Chapter 131 Courtier

In the residence of the Royal Knights, Lothar, who had completed a series of tedious rituals and officially became the Earl of Transjordan, finally found time to interrogate his captives.

"Julia Ethan."

Lothar asked: "I seem to have seen you before? You watched the duel between Belian and Baron Guy, right?"

Julia replied with some trepidation: "Yes, I was standing on the steps below Princess Sibilla at that time. I was the wife of Baron Hernus of Hebron. After the baron died in battle, his territory Both the title and title shall be inherited by me."

Lothar knew that Honus was the former Earl Leonard, a subordinate vassal in the territory of the current Earl Lothar, who owned a castle and the jurisdiction of several villages.

Lothar asked: "Did Baron Henus really die in battle?"

An unnatural look flashed across Julia's face: "No, I killed him. If he was alive, it would be very difficult for me to hide the secret that I am a vampire."

She glanced at the crowd onlookers, and added: "I was specially selected to hook up with a baron who has no heir."

Losa nodded and said: "It's honest, from now on, in the name of your lord, the Earl of Transjordan, I will take back your fief in Henus. And your unlucky accomplice, who is she?" Poor lord's wife?"

Julia opened her mouth and sighed softly: "She is the widow of Baron Malfoy. In addition to a castle, she also owns several manors and shops in Hebron."

"It's really the same routine."

The word widow can explain everything.

"Your behind-the-scenes messenger is Lady Stephanie, but I don't understand, what price did she pay to invite you two vampires to attack me?"

Julia bit her plump red lips with a sad face: "She has the secret that we are vampires. If we don't do things for her, she will publicize our identity."

"Are you afraid of her threats?"

"We are reluctant to let go of this hard-won human aristocratic status."

Lothar sneered: "It's really hard work."

Julia dejectedly said, "My lord, you have asked so many questions, and I also want to ask you a question. I want to know, how can a mere human get the allegiance of so many extraordinary people?"

Lothar sneered and said, "If it wasn't for your use, I'm just a human being, and I've already sent you to see Heavenly Father."

"Be respectful to the adults!"

Fringira said proudly.

Julia suddenly seemed to have received an electric shock, her body convulsed, and she screamed: "Your Highness, Your Highness, stop quickly, I know I was wrong."

With the blood curse of Fringila specially controlling the lower-level vampires in her body, Julia's life and death now depend on her one thought.

Although the blood races in the world of "Yesterday's Giant Ship" are not exactly the same as the blood races in this world, they also have something in common. Only a little modification is needed to produce the same effect.

The reason why Julia was kept was because, as a local lord of Hebron, she was far more aware of the situation here than Lothar, an outsider.

He wants to abolish the tax system, take back the decentralized power from them, and naturally there is a place for her.

Although the tax package system can collect taxes and put less pressure on administrative resources, Lothar would rather take back their land and power and delegate them to system soldiers who are absolutely loyal to him.

I also don't want them to collect fifty taxes from the people in their own name, but only pay ten to themselves.

Doesn't this mean that "the common people's money will be split in threes and sevens, and the rich gentry's money will be returned in full"?
"You go back."

Lothar waved his hand. He didn't care about the beautiful appearance of the vampire in front of him, and he also confiscated it as a confidant's plan. After using it, if there is meritorious service, he will give her a way to survive, and if not, he will simply dispose of it.

"Hans, bring Ryan, Model, Ulm and Andreas in, I have something to explain."

These four confidants who had followed Lothar for a long time walked into the hall with some trepidation.

"Sir, what are you looking for from us?"

"You have served me for a long time, and you have made a lot of meritorious deeds. Thanks to His Majesty, I was granted the title of Earl of Transjordan. The fiefdom has been expanded by no less than ten times, and I still need to manage many lower-level vassals. So, next, I will be in the Hebron opened up his own court, and there are many vacant court seats, and I can trust you most."

The four were pleasantly surprised.

Although they are loyal, it doesn't mean that they don't have emotions and desires. The only thing they don't lack is wine, sex and wealth. It's just that when these conflict with "loyalty", they will choose loyalty without hesitation.

Lothar got up, drew out his armed sword and put it on Ryan's shoulder: "Ryan, in the name of the Earl of Jordan, I appoint you as the head of the stable in my court, responsible for purchasing and cultivating high-quality war horses."

