Chapter 434

If you can do it, you can do it, if you can't do it, you can go home and raise it, and you don't force it.The emperor's words somewhat aroused the manly self-esteem in Weiningbo's heart.

According to the decree, after returning to the mansion, he was ready to set off.

But Wang Zhi was really puzzled, she repeatedly confirmed with her second brother, "Your Majesty really urged you?"

"How dare I lie about the words of the Holy Majesty? Besides, His Majesty doesn't seem to care about sending me to do such a difficult thing."

This is strange.

It's obviously a matter of wandering on the blade's edge, maybe it's offended by both sides, why did the emperor still send her as the second brother?
The girl walked sideways to the railing. This is the pavilion in Weiningbo Mansion, with high verandas and a garden full of plum blossoms. She is facing the sun, her skin is white and translucent, the breeze blows, and the blue hair is flying, as beautiful as a picture scroll.

Did the emperor frame Weiningbo on purpose?
Will not.

There is no reason.

Moreover, with the current abilities, taking care of an earl who has lost his foundation is like picking something out of a bag.It will not catch up with the business of the people and animal husbandry, which is related to the people.

Or did the emperor really want to test the second brother?
Wang Zhi shook her head slightly, still unable to figure it out.

On the other side, Wang Xuan was in a hurry to set off again, and she had nothing to do, "Second brother, be careful all the way. In everything, plan first."

"it is good."

Wang Xuan took the imperial decree, and then he will go to the Taipu Temple to hand over to the Taipu Temple Minister Wang Zhen, and because it involves local government affairs, he must go through the local magistrate and county magistrate.

Not only that, because people and animal husbandry are government affairs that the emperor cares about, so it is different from ordinary things.

Basically, the governors of Shuntian and Baoding couldn't get around.

Fortunately, Taipu Temple has been doing this for several years, including the distribution of cattle breeds and granaries, and the inspection and recovery of horses. There are basically rules to follow.It's just that this time, Shuntian Prefecture will withdraw from six counties at once, which will require more work and a greater workload.

Wang Xuan felt that the emperor had urged him, so he didn't dare to delay at all.He took Wang Ting to pay a visit to the governor of Shuntian and the magistrate of Shuntian first, and then went to Gu'an County.

It made Wang Ting very uncomfortable, but Wang Xuan was Wei Ningbo after all, and he had the emperor's imperial decree in his hands. Even if these were not mentioned, many officials in the Ministry of War had received kindness from his grandfather Wang Yue, so they still had to give face.

Along the way, Wang Ting cooperated many times, and when he reached Gu'an County, he couldn't help patting his horse forward and following Wang Xuan's side,
"Weiningbo, we arrived in Gu'an County in a while. The subordinates wanted to call the local magistrate first, read the imperial decree, explained the matter, and then handed over granary food and cattle breeds to them, and asked them to send officials to make a list first, and then contact them. The big households in the local townships will distribute, receive a share of granary food, and take back a horse. If the horse is unqualified, the granary food and cattle will not be given. I wonder if this arrangement is appropriate?"

"Very appropriate." Wang Xuan nodded in response, and asked again: "Then what should I do?"

Wang Xin said, you are the boss and I am the subordinate, what do you want to do, how can I arrange it?
But since people asked this question, he had no choice but to answer, "If Wei Ning Bo doesn't dislike it, why not find a place to live in Gu'an County, and this matter will take a few days."

"If I live, I will stay. I mean, what do I do specifically? We don't just come to Gu'an County to live for a few days, do we?"

Wang Xuan is very serious.Regarding how to serve the emperor, he and his sister have already formed a consensus, that is, to do things wholeheartedly and not to care about other things.

Wang Ting had no choice but to find another way to find something for Wei Ningbo that he could do.

In fact, his purpose is to try his best to hope that Wei Ningbo will take care of these things, because he already knows who this person is after just a simple contact, so the more he is involved, the less smooth things will be.

Who would have thought that this was the first time that Wei Ningbo received an errand from the emperor, and he had to do everything by himself, asking for every detail, and he knew he was stupid, so he was timid.

He was afraid that if he returned to the palace to take up a post in the future, and the emperor asked him that he didn't know anything, and he was not good at lying, wouldn't that be causing trouble for himself?
So from his point of view, it is definitely impossible to just find a place to live.

After doing this for a few days,

Several large households in Gu'an County couldn't take it anymore, and they went to the magistrate of Gu'an County, surnamed Yue Mingcheng, to complain.

In the hidden small room in the backyard of the county government office, they opened their mouths and said, "Tang Zun, if this matter goes on like this, everyone will be picked!"

"Let's just talk about taking back the horses. No matter who speaks, if you pass, you are qualified, and if you fail, you are unqualified. It was almost okay, but now it is almost not enough. What's even more unreasonable is that in the end, the fine is fined on ourselves. The head is coming! Isn't this a joke?!"

The so-called people’s herding means that the imperial court gives the people a horse to raise. If you can’t raise it well, or the pony originally given to you by the imperial court is healthy, but there are problems with raising it for you, will the imperial court have to find you? ?Otherwise, let the pony go, and the common people will sell it to you the next day.

