I can modify the entry

Chapter 79 What?Was brushed without injury? Beg for the first order!

Chapter 79 What?Was brushed without injury? (410) Beg for the first order!

some time ago.

Bourne deliberately kept the distance between him and Ethan at a level that was neither too far nor too close.

If it is too far away, the opponent may give up chasing, if it is too close, it may be dangerous, just like pulling monsters in the game, if it is too close, it will be attacked by the monster, and if it is too far away, it will lose the hatred value.

Of course, the danger when getting close refers to Ethan, Anna, and Bond. If they attack and it is unavoidable, Bourne will have to fight back. By then, Bourne may not be able to guarantee himself don't fight back...

Maybe the former Bourne was only on par with these people in terms of agent quality, or even not enough to fight against, but after strengthening, Bourne is absolutely crushing if he is not careless!
Of course, this must also be based on the premise that Bond doesn't suddenly pull out some high-tech equipment, and Ethan doesn't suddenly attack from an "impossible" angle. As for Anna... Anna is fine.

Although there is an independent movie and she is also the protagonist, but as we all know, the champion AD also has a gap. Except for the supermodel figure, there is nothing particularly eye-catching - after all, there is nothing to introduce even the entries of the characters, and there is no water.

Bourne shuttled through the crowd. With his stealth skills, he should have been undetectable in the chaotic crowd of the parade, but those who chased him were not ordinary people. Everyone was a thousand-year-old fox, so they would naturally be able to follow him steadily superior!

In a panic, Bourne walked into the alley, and after a few shuttles, he entered a small four-story building.

Ethan, who had the best physical strength, was the first to catch up, and followed straight in while taking out a pistol from his waist for security.

The door leading to the upper corridor shook slightly. Ethan was about to chase there, but his eyes noticed a small inconspicuous trace on the corner of the stairs, and white powder scattered on the ground.

The traces are in the direction of the basement.

After a moment of hesitation, Ethan cautiously probed down.

Outside, Bond and Anna, who did not know where to change a pair of flat shoes, arrived almost at the same time.

"Ladies first." Bond parked his bicycle aside and continued to show his gentlemanly demeanor.

"Hmph." Anna snorted coldly, "You go first."

"Bang!" The obvious gunshots came, and they didn't stop at once, but... more intense and frequent, and it was obvious that there were more than two kinds of gunshots.

The two looked at each other, and now it didn't matter who came first, and rushed inside at the same time.

The gunshot came from the direction of the basement, and the two of them rushed straight to the direction of the basement. However, to their surprise, the place below was not a dark, black-dressed small space. Behind the secret door that was opened is a secret passage that has obviously undergone a lot of expensive renovations!
This is obviously not something that should be in an ordinary residence, not to mention that there are two gun-wielding corpses that are still warm and bleeding in the secret passage.

Could it be what they were looking for, the stronghold of that organization?
The two realized this at the same time, and Anna took the lead in rushing forward: "Ladies first!"

"..." Bond didn't regret it, grabbed a corpse and dragged it to the entrance of the secret passage to block the door, preventing it from closing automatically, and then took small steps forward.

For some reason, he always felt that there was something strange about it, but he couldn't figure it out for a while.

The underground stronghold is large, and the structure is intricate.

It's hard to imagine how such a large stronghold can be maintained without being discovered, but for Ethan, he doesn't need to think about it.

After he found the secret door and was attacked by the guards in the secret passage first, and he killed them with his backhand, he knew that he probably found the right place.

Ethan leaned against the cover, waiting for the opponent's firepower to stagnate... Then, he heard a shout from behind him.

"Step aside!"

Ethan subconsciously pressed his body against the wall, looking in the direction he came from, and saw Anna lying on her back with a big stride and splits, her tall and slender body slid to the side on the ground, and the moment she slid past the door, she shot one after another with precise precision rapid fire!

The enemy never thought that someone could attack them in this way... The original violent gunshots have been reduced by more than half!
"Why don't you suppress them?" Anna shouted after rowing over.

"..." Ethan was helpless, could this be something he could suppress if he wanted to?

Anna condescendingly rolled her eyes.

"You don't just have a gun with you, do you?" Bond walked slowly, took off the watch, pulled out the knob, twisted it three times, and swung it in.

"Cover your ears and close your eyes!"

The violent white light and explosions that can be felt even if you close your eyes and cover your ears flashed, the gunshots stopped completely, and the wailing sounded one after another!

Ethan and Anna also reacted immediately, and rushed in with Bond.

Without too much words, they reached a temporary cooperative relationship.

Under the combined attack of the three, the underground stronghold was finally wiped out, but they were unscathed!


"What does it mean that a stronghold has been killed? Please explain it clearly to me!" Noelle, with a pale face, grabbed the secretary's shoulders with both hands and shook, and roared angrily.

"It's just... the group of agents did not know how to grasp the exact location of the secret stronghold, so they just forced their way in. After a fierce battle, our people failed to kill them, but were all killed!" Secretary Say.

"Idiot, why are you talking about such a thing in such detail? Is it an honor? Believe it or not, I'll kill you useless guy!" Noelle became more and more furious.


If you want to kill me and replace me with a female secretary, just say so!
Noelle didn't have the time to worry about the secretary's reaction, he couldn't believe the absurd mood occupied his brain.

Just now, just now, in front of his immediate boss, Ophelia, he swore to promise that the CIA and MI6 ace agents are just a bunch of idiots, and the Hydra agents will definitely deal with them without any mistakes. It's that secret organization... But now, before the secret organization has a shadow, one of his strongholds has been taken away!

how come?how is this possible!

"Only those agents? How many people in total? Did you kill them?" Noelle forced himself to calm down and asked the secretary.

"There are three people in total, all of whom are the ace agents of those organizations in intelligence, two men and one woman, no... no casualties." The secretary said tremblingly.

"No casualties?!" Noelle's eyes were about to protrude, and he roared in disbelief, almost breaking through the good sound insulation of the office to the outside.

"Are you telling me that there were only three of them, or were they from different organizations, that they found one of my strongholds with ease, wiped them all out, and didn't even get injured? Are you telling me a fairy tale! "

It's like, a game developer has worked hard to make a game that he thinks is extremely difficult. He wants to see the scene where players are tortured in turn under the difficult boss and mechanism, but he is reluctant to give up. The developer enjoys the most Real joy - the smile that goes off the player's face transfers to the developer's!

Then he worked so hard to make a high-difficulty game, which was cleared by the majority of players without injury.

There was a slap in the face!

"Yes... No, no! Sir, that's the truth!" The secretary shook her head repeatedly.

Seeing Noelle's increasingly dangerous eyes, he quickly added, "But at last, an agent activated the self-destruct device, and the intelligence of our organization should not have been leaked!"

"What I want is not 'should'!" Although Noelle, who heard the news, heaved a sigh of relief, he pushed the secretary to the ground, returned to his desk angrily, and began to issue orders.

I thought it was just a few flies that didn't get in the way, but I didn't expect it to be a bumblebee, so I stung him when it came up.

He is going to concentrate his strength and deal with these troublesome guys first!
It is also necessary to use Hydra agents in various organizations to determine whether there is any key information leaked...

(End of this chapter)

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