Ryan said in surprise: "Thank you for your gift."

Lothar smiled and advised: "War horses are the foundation of the army. Your responsibilities are very important and you must not slack off."

He walked to Model who was on the side again: "Model, I appointed you as the sheriff of Hebron to lead the city defense force and be responsible for maintaining the law and order of Hebron."

"I ask you, not only to protect the rights of Christians, but also to a certain extent the rights of pagans," he stressed.

It cannot be treated equally, because if so, how can anyone be willing to transfer?
Model respectfully said: "Yes, my lord."

"Andreas, I want you to be the court dress maker. In addition to making all the clothes and clothing in the court, you will also be in charge of the purchase, storage and maintenance of ordnance and armor."

Andreas gritted his teeth. He resisted the dizziness caused by the surprise in his head, and said gratefully, "Thank you, sir."

From a servant of a knight to a court dressmaker with the title of knight, this is almost the limit of what a commoner can do in his life.

Finally, there is Ulm.

The young man's face was both apprehensive and excited, and his freckled cheeks were flushed.

Lothar smiled and said: "Ulm, as the chief hussar, your bravery and wisdom have been recognized by me. Next, I will appoint you as the patrol officer of Hebron and lead the cavalry to patrol the territory. , attack the robbers blocking the way, and be responsible for supervising my subordinate lords, whether there are any acts of transgression or blasphemy."

The four of them forcibly suppressed the surprise in their hearts, and knelt down to thank each other.

In fact, there are countless positions for courtiers. Hunting officer, herald officer, engineering officer, Lothar can fabricate an official position at any time and give it to his subordinates as long as he thinks about it.

But his court has only just been established, and he doesn't want to cram in a bunch of people now, making it full.

"Hans, during this time, you have to stay in Jerusalem and take charge of the military affairs of the Knights for me—I know you can do a good job, and you have proved this before."

Hans said helplessly: "My lord, your will is the creed I practice."

Lothar patted him on the shoulder: "By the way, remember to take care of Uldin more. I know you two won't get along, but the Saint Lazarus Redemption Order means a lot to me."

Hans nodded heavily.

Lothar looked at Jeanna again: "Ms. Jeanne Dalk, I appoint you as the Chief Knight of Hebron, with Hernusburg as your fief, and in charge of all cavalry."

Jeanna came to Lothar, knelt down on one knee, and said with a smile, "My lord, your vision is not bad. I guarantee that my ability to lead the cavalry will exceed your expectations."

Julia had a look of resentment on her face.

It was originally her territory, but it was given away after changing hands, even in front of her face, this is simply too much!
Lothar raised his face and said seriously: "Next, call all the ax guards and hussars, and we will set off immediately to Hebron!"


The crowd responded in unison.


Before leaving, Lothar was at the residence of the Royal Knights, and saw Uldin holding a Bible wrapped in chains, preaching loudly to the crowd.

Most of the people who listened to the teaching were civilian pilgrims and low-level clergymen. Most of them looked blank and didn't understand what Uldin was talking about.

Lothar sighed lightly.

The development of the Order of the Redemption of St. Lazarus, even with the support of Baldwin IV, is still not smooth sailing.

People's inherent ideas and low literacy rate are all stumbling blocks for Uldin to teach them first aid knowledge in the field, and this knowledge must be proved useful in wartime.

"But how to solve these difficulties can only depend on Uldin himself. All I can do is to provide him with a strong backing and support."

Lothar rode on his horse and was about to leave.

Suddenly, he felt something in his heart, and he subconsciously looked back at the towering castle.

It happened that Baldwin IV was standing on the balcony with a gentle smile on his face.

Lothar felt a warm feeling in his heart. He raised his hand, drew a sign of the cross in front of him, nodded his head lightly, and then left with the hussars.

Jerusalem is only forty kilometers away from Hebron.

The march of the small group is also much faster than the march of the army.

In the afternoon, the group drove into the city of Hebron.

Under the towering and solid city wall, Lothar raised his head, looked at the green eagle flag still hanging on the tower of the city wall, and couldn't help laughing: "Probably the people belonging to Leonard in this city haven't evacuated yet."

