Chapter 299
There were no accidents in the capital. If the imperial power could not flow unimpeded in the capital, then this emperor should not be an emperor, and the mid-Ming Dynasty was far from that.

In Jiangxi, Mao Yuwen beat several members of the Zhan family to death, and he was impatient.Although the imperial decree does not allow harsh punishments in imperial prisons, this is not an imperial prison.

In the end, when we peeled off the cocoon, we realized that the roots are intertwined, and the mutual connection has become a momentum.

These people have tenants and poor peasants in their own hands. Of course, they don’t want these people to go to sea to find a way to survive; moreover, the imperial court interferes in the maritime trade. After they really come in, who can compete with the imperial court?

Even Mei Kejia and Zhan felt that it was an eyesore, so why would he spread his hands and just listen to the court.

Cutting off someone's money is like killing one's parents. No one will take out the money in their pockets with a smile.

Five hundred Dongchang fans came to Jiangxi. This action was a clear imperial edict to Mao Yuwen.

The leader is a man named Ye Qing.

Mao Yuwen understood after a little thought,
He is the deputy envoy of Jin Yiwei, why didn't he send Jin Yiwei?

Because the Commander of Jin Yiwei was still the murderer of Mu Bin and Zhan Xiushan, the emperor must have noticed it.However, under the restraint of the supervisor of ceremonies, Dongchang has always been loyal to the palace.

So the emperor also believed that it was a critical time.

On the other hand, it is also a kind of dissatisfaction with him.

This is common sense in the officialdom. If you do a good job, no one will be sent from above.Only if you are worried that you can't handle it, you will send more people.

Otherwise why not send these people to Zhejiang and Fujian?
Mao Yuwen touched the knife on his waist, and to be honest, he was a little gritty.

"Boss, it's done!"

What Tian Er handed over was a case file, on which Zhan's fingerprint was pressed.

"Everyone get on their horses!"

There is no way back.

People from the East Factory have come, if he still can't manage.

The emperor will definitely clean him up.

The sky was only slightly bright, and in the courtyard, dozens of torches shone on everyone's faces, and Mao Yuwen's slender eyes also flickered on and off.

"The fact that the Zhan family colluded with the court officials and engaged in smuggling sea trade has been confirmed! His Majesty wants to change the private trade to official trade in the southeast, so as to eliminate the way for these smugglers to steal illegal money secretly! Such a good thing, but The government and the public are scolding, why? Because they want to earn this money for themselves! Even if they open a Shibo department and tell them to do business according to the rules of the court, they are still not happy! Brothers, tell me, as Jinyiwei and Dongchang, what should we do? Do?"


"The son of heaven is close to the army, and the imperial power is granted!" Mao Yuwen repeated this sentence again. These eight words are the capital of Jin Yiwei's arrogance, "Follow me!"

On the other hand, more than ten days later, Wang Sheng and others saw that Mao Yuwen had no movement and was still dreaming. Could it be that this guy checked and found that the palace was involved, so he stopped when he felt that the investigation could not continue.

Unexpectedly, when he was still asleep in the early morning, he was awakened by confusion and screams.

"what happened?"

A young servant from outside ran in scrambling, "Fu Zun, Jin Yiwei is here!"

Wang Sheng really has a headache!
This hairy lunatic, it's fine if you're crazy, don't take me with you!

"Master." The wife who was sleeping next to him was a little worried. She placed her fiery palm on his chest, but it seemed that she couldn't warm his cooling heart.

"It's okay. Bring my official uniform!"

The torches illuminated the mansion's yamen as bright as day.

Mao Yuwen didn't talk nonsense, he just got off his horse and led the way in, "After entering, tie up those who obey, and kill those who resist. You just follow orders and act. Anyone who kills the wrong person will be counted on my head."

Because there are people from Dongchang who may not understand his style.That's why Mao Yuwen added the second half of the sentence.


In front of the big red door, Jin Yiwei knocked loudly and shouted: "Jin Yiwei handles the case! Open the door quickly!"

There was no cover up for such a movement,

Mao Yuwen looked up, and even a dozen birds were startled, circling in the sky not far away.

"Boss, no one is opening the door!"

"Of course no one opened. Who would open the door to welcome Death? Death always enters by himself."


And in the backyard of the yamen,

The servants in front of Wang Sheng were scared out of their wits, "Fu Zun, they broke in!"

"Oh, the movement is slow as hell, don't buckle any more, master do it yourself." Distraught, Wang Sheng even scolded the servant girl, and then he raised his legs and stepped out.

Many people in the house followed behind him and quickly went to the front yard.

On the road, I saw people walking forward with shining steel knives in the pavilions on both sides, as if they were going to surround them.

Wang Sheng yelled at the person in the middle holding the knife, "Mao Yuwen, what are you doing?!"

The swaying flame on the torch danced with the wind, making some sizzling burning sounds.

Mao Yuwen turned around and said calmly, "About someone according to the order."

"Nonsense! Where is the imperial decree?"

"What imperial decree do you want to arrest you, a small fourth-rank magistrate? The Jiangxi case has already been reported to the court. I have said long ago that you will not survive."

Wang Sheng was shocked. Could it be that they have been waiting for news from Beijing for so many days?

"You mean, His Majesty really opened up a big case because of Zhan's smuggling?!"

