Chapter 448

Gu Renyi is not impulsive, but she is a bit stubborn, and most people can't persuade her to do things that she thinks well.

Xie Pi got along with him for a few days, saw him busy in the fields for the livelihood of the people, and felt a sense of identity in his heart.

The so-called meeting each other late is probably this kind of feeling.

Seeing that the left and right couldn't be persuaded, he said: "Brother Yishan (Gu Renyi's character), Chaozhong is already a hot pot at this time. If your memorial is posted like this, it will immediately boil. And if you have to go up , then let me pass it on for you."

Xie Pi is a member of the attendant room and has direct access to the emperor.

This kind of memorial is not passed by the general secretary, but the cabinet, and only the emperor alone reads it.

If it touches the heart of the emperor, then naturally it is the best. If Longyan is displeased, at least the outer court will not know about it, and it will not affect the court situation.

Gu Renyi's face is very serious, and his black face is quite serious. Perhaps it has not been cleaned for a few days. He was originally a scholar and official who was born as a Jinshi, but now he has a beard that has not been cleaned in time, as if he walked out of the field. Big guy.

Hearing Xie Pi's words, he waved his heavy hand, "No! My letter is just to shake the word. If I don't go through the people in the court and become a letter to stay in the middle, what's the use?"

In fact, now Fei Hong brought him into the palace and taught him to be alone, so he understands what Xie Pi said.

It's nothing more than a big matter, even if it is to be played, the least impact is the priority.

But this time, that time,
He witnessed with his own eyes that tens of thousands of ordinary people had no clothing and no food to eat, and he was already extremely anxious.

No matter how good Xie Pi said, he thought it was a lie. How many generations have been talking about the world in the past three generations? What's the use?When the plan is finished, I don't know how many bones will be added.


Xie Pi stood up anxiously, "Have you ever thought about why His Majesty only divides the Huangzhuang and Zhongguan's estates? How do you want Your Majesty to deal with this memorial?"

Gu Renyi did not avoid the sharpness in his eyes, raised his head and replied: "Brother Ruhu (Xie Pi), which one is good to be a loyal minister or a holy king? It's easy to say for the world and for the people. , but there are millions of people living in the world! It is so difficult to fight for a way out for them! If you don’t fight, you will have no chance!”

The spring breeze blows through this dilapidated wind pavilion in the countryside, and there is a flag with the word "tea" flying in the corner of the wind pavilion, but after a long time, the flag is missing two sides, and there are a few holes in the middle. To do everything is a sense of decay.

In the pavilion, the black-skinned man was sitting, and the white-skinned man was standing. They fought for a while, but they were both speechless in the end.

The fate is geometric, like the wind blows.

Not long after, two young officials in gray robes and net scarves walked up the small road in the field. They reported to Gu Renyi and said, "Master Fu, I have roughly checked the situation in these villages." , There are a few fields along the Xiaotuo River, all of which are good and fertile fields, but they cannot be divided or entered, so they are not Huangzhuang."

Gu Renyi looked up and glanced at Xie Pi, and asked, "Whose is it?"

"I don't know. I asked a few times, but it should be that the higher-ups said hello, but they didn't say anything."

"Look, their bones are hard too. They are not afraid, but we are afraid of them?"




According to the results of discussions with the emperor, Wang Jia boarded the door of the British government.

The courtyard of the Duke’s Mansion is full of eaves and flying sky. One enters the entrance, turns the corner and enters again, steps down the steps and steps on the square gray stone pier in the middle of the fake lake, and the clothes grow in the water. The fragrance of red and green flowers and trees finally arrived at the place.

The British princess took the throne, Wang Jialuo took the wrong place, and the servants in the mansion were all holding the tip of the best young tea leaves to flush the water, and the fragrance of tea was filled between their lips and teeth.

The British Duke copied it with both hands, and he was still polite to Wang Jia.

After all, he is an emperor teacher.

"If you have nothing to go to the Three Treasures Hall, Wang Butang is a rare guest in my country's government." The British Duke turned his eyes and smiled, "But Your Majesty..."

"British public, do you know why the sea trade is so profitable?"

"Please teach me."

"My Ming Dynasty is rich in products, and there are many skilled craftsmen. It is a small piece of silk. The price of a piece of silk in the interior is no more than six renminbi, but overseas places are different. It is like Luzon in the East. Five taels of silver for a horse, and those with the highest price have 15 taels of silver for a horse. The benefits of maritime trade spread in the south of the Yangtze River are tenfold, and that’s how it came about.”

The British official had a complex expression, probably because he was shocked by what he heard, but he didn't dare to show too greedy, " can see it. The governor of the department, the governor of the two provinces, the three cities, and the shipping department, Mei remembered the five million taels of silver that was transported to the capital. So, it’s obvious.”

"However, going to sea is no small matter. Even if you are not afraid of high winds and rough waves, you have to scrape together thousands of taels of silver to buy ships and goods. In Fujian, I have seen several people jointly invest and share profits. Get ten thousand taels of silver."

The British Duke felt itchy, "Really?"

Wang Jia continued: "Your Majesty and I also discussed the matter of allowing clan relatives and ministers to go to sea. It stands to reason that if ordinary people can do business at sea, then everyone should be allowed."

"What did His Majesty say?"

Wang Jia squinted his eyes and smiled, he didn't answer these for now.

"Let's just say it straight, British Lord. Your Majesty wants to share a percentage of Meiji's profits. For example, if someone takes a 500% share this year, then the 50 million vehicles will be divided into [-] taels. British Lord is interested? "

It was the first time that this matter was brought up suddenly, and the British public could not immediately tell the good from the bad, so he paused for a while.