Although the imperial court has abolished the people's herding, it does not mean that the horses are no longer needed or that they do not care about the health of the horses.Even Zhu Houzhao couldn't make this opening, because there are other regions that have not withdrawn. If it is really decided that the horse can be thrown casually, then Daming will lose a huge amount of horses in an instant.

This is not only money, but also military supplies, which cannot be messed around.

But if there are standards for the returned horses, then how to judge whether the horses are qualified, there is a gray space.

County magistrate Yue squinted his eyes, and he spread his hands and smiled bitterly: "Both of you, don't complain anymore. This man was sent from above. What can I do as a small county magistrate? He is holding the banner of Wang Ming." The card is based on the law of the Ming Dynasty, and his posture is covered with golden light, penetrating into every hole! Let's just make do with it, let's talk after passing this level."

"Tang Zun, we have no problem. But there are so many mouths up and down to eat. If we do this, no one will work for us in the future. When the time comes, who will distribute the cattle breeds? It can't be distributed on time, and the horses will take it back if it is not completed. , Is the court not pursuing it?"


Another interjected, "Do you want to find out what this person has to say? Silver, beautiful women, as long as he speaks, let's think of a way."

"That's okay. Some people just have a big appetite, so they do this on purpose."

Yue Zhixian also thought about this question, but he was a little hesitant. It's okay if this kind of thing can be done, but if it can't be done, how can such a stunned young man spare him?

Seeing him hesitate, the two rich men looked at each other and nodded, a stern look flashed in their eyes, and the look on their faces was even more treacherous.
One of them narrowed his eyes, put his fingers together, and said quietly: "Tang Zun, if this fails, you have to turn a blind eye and change the horse."

"How to change?!" Yue Zhixian narrowed his eyes suddenly widening.

How else can this be changed?
Give well-raised ones to your own people, and poorly raised ones to others. The common people are used to being bullied, so what can they do?In this case, it will be easy to do business in front of the imperial envoy.

In case the court fines them, it has nothing to do with them.

Yue Zhixian asked this question, as if he didn't know.

The two big households scolded this guy for pretending to be stupid in their hearts, but the smiles on their faces were ambiguous, "Don't worry, Tang Zun, it's not the first time, nothing will happen. In this way, the imperial envoy can do business, you can do business, We can also take care of things, and the affairs of the imperial court have been successfully completed. It is not certain that Tang Zun will still receive rewards and promotions. Isn’t there a grand court meeting in this capital? I have heard that the magistrates and magistrates are very popular now! "

This is indeed a happy policy.

The only people who will cry and grab the ground are the common people.

Yue Cheng couldn't make up his mind for a while,

He has mainly come into contact with such a person as Wei Ningbo, and it can be said that he has never seen such a determined person in his life.

Therefore, it is also a dilemma whether to 'pull him into the gang' or 'do it without telling him'.When you meet ordinary people, of course you choose the former, but this one... maybe there is no silver 300 taels here, and he will give you a copy at that time.

Hidden from him... Venimer doesn't look very smart.

After weighing left and right, Yue Zhixian had a plan in mind.

But he has been an official in Beizhili for all these years, if he only bullied the people, then it would not be so many years without accidents.

"In case, I mean in case, what if there is civil unrest? What will we do then?"

It is not a skill to only collect money, it is a skill to transfer risks while collecting money!
Three people together.

"Yes! Doesn't this imperial envoy like to talk about the court's laws? Let's help him talk about it, and the whole county knows it! Isn't he going to be merciless and deal with officials? Then how much money should we fine if we stick to this caliber? How much money will be fined, what will happen in the future, he obeyed the imperial court's order, and we obeyed his order, so what's wrong with following the order?"

"It's reasonable. It's a waste to have such a big banner." Yue Cheng nodded with satisfaction, and made up his mind, "Okay, let's do it like this."

Wang Xuan, who grew up in Weiningbo Mansion, didn't know what the real bottom looked like.

What does it mean to have countermeasures at the top and countermeasures at the bottom? What does it mean to cut off people's wealth, such as killing their parents.

To put it bluntly, in the county, sometimes the imperial decree is not as good as a silver ticket.

Early the next morning, Wei Ningbo was led to inspect the horses himself, and officials from the Taipu Temple taught him how to judge the quality of a horse.

When he said a good word, the person behind him would tick the paper;

Horses are very expensive, literally a war horse costs 20 taels of silver.It is also a discount for the little pony to accept this money.

Around this time, too,
Zhengde Emperor Zhu Houzhao changed his clothes under the service of the maids. He was wearing a crown suit, a jade belt around his waist, and a black gauze winged crown on his head. He walked into Fengtian Hall more confidently than ever before.

He has grown his head recently, and the immaturity on his face has gradually faded with age, and his aura has become more mellow and deep since he has been on the throne for a long time, and his eyes have become sharper.Daming ushered in an extremely young and extremely mature emperor.

"The emperor is here!!"

(End of this chapter)

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