My Ome, she gradually swells

Chapter 209 "Qiaoer?"

Chapter 209 "Qiaoer?"

The rain outside the car window was so heavy that it was impossible to see the distant scenery.

The driver brother was talking at the front, "Young man, why don't you go out in such a heavy rain! Jiangcheng has rarely seen such heavy rain in the past two years, I have to drive slowly..."

Wen Yu listened with half of his ears.

He didn't remember that there was such a heavy rain in Qingming in his previous life, but he couldn't get angry when he saw the rain, and he was more worried.

Hearing what the elder brother said, he urged: "Elder brother, hurry up, I will pick someone up."

My own green plum with a hole in her head is probably huddling under the eaves of the night market street to hide from the rain at the moment!
"Hey... OK!"

The speed of the car was a little slower than usual, but fast enough.

At the intersection of the night market, Wen Yu settled the fare.He took out another 100 yuan bill and said, "Brother, can you wait for me for half an hour? If I don't come back within half an hour, you can go straight away."

The elder brother said with a silly smile: "You don't need the money, you go, I'll wait for you here smoking a cigarette."

Without further ado, Wen Yu left 100 yuan and got out of the car.

The rain was so heavy that half of his clothes were directly wet from the moment he got out of the car to when he opened the umbrella.

How can the rain in April be gentle? It's icy cold and bone-chilling. When the wind blows slightly, the hairs stand on end.

Wen Yu took a deep breath, supported the umbrella with all his strength, and stepped into the puddle, regardless of the wet shoes, towards the night market street.

He walked slowly along the eaves on one side, and looked under the eaves on the opposite side from time to time, trying his best to search for the figure of Fu Chengque.But the rain was too heavy, and the light was dim, so he couldn't even see the opposite side clearly.

But according to [Yuanmeng Listening]'s prompt and today's itinerary, Wen Yu concluded that Fu Chengque came to the night market street, probably looking for something.

Now that the rain is so heavy, it is probably trapped somewhere.

The sound of rain "crackling".

The sound of thunder "rumbling".

Intermittent and strong winds blow some things to high places, and hit the ground with a "bang".

The torrential rain made it difficult for people to leave under the eaves, and the pooled water column was too thick and the impact was too great.On both sides of the road, under the sill of the sidewalk has become a stream, all rushing towards the mouth of the sewer.

Wen Yu has already given up the protection of his lower body, so try not to get his upper body in the rain.

After walking for a while, Fu Chengque was still not found.

He wanted to shout, but the howling wind and the pounding rain were louder than him, so he had to give up.

After groping forward for a while, Wen Yu reckoned that he had reached the waist of Yeshi Street. He raised his eyes forward, and suddenly saw a faint shadow against the wall under the eaves.

Is it Fu Chengque?
He stepped forward happily, trampling the water on the ground into a bursting flower.

But when I got closer, I realized that where was Fu Chengque, it was clearly a long bucket filled with water.

"It's a barrel..."

Wen Yu murmured, looked over the bucket and looked forward, and suddenly saw a figure crowded under the eaves, shaking slightly.

He slowed down this time and approached slowly.

When I got closer, I realized that it seemed to be a real person!

The man turned his back to him, wearing thin clothes and tightening his body, trying to avoid the rain, but half of his body was wet.

Wen Yu's footsteps suddenly became brisk, and his face was full of joy. He walked a few steps, and after a certain distance, he settled down, holding an umbrella, and shouted: "Qiaoer?"


Fu Chengque whimpered in his heart.

It's already April, but it's so cold.The rain was cold, the wind was cold, everything was cold, and she was shivering.

The rain is not only not small, but it is getting bigger and bigger, so heavy that it is difficult to hide from the rain.

The shoes became water shoes, the trouser legs were wet, the clothes were wet, and the hair was wet...

She wants to go home, take a hot bath, put on soft and dry cotton slippers and pajamas, and lie down under the warm blanket.She doesn't want to shrink in this corner, the wind beats her, the rain beats her, and everything can scare her.

The whole brain before turned into the sorrow at this moment, and then the girl began to feel sore again——

Very unlucky.

It happened that something was lost today.

Especially unlucky.

But today, when I went out, my phone ran out of battery.

Very unlucky.

It just happened to be raining again today, trapping her here and getting drenched.

Everything seemed to be a coincidence to annoy her.

The sourness became so strong that the stomach couldn't hold it any longer, "Wow" came up from the throat, from the mouth, from the nose, and also from the eyes, and it became a cry, a sob , became tears.


Fu Chengque cried softly.

After a while, she comforted herself again: the bracelet Wen Yu gave her is not lost.

This is probably the only good luck today...


Suddenly, there was a shout from behind.

Fu Chengque's body shook.

this sound...

She turned her head abruptly, looking at the person who called her——

A big boy, holding an umbrella, stands under the light that is not too far away.There is rain on the face, and there is a smile on the corner of the mouth.The rainwater slid down the jaw line, outlining a familiar face.

He is Wen Yu!

It's Wen Yu! ! !
Woohoo, Wen Yu is here, he's here!
The girl's heart suddenly burst out with intense sorrow, and this sorrow swept through her whole body in an instant, numb her brain, and an impulse was urging her to move forward, and then, she threw herself into his arms!Let him hug you, let him touch your head, let him comfort you.She has ten thousand grievances that she wants to talk about, and she wants to be heard.Or don't say anything, just hug her like last time...

But she was so cold that she couldn't even move.

With Wen Yu close in front of her eyes, she couldn't help shouting:

As soon as Fu Chengque opened his mouth, he couldn't help crying, tears and nose dripping down with the rain.She rolled up her wet sleeves and wiped it away, but in an instant, the "wow" was louder again.

Wen Yu couldn't stand it anymore, and approached to comfort him, "Are you all right?"

The girl shook her head while crying, and shouted: "Xiaoyu..."

Even after shouting like that, he somehow gained strength, took a step, threw himself on Wen Yu, and stuffed himself into his arms.

Wen Yu was stunned for a moment, then stretched out a hand and hugged her gently.


Wen Yu hugged Fu Chengque, feeling her from trembling slightly to gradually calming down, her hugging hands from tight to loose; her rain-drenched body went from cold to warm, and the sobbing stopped at this time.

Fu Chengque leaned on Wen Yu's body, feeling an unprecedented warmth, her panic disappeared, and her misery disappeared.She just felt that she was not afraid of anything.

This hug is softer than the last time and the wind.

The beauty during this period is much duller than the last time and the rain.

But the emotion contained in it is far more enthusiastic than ever before, even more violent than thunder and lightning...

If there is no such thing when it comes, hold a green umbrella and look at each other when the rain leaves.

(End of this chapter)

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