eldest son of Ming dynasty

Chapter 456 Bloody Secret Letter

Chapter 456 Bloody Secret Letter

In this world, everyone is trying to find a way to climb up.

Song Heng, the planning department of the capital city, was originally just the head of the sixth grade in the Shaofu. He teamed up with several people to come up with a planning map for the capital, which immediately became very popular in the Shaofu. The emperor also let him control the expansion and development of the capital as a whole. Arrangements for people entering the city.

In the current capital city, no one can start construction of large-scale buildings before the planning department draws up and inspects them at will, otherwise they will be charged with 'disturbing the planning of the capital'.In this way, those noble relatives and wealthy businessmen who want to build their own mansions, who can't sell his face?
After making friends with the upper class, many things in the future can be logical.

Zhang Chi, who was also inconspicuous at first, suddenly entered the group of new officials because he optimized the idea of ​​the emperor's "library building" into a "library garden".

After the new year, Nancheng is bustling with activity, and they are busy with this matter.

The Book Collection Garden collects the world's most wonderful books. After the completion, Zhang Chi's name will also be associated with it. Such a fruit with a long history is picked in his hands.

Another example is Wang Shouren, who came to governor of Shaanxi because of suppressing bandits and preparing for the construction of a naval division.

In a word, one emperor and one courtier.

In times of change, opportunities abound.

For him, the head of the Yu Heng Qing Officials Department of the Ministry of Industry, he naturally put his mind on firearms, whether it was the reconstruction of the Shenji Battalion or the preparation of the Navy.

Whoever makes the firearm can be in the heart of the emperor, and after that, he will be promoted all the way, and no one can stop him.

That's why Gongsun Bei was so concerned, and the person sitting opposite him was someone he had specially recruited from his hometown for this purpose.The man's name was Curtin, and he was out of business.

But businessmen who go to sea will always find some young people with rich experience and strong body.Curtin did it for a living.

Gongsun Bei also accidentally heard from his family members that a fellow countryman did this. After that, he asked him about some overseas affairs. This kind of artillery was also brought back by Curtin.

It is a pity that Wu Wending failed to gain the trust.

Gongsun Bei said: "Let's walk on two legs. I originally wanted to recommend you to Wu Shitai's tent to be responsible for this matter, but now it seems impossible. You can only play by ear when you go to sea. As for In Beijing, I transferred a few craftsmen from the Military Weapons Bureau to make a trial first, and maybe we can make it. Sun Dayan from the Military Weapons Bureau is also eyeing this matter. He is from a family of craftsmen, and I can work with him connect."

Curtin was a little unwilling to give up, "Uncle, I personally can't handle the Franji's gun. Do you want me to try again?"

"You mean Wu Shitai? Do you have a solution?"

Curtin thought for a while and said, "I've seen sea ships go to war, and I'm good at it, so I might as well just be a soldier. Anyway, it's the same job for those bosses."

"Well, that's fine. After making great contributions, uncle will find a way to get you an official position."

"I dare not think about it." Curtin shook his head like a rattle.

"If you dare to think about it, the current world is a good world. As long as you make meritorious service, it will be very easy to be an official."

Wu Wending returned to his residence and waited peacefully for the emperor to summon him.

What he saw in the city that never sleeps fell into his heart. In fact, that Gongsun Bei said that many people in Beijing knew him, which made him have some doubts.

It's not a good thing to be missed by others, and Gongsun Bei should be one of the people who missed him.

As a newcomer, he didn't dare to promise anything easily.

In the afternoon of the second day, the imperial decree really came.

Wu Wending paid great attention to it. He took a shower, changed into a new official uniform, and tidied himself up before entering the palace.

On the way, the leading eunuch was very polite and reminded: "After arriving at Qianqing Palace, sir will wait in the attendant's room for a while, and wait for the people in front to see the end, and someone will come inside to call, and sir will kowtow inside."

"Okay, thank you for your advice."

"It's all as it should be."

The structure of the servant's room is very simple. It is just a room with three rows of six tables, and several brown wooden stools are placed at the door, all of which are reserved for waiting people to sit here.

Now there are only two people left in the attendant room, Jin Gui and Xie Pi.

Wu Wending also knew that these people would have a bright future, so he didn't dare to neglect them.After going to see Li, he sat at the door.

But he didn't know who was in front of him. Wu Wending had waited for a long time but no one came to call him, and he didn't dare to run over to see the forbidden area of ​​the palace. He only occasionally raised his buttocks and stretched his head to look in, but he still didn't see anyone coming out. .

In the end, he was really anxious, so he clasped his fists in front of Jin Gui,
Before he could say anything, Jin Gui seemed to know what he was thinking, and said, "The three elders and the ministers from the Military Aircraft Department are all here, please wait patiently."

Wu Wending heard this, and his mind trembled.

Good guy, so many ministers are discussing things with the emperor, so it must be a big deal.

He was originally only a judge in Changzhou, and he had never been in such a core circle, so he couldn't help becoming more nervous.


"...In addition to Datong, Xuanfu, Guyuan, and Ningxia are all likely to be attacked by the little prince. Dayan Khan's troops are very strong, and his strength is much stronger than that of Huozhai. be spared from the misfortune of war.”

This is what Li Ge said.

The five of them stood in a row, with Zhu Houzhao in the center with his hands behind his back.

And on top of the imperial case was a secret letter stained with blood.

Jinyiwei Beisi has the duty to spy on overseas military situation, this is the latest news that came back.

The imperial court suppressed the regime last year and blocked it this year. The little Tatar prince could no longer bear it.

If you don't grab something, the Tatars don't know how many people and livestock will be killed or injured this winter.

Between life and death, even if you know that you have defended well, you still have to raise your knife to fight.

