People in the Middle Ages, draw cards to get promoted

Chapter 183 Great Victory and Pursuit

Chapter 183 Great Victory and Pursuit
Outside the city, in the messy siege camp.

Tariq, who was about to gather the rout, organize the army to put out the fire, and rescue the luggage, was shocked to see that the closed gate of the city of Alandele was opened again.

Iron hooves, like drumbeats, stepped on his heart.

Those armored knights with iron masks, even their mounts covered with scales or chain armor, silently raised their lances with square flags of various colors.

Led by the female knight at the head, she once again rushed out of the gate of Alandele City with overwhelming force.

The hussars followed behind the commanding knights, each holding a three-meter-long hollow lance, and the feathers behind them whistled as they passed the air at high speed.

They are not dressed in horses and horses like the imperial knights. As "light heavy cavalry", they have both impact and mobility, and their professional positioning is more like the hussars of the Magyars.

It also caused their defensive power to be inferior to the previous ones, and the order knights equipped with full-cover plate armor were terrifying.

Therefore, they followed behind these order knights like iron cans, and used them to resist the enemy's arrow rain.

Smoke billows.

The panicked Saracens didn't know how many "cross-wearing demons" rushed out of the city.

The Saracen camp, which had just restored a little order, once again seemed to have been dropped by a heavy bomb, and the farmers and soldiers carrying water cans to fight the fire dispersed in a hurry.

Without the slightest hesitation, Tariq led hundreds of Mamluk Imperial Guards and approached his brother-in-law.

"Tariq, what are you still doing, don't hurry up and stop those Frankish cavalry!"

Tariq shouted: "Zyn, we have lost, there is no room for a comeback, we must evacuate the camp immediately."

Zayn's straightened spine seemed to be drained of strength all of a sudden.

Only one-sixth of the army under his command is cavalry, and more than half of them are light cavalry recruited from various tribes. The elite of the headquarters are only [-] armored infantry and [-] Mamluk guards.

In addition, he also borrowed [-] armored infantry from his brothers, and [-] light infantry who are good at using bows and arrows, slings and spears.

Once you choose to retreat, it means that you must give up all the infantry under your command.

This made his heart, which was so painful that it wanted to bleed, was about to shatter into glass shards at this moment.

Tariq spoke very quickly and advised: "Zane, retreat with the Mamluk guards, abandon Aila Port to join your brother, you are still a prince. But if you lose the Mamluk guards, You're not even worth a copper coin."

Zahn's heart was shaken, and he opened his mouth with some difficulty.

"Okay, just do as you say!"

"Those Saracen cavalry must retreat!"

Jeanna let out a hearty laugh: "It's so simple!"

She took off her helmet, her long golden hair fluttering in the wind, her hoarse voice echoed in the ears of the knights: "Husbands, stop them!"

Behind him, the city gate opened again.

The Varangian guards wearing chain armor helmets and spine helmets, covered with heavy black chain armor and white robes for sunshade, made them look very different from their counterparts in the Eastern Empire.

At this moment, they were taking heavy steps, like a group of tigers, charging towards the Saracens camp with double-edged axes.

Behind them are the peasants and soldiers lined up loosely, their faces full of fanaticism.

They saw it clearly on the city wall, and in their hearts, they couldn't help feeling a deep contempt for these rabble-like Saracen soldiers.

Now, the morale is high, and I can't wait to rush to the battlefield to rob and fight.

In fact, they are just a bunch of rabble.

Just half a month of queue training can't transform them into an elite team.

However, relying on the advantages of equipment and morale, and the fierce men like the Varangian Guards in the front, the opponent is still a group of defeated troops who have lost their morale and have no organization at all.

In this battle, there is no suspense at all.

The city of Alandele is now an empty city.

If another army is launched at this time to attack the unguarded Alandele, or the pagan powerhouses in the city that Lothar has not had time to deal with rebel, perhaps the outcome of this battle will change again.

But there are no ifs in this world.

In the city, some of the pagan tyrants who had escaped by chance had just shown their rebellious intentions when they saw the cold light on the face of the farm laborer whose family had just been allocated land.

Bundling of interests is always the only way to ensure the loyalty of subjects.

Mamluk cavalry wearing pitch-black scale armor, carrying bows and spears, were galloping in the wilderness, guarding Zayn and Tariq.

"Tariq, they're coming!"


Billows of smoke and dust are getting closer.

Zahn looked back, his face suddenly turned pale, and before he knew it, those strange cavalrymen with feather ornaments on their backs had surrounded him from both sides.

The distance between the two sides is rapidly narrowing.

At this time, the ordered knights fell behind the hussars. The heavier equipment made them more suitable for attacking the enemy rather than chasing and fleeing.

"I'm going to stop them."

Tariq took a deep look at his brother-in-law: "Be nice to my sister, Zayn."

Zahn's heart ached.

Solemnly said: "I swear in the name of the holy fire, if I marry any other wife besides your sister, I will immediately fall into the boundless fire hell and be forged forever."

Tariq stroked his shoulder with his palm, and without saying a word, he led a team of personal guards to meet the enemy.

His personal guards, halfway through the rush, divided into two teams under his order, one left and one right stopped the hussars who outflanked them.

Smoke billows.

Zayn could only hear a violent collision, shouts of killing, and the screams gradually faded away, and he could no longer see anything clearly.

After a while.

In the smoke and dust, a pair of wings resembling the wings of a blood-stained swan emerged first.

Those hussars who looked like demons charged out again, soaked in blood.

Zahn's heart dropped suddenly.

Although the personal guards under Tariq's command were completely lost in the defense battle of Alandele and reorganized later, they can be regarded as elite.

Can't even stop the enemy for such a short time?

Lothar didn't know where the battle had progressed in Alandele, who was hundreds of miles away.

But he was well aware of Jeanne's level of command.

It's hard to imagine that an uneducated country girl who has never commanded an army before has such abilities.

The legend of her experience really gave rise to the idea that unless she was enlightened by God, how could there be such a person in this world.

At the banquet, drinking wine with many nobles and knights, and occasionally watching Lothar in Gwent's game, never worried that Jeanna would lose at all.

"Lothar, I'll have a drink with you."

Otto approached with a drunken glass, holding a glass.

Lothar couldn't help frowning: "This is a social banquet. It will be good for you to get to know more nobles who came for pilgrimage. Why did you really drink it?"

Otto hugged Lothar's shoulders, with mixed feelings in his heart: "Lothar, I really envy you."

Seeing that he was very drunk, Lothar couldn't help being speechless.

"There are too many people who envy me."

Otto let out a long sigh: "You have changed so much, sometimes I really doubt that you are still the same stupid brother who studied Gaul with Father Thetus with me."

Lothar said without changing his face: "What stupid things are you talking about?"

Otto said with tears: "Lothar, how did you become so good? Everyone compares me to you. I'm really happy for you—but I'm also really jealous of you."

Lothar patted him on the shoulder: "I understand."

It is only human nature to be afraid of the suffering of the brother, and also afraid of the brother breaking the road.

(End of this chapter)

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