In the palace, the two had a happy day,
The happiest place belongs to Meifu.

Although there was a miscarriage last time, but this time it will not be a miscarriage, and both of them will have a miscarriage, right?
But Mrs. Mei was not in a hurry to announce the happy news to Mei Kejia in Hangzhou. The last time she announced the happy news, it was disappointing later. This time she just got pregnant, so it's better to wait and see.

Mei Huaigu had no objection, he agreed.

In fact, Mei Mansion has been very busy recently, Mei Huaigu followed the emperor's suggestion at that time, found a person named Zuo Zonglu in the academy to help him build a six-story building, this person was not very old, in his early twenties.

The academy would ask questions every once in a while, among which the question of mechanics attracted him all of a sudden, and since then he has been delving into the process of why the apple is falling.

Although, even the emperor didn't know what he had researched.

However, Mei's plan to build a six-story building in the capital is indeed somewhat related to the things he studied, and it actually raised a good practical question for him.

Later, Zuo Zonglu went to the Ministry of Industry to find a craftsman who specialized in construction. This person's name was Duan Shirong, who was over 50 years old, so they got together.

In fact, when it comes to building taller buildings, there are ancient references in the Ming Dynasty.

"Zizhi Tongjian" records: In the fourth year of Chuigong (688) in December of Xinhai, Mingtang was completed, named "Vientiane Shrine", with a height of 290 four feet (88 meters).

In other words, during the Tang Dynasty, the royal family built a nearly 90-meter-high building in Luoyang, the capital of God.

So anything is possible.

Of course there is no such thing as structural mechanics at this time.
But based on experience, the ancients knew that if they wanted to build a tall building, one way was to build a very large rammed earth foundation.

To put it bluntly, it is the width of the bottom in order to be stable.

This can be obtained through long-term practice.

The other is the method used in the architecture of the Tang Dynasty: Duzhu.

It is symmetrical on both sides, and a large pillar is added in the middle to stabilize the overall structure.Although people at that time could not use numbers to demonstrate from the mathematical level, at least the Vientiane Palace in the Tang Dynasty was built in this way, and there was no problem.

In fact, the magnificent buildings in ancient times often had many thick columns.That is, people discovered that once a building is built bigger, it needs it to bear the load.

Speaking of which, this matter has actually profoundly affected the destiny of our nation. Think about it, if the ancients did not discover this construction technology...

Without the pillars, how could King Qin walk around the pillars?
Anyway, Mei Huaigu has money, Zuo Zonglu and Duan Shirong provide him with 'technical support', the capital is full of men looking for work, plus, the court's support...

For example, the imperial court was working hard to meet the housing and education needs of these people, and in fact shared the cost of the laborers, so that the workers reduced their living costs and worries about the future.

Under the influence of positive factors from all sides, Mei's six-story boxy wooden high-rise also stood up.

Because a very thick pillar is placed in the middle, it makes it difficult to arrange the interior space, at least not to make people feel very spacious when entering.

Therefore, we had to settle for the next best thing in design, divide the central space into four equal parts, open one door each in the east, west, north and south, and make four front desks to welcome guests at the same time. From the corridor you can find the stairs going up to the second floor.

Seen from the outside, the first floor is the widest, and it gets narrower as it goes up.

Mei Huaigu used this place as an inn.

In addition, because the sixth floor is already higher than the height of the palace, in order to keep the head of the project, the sixth floor is not open to the public.

The remaining five floors are opened up to produce guest rooms of different grades.

And the name of the inn need not be used anymore, the emperor changed it to 'Yue Zhuang'.

Open the door to do business, some people are for the poor, some people are for the rich, Mei Huaigu made such a thing to provide a place to stay for the wealthy businessmen who travel to and from the capital.

In addition to rich businessmen, there are also rich children who went to the capital for scientific examinations.

For this reason, the various facilities inside are not comparable to ordinary simple inns.

However, the capital has been quite crowded recently. Drafts, imperial examinations, good news... All kinds of things have given birth to a very lively autumn and winter season in the first year of Zhengde.

Yuezhuang officially opened for business on October 10th, which was the first day when the examination officially ended, so Yuezhuang was immediately 'occupied' by more than half of the relaxed candidates.

The rest are also ordered by some merchants.

After all, there has never been such a place in the capital.

Like many people, Zhang Cong came here to have a look because he felt it was lively. Anyway, he had finished the exam yesterday, and now he could only wait for the results to be released. If he wanted to continue studying, he didn't have enough calmness.

