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Chapter 130 It's You Again! 9 snakes!

Chapter 130 It's You Again!Hydra! (twenty three)

How Wick's impression of himself changes, Anxi doesn't have mind-reading skills, so he doesn't know, but he can guess roughly.

But what does that matter?

Anxi felt that he had done his best. Based on Wick's face, Anxi at least contacted him with a neutral and friendly attitude, but Wick did not accept Anxi's cooperation proposal.

In this way, Wick is a complete passerby to Anxi.

So Anxi grabs his mission target, captures Ashraf alive, and has no problem at all with taking both sides and raising the price.

Mainly, Anxi himself thinks this is quite interesting. The killer needs to do his best to find information in order to kill and complete the task, and the murdered person also needs to do his best to find the same information in order to survive. It should be the role relationship between the perpetrator and the victim. Suddenly it becomes a competitive relationship, and Anxi is the only character who can make money without losing money.

"Great, come on, let's talk in another place. This place is really dirty and noisy, and there is an inexplicable smell of blood." Anxi sniffled, looking quite disgusted.

"Isn't this a good thing you did?" Wick and Ashraf thought at the same time.

But none of them said it outright... One didn't dare, the other didn't want to.

"My lord, I just met the owner of the bar here, and I can arrange the best box, the best wine, and the most beautiful woman!" Ashraf flattered.

"Although I'm not afraid that your subordinates will come to you, but there are too many flies, it is a disgusting thing after all, so don't think about playing with your cleverness." Anxi glanced at Ashraf, feeling that he seemed Trying to challenge my IQ.

Originally, he wanted to punish him, but Anxi thought about it and was too lazy to do it. Anyway, Ashraf was already a dead man in his eyes. In any case, his end was doomed to death. What's there to say about the lackeys from other countries?Pure Afghan traitor!

Anxi decided to wait until he was done using him before selling it to Wick for a... what?Previous agreement?Is there such a thing?
Anxi has a bad memory and can't remember. If he doesn't remember, he doesn't exist. Therefore, he didn't violate the contract. Anxi is still the good person who kept his promise.

"I suppose you know of places that aren't so bothered by flies, don't you, Wick?"

"Of course." Wick nodded. For some reason, he still felt that Anxi was a good person. Even when the mission target was robbed and he was asked to do things in turn, he could communicate well with Anxi... Day!why?

Wick was a little skeptical of life, and for the first time felt that there was something wrong with his brain.

Anxi glanced at the reflection of the glass mirror, and began to worry about whether things like human entry entries would be scrapped due to overwork. There shouldn't be such a possibility... right?

The process of transferring the location was not a thrilling one. Ashraf seemed to have a strong control over his subordinates, and there was no one who would compete with him for power. This came quickly from his subordinates, but at the request of Ashraf You can tell that you don't dare to approach or make any demands or threats at all.

Therefore, along the way, Anxi, Wick, and Ashraf were all surrounded by a group of militants. In a sense, these people can even be said to have become bodyguards, achieving the effect of clearing the field and letting them The journey was extremely smooth.

Before arriving at a hotel, Wick stopped the car and signaled that Anxi was there.

"The Continental Hotel is also opened here?" Anxi asked curiously. He had the impression that the Continental Hotel was quite high-end, and it was only opened in the capitals or important cities of those big countries.

"This is not the Continental Hotel, but a branch of the Continental Hotel." Wick explained, "It provides a news channel and a residence. The only disadvantage is that it does not have as high a level of security as the real Continental Hotel...Of course, it is still better than ordinary hotels. The hotel is much safer.”

"I understand, is Continental Hotel engaged in franchising?" Anxi raised his eyebrows, "Look for a powerful force to cooperate, so as to expand the business scope, and only need to maintain the basic business scope instead of such strict rules. This attracts more killers to join, spend... and get dividends every month? What a great idea!"

"...Yes, what you said should be right." Wick thought for a while, and it seemed that this was really the case.

Anxi felt that he already vaguely understood why the Continental Hotel still exists in this world and has developed so well. Based on the difference in the world's power structure, the Continental Hotel in this world is not at all going to "rather shortage than excess and develop high-end". line, but a "top to bottom, I want it all" model.

Firstly, the High Table Council, which is composed of chaebols and big families from various countries, possesses sufficient power and capital to occupy a high-end market, and then connects the families and powers of various medium and small countries through franchise chains. Thus reaching a community of interests that spans the entire world!A truly underground dynasty!
It is conceivable that the business scope of the high table is based on the killer, but it is not limited to the killer, but moves closer to all directions...

Then the question arises, what proportion of Hydra accounted for it?
No, this is driven by Hydra!

Anxi suddenly realized that if Hydra had been involved in the entire process of creation, support, and development in the high table, everything would be much more reasonable. In terms of attributes, it is definitely possible!

Strictly speaking, this is a groundless association, but Anxi has a hunch that this is the truth... Otherwise, there is no way to explain that there is no country or organization that wants to touch the behemoth of the High Table. The only explanation is that the High Table belongs to them. ...and Hydra is known to be ubiquitous in these countries.

Anxi was thoughtful, and he felt that he could use this to do something... Specifically, Anxi has not yet determined exactly which aspects. Although his brain power has indeed been greatly improved now, things like inspiration are just It's just a matter of luck.

The decoration of the hotel is very luxurious, there are a lot of guys who don't seem to be messed with walking in the lobby, but it doesn't matter, because they are not easy to mess with, and they are not as easy to mess with as Wick, Killer Daredevil, Baba Yaga , is widely spread in the entire killer world, and belongs to the top bosses in the industry... And these titles were all killed by Wick one by one. According to legend, there are mountains of corpses and seas of blood!
No one dared to challenge the legendary killer. Wick asked for a secret room, the three sat down, and Anxi took out an A4 paper.

"This is the person I'm looking for."

Ashraf and Wick carefully watched the portrait drawn on the A4 paper, and then... the atmosphere in the secret room fell into dead silence.

Visible to the naked eye, there were big beads of sweat on Ashraf's forehead, and he was extremely nervous.

"This..." After hesitating for a long time, Wick spoke.

He stretched out his hand and pointed to the portrait on the A4 paper.

"Is it... a stickman?"

(End of this chapter)

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