Chapter 32 God Assists

Ye Lan raised her head, seeing a young man who was definitely not in his plan appearing here, she couldn't help being stunned.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly, taking advantage of Zhang Shi's distance from him, even if he saw himself, he couldn't see clearly, so he immediately lowered his head, put his hands on his knees, and buried his head in his arms.

"Ye Lan?"

Zhang Shi walked over slowly and looked at the young man who was squatting under the tree, nearly curled up into a ball, with disbelief on his face, until he was completely close, and after several glances, he dared not confirm that it was really Ye Lan.

Excited and hurried, he bent down and was about to pull Ye Lan up, but the moment his hands touched him, his body froze there.

Zhang Shi felt Ye Lan's body trembling slightly, he was...


But he didn't hear the cry, Zhang Shi squatted down slowly, listened carefully, and finally caught the faint cry, very light, not even a sob, more like a sob, intermittent, Obviously restraint is being enforced.

It was as if his mouth was covered, and he didn't even dare to cry presumptuously, looking extremely wronged.

Zhang Shi suddenly panicked: "Don't, don't cry... What's wrong? What happened?"

But no matter what he said, Ye Lan kept her head buried and refused to lift it up.

Zhang Shi didn't dare to pull Ye Lan up forcibly. His sadness and sadness were visible to the naked eye. If he really acted against his wishes, it would only cause him secondary harm.

Zhang Shi pursed his lips, thinking that it must be because he often taunted him in the past that he would not gain his trust now. Even though he has repented, Ye Lan's opinion of him cannot be changed in a short while .

Zhang Shi bit his lower lip and said softly: "Ye Lan, you haven't returned to the dormitory for two consecutive nights, we are very worried about you. The three of us came out to look for you before dawn this morning, and we found you about an hour……"

"I used to treat you that way because I didn't know the situation in your home. I thought you went to that place to buy luxury goods... Now I know I was wrong. I'm really sorry."

After saying this, his face was already red.

Ye Lan was a little surprised to hear Zhang Shi's sincere apology.

He really didn't expect that the cry that night could have such great power. Although it would not turn Zhang Shi into a skeleton, and he would sit up from the coffin and slap himself, it really changed his attitude towards himself. impressions and attitudes.

But it's not incomprehensible. After all, this school is the most advanced institution in the world, and the people who can be admitted here are of high overall quality.

Although there are definitely people with poor character, most people's accomplishments are not that bad.

Except for him, of course.

And Zhang Shi is not unreasonable. He used to target Ye Lan only because he misunderstood that he was a man who loves vanity. When he found out that he had to work in a nightclub because of his family conditions, he regretted it on the spot.

That is to say, scumbags are not normal people, and everyone's personality can be weirdly skewed to a certain extreme.

Ye Lan slowly raised her head, revealing a tear-stained face, her eyes were extremely red, and there were still mist and tears in the eye sockets.

And because of Ye Lan's actions, his glasses fell on his legs, and his face was exposed in front of Zhang Shi's eyes without any restrictions.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhang Shi asked, his whole mind turned into a mess, he took out his mobile phone and was about to make a call, "They are looking for you elsewhere, let me call them over."

They are two other roommates, and Zhang Shi feels that they need to comfort Ye Lan together now.

"do not want!"

Unexpectedly, Ye Lan suddenly reached out and grabbed Zhang Shi's wrist, shook her head lightly, and said in a low voice, "Don't..." her voice was still trembling.

Ye Lan didn't have any strength in grabbing Zhang Shi's hand, and he could break free with an easy lift, but how could Zhang Shi break free, his eyes were a little red, but he just endured the embarrassment and went to observe Ye Lan, wondering why he was so excited. reason.

Zhang Shi's pupils shrank, and he finally saw the clues on the part of Ye Lan's neck that was exposed. It was extremely red, and it was the skin at the Adam's apple that caused this. It's no better than Adam's apple, it can be regarded as bruised and purple, and it's a mess.

Even though Zhang Shi had never been in a relationship, he knew what these traces were.

This is clearly a hickey!

No, if it was just a gentle kiss, how could it be possible to reach this level?This situation can only be caused by biting regardless of severity!

All of a sudden, Zhang Shi's chest was filled with anger, of course it couldn't be aimed at Ye Lan, but at the person who hurt him like this.

But what if you are angry?With Ye Lan's family conditions, Zhang Shi didn't even have the confidence to tell Ye Lan not to do this.Ye Lan needed the money, if he stopped him, where would he get the money for him?
At this moment, Zhang Shi suddenly noticed that Ye Lan became very flustered, as if she wanted to hide herself from being seen by anyone.

He immediately looked around, and his eyes were attracted by a touch of silver.

It's Gu Li, Zhang Shi knows this person, or there is no boy who doesn't know her, she is recognized by the whole school as a high-cold goddess.

If it is said that Ye Lan does not want to be discovered by Gu Li, there is some reason...

Zhang Shizheng was thinking this way, but he saw Gu Li looking over here.

Even though he was a little far away, Zhang Shi could still see Gu Li's frowning cold brows.

Why does Gu Li want to look at them?Two strange boys get together, logically speaking, it is impossible to attract Gu Li's attention, and Zhang Shi also knows that he has nothing to do with her, so it can only be...

Gu Li knew Ye Lan.

Why do they know each other...


In the blink of an eye, Zhang Shinao made up a truth that he thought was correct, and he didn't care too much at the moment, and sternly yelled at Gu Li who was going to ignore Ye Lan and walked by: "Gu Li, stop! "

Ye Lan's eyes widened slightly, and she thought to herself: Good brother!
So good at assisting.

Gu Li obviously didn't intend to pay attention to him, but after being scolded by Zhang Shi, he also stopped. After standing there for a while, he turned around and walked over here.

Zhang Shi watched Gu Li slowly approaching, the aura that was originally full in his heart dissipated a lot for no reason, and he was very reluctant to meet her eyes.

Ye Lan knew that it would be unfair for Zhang Shi to face Gu Li alone at this time, so she was about to stand up with her back against the tree root.

Zhang Shi noticed his movement and helped him to stand up slowly.

Gu Li came to Ye Lan and said lightly, "What are you doing?"

"No, it's nothing..." Ye Lan whispered, with a weak cry remaining.

Hearing this, Gu Li frowned again, she could see what happened to Ye Lan, but she didn't have time to meddle in other things.

Still the same as the last time we met, disgustingly cowardly.

Just as Gu Li was about to leave, her last glance fell on Ye Lan's neck, which was mostly exposed. There was a mixture of green and red, like a woman showing off the mark left on purpose, it was indescribably dazzling.

Gu Li's eyes became violent almost instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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