But when he returned to the Zhejiang Guild Hall, he found that the old man he met that day was still reading.

This made him blush a little and feel ashamed in his heart.

He was thinking not to bother, but when he turned around, he heard a 'bang'.

Followed by hurried steps.

It was Zhang Cong who ran over to help, but the old man's book was not put away and fell all over the floor.

"...Thank you very much, I'll just come by myself."

Zhang Cong said: "It's okay, I'll pick some up for seniors."

"Be careful not to damage the book."

Zhang Cong smiled helplessly, but when he took a closer look, he found that they were all very old, but at the same time very simple books, "Why did the seniors take out these elementary books?"

The old man sat down with his back supported, and explained in a slow voice: "The old man is getting old. After returning to Zhejiang to Zhengde for three years and then going to Beijing for the exam, I don't know if my body can support it. So I thought I should not go back. "

"However, it is not easy to live in Chang'an. Although there is some granary food, you can't just sit and eat. Coincidentally, I heard that the sage is benevolent, and he wants to open a private school among the poor people in the southern city of the capital. The government will distribute the students without the need for training. So the old man thought, Anyway, the test has passed, tomorrow I will go to the private school to find a place."

Zhang Cong understood.

The imperial court did indeed have such a voice,
Because the private school itself is easy to build, everyone now knows that the imperial court has money.

The question is where to find the teacher?

I don't know which smart person gave the emperor an idea, saying that the candidates who failed the exam are the best teachers.

Although they failed the exams, they were also people who had passed the provincial examinations. How difficult would it be to educate some children?

While thinking, I heard the old man sigh again,
"It's just that the old man's body has declined. Not only is it a luxury to be famous on the gold list, but it may not be easy to get into a private school. That's why I prepared these many books, just to convince the people in the government to let me stay."

This is a bit sad to say.

But Zhang Cong can't help him. He is still a duckweed in the world, and he doesn't know where he falls.

But this old man gave him a new feeling.

Perhaps, when the old man was young, he was just like him.

Nothing to rely on, nothing to rely on, the imperial examinations again and again... Zhang Cong was very scared, afraid that he would fail the test again and again, and in the end he might not even be able to enter the private school.

Some people are so proud of their horseshoe disease that they can see all the flowers in Chang'an in one day, but he is the famous Meng Jiao, who is he?

There are also people who are often guests in the autumn of thousands of miles, who have been sick for a hundred years and come to the stage alone, and the world-renowned poet is like this, so what can he do?

This night, it was sleepless again.

He didn't fall into a deep sleep until the sun rose.


In fact, Kui'er didn't rest well last night, her complexion was not good, and her face was slightly haggard.

And she was not good at hiding her thoughts, so the emperor could see it at a glance.

"Folk girl... folk girl..."

"Doctor Kui'er, just say what you have."

"Minister... I want to remind Your Majesty that the two nobles are pregnant, and at this time... they cannot have intercourse."

Zhu Houzhao opened his mouth slightly, looking at Kui'er's innocent side face with his head lowered, a kind of fire arose in his heart, and he asked, "Why?"

Kui'er thought to herself: "...there is another reason for this!"

"Because... because it is recorded in "Guangsi Minutes": After the seed, the man should not go to bed, and can no longer be handed over. Gaiyin Qi moves and leaks out, which will divide his power of nurturing and interfere with his right to conceive."

The girl's family was ashamed after she finished speaking, and she actually discussed this kind of issue with the emperor under the bright and bright world.

"Oh..." Zhu Houzhao looked stunned, but seemed to be a little confused, "However, I did stay overnight last night. I don't know how to count it as a handover, and how not to count it as a handover?"

Kui'er was blindfolded, this is to answer, what kind of behavior is it?
She couldn't help but look up, only to see the emperor's mouth curved into a smirk.She was suddenly shy and couldn't help herself, because at this moment she understood that the emperor knew it, and he was just teasing her.

Thinking back to the question discussed, how could she still be self-sufficient?
In a panic, he kowtowed, then turned his head and left, fleeing in despair.

Instead, Zhu Houzhao was left laughing proudly.

Kui'er was a little annoyed, if it wasn't for the fact that the other party was the emperor, she would have said a few words a long time ago, looking serious, she didn't expect it to be so bad!It made her very ugly and made her feel very uncomfortable.

Xin Hui gave her a glance when she came back.

"What's the matter?"

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