As soon as the convoy with the double-headed eagle flag entered the city, it attracted a crowd of onlookers. In this city, Zoroastrians accounted for nearly half.

Counting the Jews, the number of pagans has exceeded two-thirds, and only one-third are Christians.

A group of people went straight to the Lord's Hall in the center of the city.

This is also a towering castle, and Leonard has invested a lot of money in repairing it over the years. Although it is not as good as the front-line castle of Kaleburg, it is still a strong city.

After Lothar issued the vassal contract granted to him by Baldwin IV in Ulm, he occupied the castle without encountering any resistance.

"Ulm, ask Leonard to send the guards here, the sheriff, etc. In short, those who can manage things should immediately count Leonard's private property and vacate them as soon as possible."

Ulm immediately took command.

Enter the Lord's Hall.

Lothar did not immediately summon the vassals under his command, announcing that he had assumed the post of Earl of Transjordan and Lord of Hebron.

Instead, he ordered Model to lead the Varangian guards, immediately take over Hebron's security forces, and select a hundred elites from them to come to see him.

Lothar intends to transfer them to the "Retaining Veterans Brigade" immediately. The full loyalty granted by the system will allow Lothar to obtain a hundred pairs of loyal and reliable eyes to monitor the entire Hebron for him.

This is even more reliable than the Jinyiwei that the emperors of the Ming Dynasty painstakingly cultivated, because they themselves have various identities and constant loyalty.

The name of the Remaining Veterans Brigade originated from the ancient empire, those veterans who had experienced many battles and made enough meritorious deeds. After retiring from the army, they were granted land and served as town surveillance troops in rural areas.

They are equivalent to the army of the knight class, with permanent property and their own armor, weapons, and even war horses.

The identity of the town surveillance force is just a job to make them live their lives.

Once needed, they will take up weapons and step on the battlefield again at any time, and become the backbone of an army-the Ruoxi Empire still retains the old military system, and can gather a group of "remaining veterans" and will not perish in the Under the iron heel of the barbarians and the Huns.

The reason why Lothar was so anxious to form an elite standing army of his own was because of the local nobles of Hebron, those barons and knights, who had been operating here for a long time, and their power was deeply rooted.

If there is not enough military power, even if he has the legal right to rule, the noble earl will be emptied by the joint efforts of his vassals.

Since Lothar does not want to continue the tax subsidy system that has been maintained in this land for countless years, it is foreseeable that the resistance he faces is also extremely amazing.

Therefore, he must at least be the first to win.

One hundred elite armored infantry could not deter Xiaoxiao.

But if he only led the hussars and the Varangian guards, even if he added the armored sergeants drawn from Jogrysburg, there were only a hundred or so people, he would be even more underestimated.

After the correction of the times, the equipment of the remaining veterans brigade was adjusted to a full set of chain mail shirts, a short sword, a large square shield, and three heavy javelins.

When Lothar saw that among the remaining veterans who had received new equipment, one was holding a golden eagle emblem and wearing a bearskin cloak. The general illusion of standing up.

Changing classes will not improve the physical fitness of soldiers.

But compared to the new equipment received by the remaining veterans, the rich combat experience they have survived after countless battles is the greatest wealth.

In the blink of an eye, there were a hundred more elite and battle-tested heavy infantrymen under his command.

Moreover, they are also closely involved with various forces in this city.

No one could have imagined that the people who should have stood on the same front with them would become Lothar's most loyal supporters in an instant.

At this time, Lothar was able to dispatch servants in a leisurely manner, preparing to purchase sufficient ingredients and drinks for a grand banquet.

Announce the news that he has arrived to all the vassals directly under him, including some local pagan tyrants.

These vassals are of course limited to knights and barons attached to Hebron, such as the dead husbands of the two vampire widows.

Further aristocrats like Tafila, Seiler, and Baron Ma'anbao are not within the scope of the invitation. It will take at least three or four days for them to arrive.

After a while, he will call the rest of the far-distance vassals to the banquet, including Leonard. Of course, if he is unwilling to come, Lothar will add a handle.

As for when he wants to attack, it's up to him.

At least before taking full control of Hebron, he has no plans to attack Leonard.

(End of this chapter)

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