence: Destroy the "silent gaze"?
For this option, Jiang Qian hesitated.

Could it be the legendary hidden mission again?

Is it similar to the one left in the copy of "Whispering the Demon"...

Just in this pause of hesitation.

The puppet who had been silently watching Jiang Qian suddenly turned around and crawled away quickly!
Jiang Qian naturally had no reason to let go of this obviously guilty operation.

I jumped to catch up!

[Hidden task trigger: break the "silent gaze"! 】

With the quick escape of the puppet, all the collections gathered around the round-robin arena and on the second floor, including the butler Simon and the Duke, were like kites with broken strings, and they all collapsed powerlessly.

Jiang Qian was chasing the traces of the doll...

To be exact, he followed the silk thread dragged behind the puppet, and groped into a secret passage.

The dark passage gradually extended downwards, and the servants passing by were knocked off their feet by the puppets. Jiang Qian followed the puppets, and finally caught a faint light at the end of the dark and closed corridor.

He saw the half-human-tall puppet crawl into the lighted room with a strange posture.

There was rustling writing in the room, someone.

Jiang Qian stopped at the door, bent his fingers, and knocked politely.

"Please come in—"

Hoarse, lifeless voice.

Jiang Qian pushed open the half-closed door, looked around the simple facilities in the house, and landed on the people in the house.

It was a skinny, stooped man.

Pale skin, wrinkled cheeks, and a large number of spots on the back of the hand holding the pen make him look old and weak.

The "silent gaze" lay on the man's shoulder, poked out half of his head, and watched Jiang Qian cautiously.

Those dark and deep eyes occasionally glanced at the pen in Jiang Qian's hand, as if he was very afraid.


"You are... Duke Highlander?"

Jiang Qian finally found the face that matched this face the most from his memory.

It was the fat, oily man who was sitting on the second floor of the stands just now, served by the butler Simon.

Hearing Jiang Qian's greeting, the man suddenly raised his head in fear, and declined in a weak voice: "No, don't call me Duke, I'm just a sinner!"

There is a story... Jiang Qian couldn't help pointing to the puppet lying behind the Duke, and asked, "Do you know that there is something behind you?"

"Oh! I know, it's there..."

The old and thin Duke showed a tired look on his face.

"No matter where I hide, it will always find it and remind me to pay for my obsession."


"You mean, about the 'collection' thing?"

There was undisguised surprise on Duke Hyland's old face.

Jiang Qian sat down and chatted with the real owner of the duke's mansion.

The duke's obsession indeed comes from his infinite desire for "collections": to become the most famous collector and keep all the rarest and precious collections for himself!

He spent the family wealth of several generations of nobles, and expanded the duke's mansion for the huge and complex collection, which finally attracted the attention of the world.

But his obsession with the collection has also become deeper and deeper.

From regular jewelry and antiques, the boundaries are gradually broadened, to rare beasts, abnormal things... until, a pair of strange dolls that cannot be lost are sent to the Duke's mansion.

"The silent gaze"...

The servants and maids who were stared at by the dolls were all mentally polluted, and became extremely tense and unable to relax.

Over time, even the collections that can be seen everywhere in the mansion have been polluted, and they have a sense of autonomy and start attacking visitors!
Duke Highland had to sell and donate the doll, but all failed.

The puppet seems to have found a base. It instigates the collection in the Duke's mansion, constantly attacks the visiting guests, and continues to tarnish Duke Highland's reputation.

The Duke had no choice but to pray and copy scriptures day and night, hoping that the situation would change.

"So, does transcribing scriptures like this really work?"

Jiang Qian looked at the scriptures in the room, and he only felt that the other party had gone from one kind of obsession to another kind of obsession, and there was no change in essence.

"How about destroying it directly?"

"It's useless! Burning, burying, shelling...every conceivable method has been used, and it will still come back! Every time, it will come back unscathed!"

The Duke said in horror.

"For example, my housekeeper Simon accidentally signed for it! Then, I never saw Simon again..."

So, how long has it been since you went out to see the sun?

You don't know how wild your butler's current path is...

Thinking of this, Jiang Qian stretched out his hand and picked up the puppet on the Duke's shoulder. Under the Duke's horrified gaze, he pressed the puppet flat on the table, and took out the pen in his pocket.

Some of the previous clips stimulated his inspiration.

Breaking the "silent gaze"...maybe it's okay?

Under the inconceivable gaze of the Duke and the silent struggle of the puppet, Jiang sneaked into the blank chin of the puppet, and his pen was like a snake!
After a while, a mouth appeared on the face of this mysterious puppet!
"Now, it doesn't have to keep silent."

Jiang Qian looked at his masterpiece, but saw the puppet covering its face with its hands, terrified!

Its mouth just below its snout literally opened, grunting uncannily, with an unsophisticated accent.

At the same time, many silk threads gathered on its body broke one after another, vying to unhook it!
This scene, even Jiang Qian was somewhat unexpected.

He looked at the pen in his hand, and then at the "disfigured" puppet.

It was too late to take the credit and be proud, the next moment, I heard the long-lost dungeon reminder:
[Hidden mission: Breaking the "silent gaze" has been achieved! 】

[Do you enter settlement? 】



The typo is corrected first and then corrected!

Let everyone wait for a long time, let's catch up on sleep first, then refine and update the copy settlement~
  ups and downs
  囧囧There is medicine
  There are black fish every year

  language fishing
  Monthly ticket support from book friends!

  Thank you all book friends for your recommendation tickets and follow-up reading ~ hold tight!

(End of this chapter)

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