Zhu Houzhao is not afraid, he has been preparing for this for a long time, but it is a big event after all, and he still has to deal with it well.

"Yang Yingning should know about this matter. Write to Wang Bo'an in Shaanxi as well, and tell him to deal with it carefully. In addition, there must be an explanation for the specific results of the two ten thousand tribes that I did not contact. Under me, there must be a consensus. This battle is that these two Wanhus will fall to Dayan Khan, and we must win. This day will come after all. If he does not come to offend Daming, I will go to find him Him. Since the war is imminent, then food, military pay, horses..."

"Your Majesty." Wang Bing, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, was suddenly surprised.

"What's wrong?"

"The official horse farms renovated and built by the imperial court in recent years are all in Shaanxi."

Zhu Houzhao frowned. Zhou Shangwen guarded Datong, Xuanfu and other places closer to the capital, and further west was Yang Shangyi. He was in front, and Yang Yiqing was in the rear of Guyuan Mansion.It can go further west, that is, Hexi and Ningxia.

Zhu Houzhao had a map in his mind. He knew that there was no Ningxia at this time, and it was under the jurisdiction of Shaanxi at this time.

"You mean they might go and rob the army horses."

Everyone was shocked.

Wang Jia said: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, Wang Bo'an is quite talented in running the army. With him as the governor of Shaanxi, he will think of these things."

"Achievable and achievable are two different things. In any case, we should allocate some military supplies to him, and give him 50 taels of military salary first. In addition, passive defense is not the answer after all. Go to Zhou Shangwen and ask him to use Dayan Khan to commit crimes on the side." Imagine the situation and list the battle plan. We didn’t have cavalry before, so we could only fight inside the Great Wall. Now that we have cavalry, why can’t we fight outside? The Tatars are allowed to come, but they are not allowed to go back. We must find ways to smash their lairs! "

It is already May, and it is not long before autumn and winter are said.The secret letter still has blood on it, maybe Dayan Khan has already set off with his troops.

But this time, Daming is not what it used to be. I dare not say that there are many famous generals and millions of elite soldiers, but at least the soldiers have sufficient food and salaries, and the generals have no constraints from the court.

To put it bluntly, as long as there is no delay, it is absolutely impossible for the Tatars to come and go as freely as walking in a garden.

Wang Jia cupped his hands, "After the cabinet returned, I sent an urgent message to Datong to explain the matter."

"Well, about military supplies, Jiefu,"

Yang Tinghe moved forward, "The minister is here."

"You are responsible for this matter. From tomorrow onwards, you will leave Beijing and patrol the border as the Minister of Military Aircraft to check the food storage in various places."

Because of official corruption, the food in the reserve warehouse is always embezzled by officials big and small. Zhu Houzhao knows it, but despite his repeated warnings, the measures he can deal with have not been drastic, because he is worried that these officials may ask the people to deal with it in order to deal with inspections from above. All the rations of the people were also snatched.

But this moment, that moment.In the current war, the food and grass of the army must be guaranteed.

"The Cabinet and the Military Aircraft Department jointly made a decree that Ming Dynasty will adopt a blockade policy against Tatar. Civil servants, generals, soldiers, farmers, merchants, and craftsmen are not allowed to have private relations with Tatars, and provide them with various conveniences such as information and materials.
I know that in the past, some merchants in the frontier would take risks to trade with the Tatars for their own benefit. That was the past, and I will not pursue it, but from the moment the decree is made, until Daming defeats the Tatars, it is the time of the national war , if there is still the audacity to secretly communicate with the Tatars about the song, it will never be allowed! "

"Yes!" Everyone responded in unison, but with some momentum.

"Big Sima," Zhu Houzhao turned around again.

"The minister is here."

"The Ministry of War has to consider how to deal with it once the battle is defeated. Silver, my wife has it."

"Your Majesty means..."

"As I said, the war between the two countries will never stop. If the soldiers in Shaanxi or Guyuan are defeated, the soldiers in the guards in Henan, Shandong, and Nanzhili will also be transferred north."

"Your Majesty..." Li Dongyang was apprehensive...but he still said, "The guards everywhere are corrupt, and those soldiers may not be able to do anything."

"By that time, I might have already gone to the battlefield, and I don't care if it's corrupt or not, as long as it is a soldier of Ming Dynasty, I will take up arms!"

The soldiers of the National Guard are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of War.Wang Bing also understood what the emperor meant, that is, if the front was defeated, the Ming army in the rear would immediately take over.

This is very difficult to do in the past, and it takes a sum of money to start the army.And the more soldiers you fight, the more you eat, the more money you have.

But the emperor's statement of "I have a son-in-law" showed that he had made up his mind, and he could even let the troops who came over to prepare their own food and grass. Anyway, the court could afford all the expenses.

"In the name of the Ministry of War, the minister ordered the soldiers of the guards in Shanxi, Henan, and Shandong to move to the north first."

Zhu Houzhao nodded. As the emperor, he has no way to command the army specifically. All he can do is provide money, people and give political support to officials everywhere. He will do everything he can, even thinking about what to do if he is defeated.

The rest depends on the civil servants and generals guarding the frontier. Now from west to east in the Ming Dynasty, there are Wang Shouren, Yang Yiqing, Zhou Shangwen, and Wang Shouren is a bit weak.

"The transfer of Shaanxi's 50 taels of military pay must be done quickly, and his time is still tight."

Wang Jia said: "I will handle this matter myself."

He would rather spend money on wars.Hold it in your pocket desperately, in case you are defeated and sign an alliance under the city, you have to pay it to others.So even if he wasted some, he would have no regrets, at least let Daming fight back to get rich!
(End of this chapter)

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