Although the current emperor is young, he has a quicker mind than anyone else, and suddenly he split their money, this matter...

"Of course, His Majesty didn't give it away for nothing."

"Want to give money?"

"Out of money. Out of fields."

The British Duke's heart skipped a beat, it turned out to be the same idea.

But the property, it was hard to accumulate over several generations.

And he immediately thought that Tian is there where he is, and he will not fly to other places, but if he changes out and goes to the sea, it will not be in his hands.

He has also been in touch with some business matters.

To be honest, Mei Ji said that the profit was 500 million, so it was 500 million?Did you fill your pockets in the middle?Will it be the last one left to give to the emperor?
It's the same if they go in, and no one is in there, so what happens depends entirely on what others say.

Therefore, the money of Haimao seems to make people feel itchy, but it is not as good as the land to make people feel at ease.

"Wang Butang, but His Majesty asked you to ask?"

Wang Jia said: "You don't have to worry about it. If you want it, say yes, and if you don't want it, say you don't want it."

The British Duke is not that stupid, "If possible, let me think about it."

He didn't dare to refuse directly.

It's okay for Wang Jia, anyway, he doesn't just want to leave this family.

And he is optimistic,
The emperor made this choice on a voluntary basis, but some people in the court were very dissatisfied with the land occupied by the ministers.

Those people, even the emperor can't suppress them from going to the Shu.

This is true.

Gu Renyi's memorials were not the fastest.

Zhu Houzhao's desk has already laid out many complaint memorials,

After all, the emperor's mind is here, and many people speculate on this.

The increasingly obvious situation made many people feel uneasy.

"This is a game at all! How many times has it been since Hongzhi 11 years ago, and it's been like this every time. First it hints, and then it acts both hard and soft. The land is replaced by dry stocks, which one is it? If this is really the case, don't we all To look at the face of that Mei Kejia? How can this be compared to holding your own land. Besides, business has profits and losses, and it is even more difficult to say about maritime affairs. There is also the second half of the sentence, that is to bear the loss together! Our good land, even if there are some natural disasters, we can’t pay much, and we can’t charge more rent, everything is in our own hands!”

The Duke of Baoguo, Zhu Hui, was spitting, and the table was knocked by his old hands. At the end, he said to him vigilantly, "My lord, you are not greedy for the money from the sea trade. Did you agree?"

The British Duke was also very annoyed, he squeezed his eyes and said gloomily, "Oh, I'm thinking about it."

"No! I won't agree anyway, unless there is an imperial decree! Once His Majesty opens his mouth, he will tell all the ministers in the world to be like this, then...then I will also take Qianqing Palace to cry!"

The British Duke looked down on him a little bit, and said to cry at such an old age, he was really promising.

Duke Bao can talk nonsense, but he can't.

After several dynasties, the Duke of England has become a favorite minister, and what he does actually affects many people.

"British lord! Don't hesitate at this time, or we will go to see His Majesty together, and we won't beheaded for this matter! The Lantern Festival banquet in the palace, His Majesty treated us very well. We He didn't do anything against the law of the court."

Scenes like this often happen in the capital.

As for the novelty, it has something to do with the emperor's thoughts, money and land, so of course it has been passed around, and many people will know about it in two or three days.

Also because it is a novelty, many people are waiting and watching.Mei Kejia also asked many people to invite them over, and they said everything.

Anyway, March is generally a bit chaotic and exciting. The fields are dividing land, and the calculations are being made inside the walls and high houses.

But this situation will not drag on like this forever.

Inside the red wall, a young eunuch in a blue robe and black boots was bending over and running in small steps. The afternoon sun reflected his shadow moving quickly on the ground.

He climbed the steps from the side of the marble stairs, and at the end was the entrance of the palace with the three big characters of Qianqing Palace. As soon as he entered the door, someone inside came out to take his things.

"The cabinet says it's urgent."

Liu Jin narrowed her eyes, "Understood, step back."

The old eunuch's face was still facing outwards, his back was straight, his face was full of embarrassment, and when he turned around, he was already smiling with a flattering look in his eyes.

At this time, there are people in the Qianqing Palace, not others, but Dr. Tan and her disciple, Miss Kui'er.The emperor has been a little unwell recently, and sometimes it is unavoidable when the seasons change.

"His Majesty……"

"What's wrong?" Zhu Houzhao looked up at Liu Jin.

"...It shouldn't be said at this time. But His Majesty has explained that the cabinet is urgent again."

"Stop talking, bring it here." Zhu Houzhao turned out his palm.

Doctor Tan didn't say a word, he still signaled his pulse on the other hand.

Liu Jin took a look, and hurriedly bent over, "The slave will open it for His Majesty."

"Your Majesty, the dragon body is important."

There was a clear and clear voice in the room, it wasn't Dr. Tan or anyone else.Zhu Houzhao took a closer look, who is it but Miss Kui'er?
But when he saw it like this, the girl's heart trembled in fright.

"Minister's slip of the tongue, please forgive me, Your Majesty."

"Get up." Zhu Houzhao didn't care, his eyes still fell on the memorial.

In fact, his face didn't change much, but Doctor Tan, who was on the pulse, turned his eyes to the emperor's face,
"Your Majesty, the depression in my heart has been suffocated a lot. If the qi gathers in the internal organs and does not dissipate, even a good person will get sick."

Zhu Houzhao listened to it, he laughed hard, and said a word without meaning, "Dr. Tan, he is indeed a miracle doctor."

After a long time, the emperor who closed his eyes and rested calmly said something.

"Liu Jin, go and arrest the person mentioned above."

One more chapter tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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