"It's not Zhan's smuggling, it's Zhan's collaborating with the government to smuggle. None of you can escape." Mao Yuwen gestured to the left and right, "Take it!"

Speaking to this extent, Wang Sheng didn't know how to refute, because if this was the emperor's imperial decree, he actually had no basis or reason to resist.

On the contrary, Fanzi Dongchang was very skillful in his movements, and he tied his hands behind his back with three times, five times and two times.

At this time, Wang Sheng still had some disbelief, "The smuggling by sea trade is carried out in the palace. If we really investigate it, it will be to expose His Majesty's fault. Mao Yuwen, if you act like this, you will definitely not end well."

As soon as Mao Yuwen got on the horse, "When the emissary arrests all of you, you can complain together. After all, there is nothing left but complaints. I have always been surprised that what His Majesty can do, you can do." , Where did this crooked reasoning come from?"

People like Wang Sheng have financial interests with the Zhan family.

So arresting him was not a random arrest.

Afterwards, he led a team to Nanchang Fucheng. None of Jiangxi governor Yuan Zhuang, chief minister Meng Yu, and inspector Zongfu were left behind. All have problems.

Kaihai, at this level, if you don't start a big smuggling case, you won't be able to shake people's hearts.

Among them, there is also a peculiarity, that is, the Commander He Fengwei was not involved, not because he is such a clean and honest official, but because he has a bad relationship with the Zhan family.
Especially since he had conflicts with Zhan Xiushan in the early years, he escaped a catastrophe.

But when the news reached Duke Huai's mansion, that long history fled, and in the end He Fengwei ordered his subordinates to arrest him.

These dozens of prisoners were all tied up and thrown together, the scene was quite spectacular.

It was not the first time we met Mao Yuwen, but He Fengwei was a little apprehensive.

"The old minister was wronged! I want to see Your Majesty! I want to see Your Majesty!"

Mao Yuwen was sitting in the room, and there were people shouting for grievances outside.

He went out to examine this group of people, "Duke Huai was taken to the capital for the decree from the capital. Why do you have any grievances?"

Then he walked in front of Jiangxi governor Yuan Zhuang, "You guys used a fake Xu Shufeng to fool me, thinking I didn't know? They said that I, Mao Yuwen, was from a prison boss, and that's why I saw more of you scumbags. means!"

Hearing that Duke Huai had ended up like this, all the officials, big and small, seemed to have lost hope.It turned out that there was still some cover-up, but it was already crazy at this time.

"Foolish Lord! Faint Lord!"

Mao Yuwen asked, "Who is this person?"

"The long history of Prince Huai's residence, Tan Zheng." He Fengwei replied from the side.

"Oh, I haven't heard of it, let's kill it."

Lao He paused in his heart, he had never seen anything like this before.

Mao Yuwen smiled, "You don't need to do it, I will do it."

This was not a joke, he really drew the knife, and his subordinates really pulled Tan Zheng out of the crowd and pushed him down in front of him.

"Deputy this really the case?" He Fengwei asked with a white face.

"You don't shed tears when you see the coffin. This is what I, the cell leader, learned from you literati." Mao Yuwen really didn't look like a fake, "Look at these people, they are obviously embezzling money with the Zhan family, but they insist on Said that he was wronged. Originally, the imperial court banned the sea. They ignored the imperial court’s order and insisted on smuggling. The word imperial court is made of mud!"

"Then again, even if he has nothing, a little Changshi, the size of a sesame mung bean, dares to insult the Holy Majesty, can this not be killed?"

Yuan Zhuang, Zong Fu and the others also began to tremble in their hearts, saying that this is a lunatic, really terribly crazy!
Tan Zheng was desperate, and shouted: "The emperor is too harsh on the brothers! The business at sea can be done in the palace, but the palace can't do it?! Such meanness and ungratefulness, given time, who else is willing to listen to the imperial court? This is a case of chaos. Lift! So, if it’s not a faint king, what is it?!”

"It's ridiculous that over the years, some people have always said that this is the birth of a Mingjun! What is a Mingjun? Xiaozong respected the emperor, restrained himself and returned to the courtesy, treated others leniently, loved the people like his son, and listened to advice. He couldn't do these things, how dare he say Are you Mingjun yourself?"


Mao Yuwen slashed down with a knife, and the blood spurted out, spilling hot and dirty blood on many people's faces.
And the mouth rolled gurglingly, and rolled in front of Wang Sheng.

He Fengwei turned his head away, he really couldn't bear to watch this scene.

Mao Yuwen calmly took a piece of white cloth from his subordinates, and patiently wiped his beloved knife, "If you plead guilty honestly, you can still get a whole body. As for wanting to live, it is impossible, and the envoy will have to Go to Zhejiang. This time the Zhan family colluded with the government to smuggle the case. If you meet a clan relative, you will deal with the clan relatives, and if you meet a gentry, you will deal with the gentry. From the noble clan down, you can clear the emperor's side, but you must not leave the sea."

These words are really scary.

The emperor is about to roll his head!

Moreover, as soon as the head of Jiangxi fell to the ground, some gentry in Zhejiang were frightened and reacted violently. All the famous Confucian scholars and scholars in Zhejiang began to participate in this vigorous battle to open the sea!

(End of this chapter)

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