my days with tyrants

Chapter 362 I have never seen such a arrogant person in my life

Winning Zara Yier is Zhu Di's only choice at present...

Even if they have been Turkized, they are still of the Mongolian line after all, and as foreign conquerors, they have been weakened for a long time, and now they are even weaker.

In the original history, they were finally annexed by the black sheep Turkmenistan more than 20 years later.

But now that Daming is here, relying on the signboard of Ilhan in his hand, although no one recognizes this signboard, it is not difficult to solve, as long as the emperor of Ming supports them, then they are Ilhan, and with their backs backed by Daming, they The Ilkhanate can continue to exist as a force in Baghdad.

rather than being absorbed by others.


The fertile land of the Two Rivers Plain and the convenience of eastern trade are enough for them, the descendants of the former conquerors, to continue to enjoy the joy of conquerors by stepping on the dead souls of Mustaisui.

And all they need to pay is to pay tribute to the Ming emperor.

Perfect choice.

As for the Kurds...

Of course it is to welcome Master Wang!

When Zhu Di arrived in Fan City, the Kurdish Emir of Fan City had already greeted him outside the city, and with genuine gratitude, he presented a gift to the Prince of the East who avenged them.

When Timur captured Fancheng, he threw more than 7000 young men who surrendered in the city directly from the city wall and fell to death.

Because of his killing even caused a continuous famine.

After all, he killed all the young and middle-aged people, and the young women were snatched away by him, and the remaining old and weak women and children had no ability to farm in the chaos of war, so that they all appeared cannibalistic. It can be said that everyone in this city survived There is nothing wrong with gnashing of teeth against him.Now, with Zhu Di's military power in defeating Timur, coupled with Daming's benevolence towards the vassals, the Emir of Fancheng, who was already a vassal of Timur, of course would not make mistakes, and his welcome to the king's teacher also made his followers The emirs and sheikhs of other Kurdish cities to the south and west here all chose to welcome the king's teacher and presented various gifts to the eastern prince who avenged them.

In this way, the Ming dynasty vassal system in West Asia was established.

Georgia State...

Their title is the county king, and their language translation is the grand duke, but their monarch can still be called the king.

It is a vassal state like North Korea and Wa.

The Ossetians alone received a vassal state.

In fact, they exist in the north and south of the Caucasus, and the northern part belongs to the Golden Horde, but King Yan made the decision, and the Golden Horde Khan Tutuo lost and generously took out this part.

In the end, the Ossetian tycoon, and the Kazbek family who contributed the most in the last blocking battle, got the position of the Ossetian king.

Shirvan country.

Shirvan Shah successfully advanced to King Shirvan of Daming.

Of course, people like them will definitely be given a new country title, but this is not what Zhu Di can care about.

Yousuf, the chieftain of the Black Sheep Turkmen, returned from the Mamluks and had an audience with King Yan to pay tribute to Emperor Ming.

In the end, he also got Taoli Temple as a feudal state.

But before that, he signed an agreement with his good friend and father-in-law Ahmed. Originally, he robbed Taoli Temple as a subordinate of the latter. Now that he signed the agreement, Ahmed officially recognized his rule over Taoli Temple, but He gave Ahmed some gold coins as compensation, because he was sure he would not be able to get it all at once, so he paid in installments under the auspices of Zhu Di, and at the same time delineated the rule of Taoli Temple.

The Armenians launched a total of five so-called princes.

In fact, they are five chiefs hiding in Naka and the nearby mountains. They are the only five remaining Armenian lords.

So together they form the State of Armenia.

As for the king, the Ming emperor can choose one of them. Anyway, they are all lords, and the king is also the lord of his own territory.

The Zalayir people got the most. As Ilkhan, they ruled the Kurdish city in the Mesopotamian Plain, south of Lake Fan.

Of course, the emirs and sheikhs of these Kurdish cities will also receive the title of Emperor Ming, and they are nothing more than a bunch of seventh-rank officials with long lawsuits.

In the official explanation of the Ming Dynasty, Great Khan is the title of the leader of the nomadic tribe. The Emperor of the Ming Dynasty granted a certain area as the pasture of the Great Khan, but this pasture is not owned by the Great Khan, but by the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty. The region has separate administrative districts for agricultural and commercial cities. The chief executive of this administrative district is indeed under the control of the Great Khan, but the Great Khan has no power to appoint and dismiss. Even the Ming Emperor can set up guards. Of course, these guards are also under the control of the Great Khan... …

This is the case with all the great sweats conferred by the Ming emperor at present.

Kun Timur was a profuse Khan, and Yan Ran in the pastoral area commanded the envoys, and Yan Ran commanded the envoys of the guards under his control, but he had no right to appoint or remove the generals of these guards.

Ugqihashha is a great khan, the commander of the Dawan capital in the pastoral area, and the guards of Dawan are also controlled by him, including the naturalization chief lawsuit, but he certainly has no right to appoint and remove Yang Feng's concubine.

So is the Great Khan of Ahmed, and his territory will also be divided into commanders and envoys.

The same is true for the lost Khan, whose territory has even been divided into commanders and envoys.

In short, after some operations by Zhu Di, Ming Dynasty officially opened up Desia, at least the territory on the map has been advanced to the Dnieper River and the Euphrates River.

But there is one power left.

"White Sheep Turkmen, who is this man? What is his relationship with you Black Sheep Turkmen? It sounds like a brother?"

Zhu Di looked at the map and said.

"Your Highness, we are enemies!"

Yusuf said without hesitation.


Zhu Di looked at Ahmed suspiciously.

"Your Highness, they have different sects."

Ahmed said with a smile.

"Then who are you with?"

Zhu Di said.

"I'm with Aries Turkmen."

Ahmed said.

"You have a different sect from him, and one Mongolian and one Turkmen, but you can still marry. Aries, who is also a Turkmen, is an enemy because he is not a sect? Forget it, I still respect your reality."

Zhu Di said somewhat messily.

"Your Highness, Kara Osman, the leader of the Aries Turkmen, is Timur's dog. He has been leading his people to fight for Timur, so Timur rewarded him with Diyarbakir, where the Kurds lived. Now he still refuses to pay tribute to Daming. For such people, we should not care about their relationship with the black sheep Turkmen. If they refuse to submit to Ming, they should die. And if we attack Kara Osman, Diyarbak The Kurds in Kurdish will support us.

Ahmed said.

Of course, the main reason is that Diyarbakir has already counted his territory.

His jurisdiction would include the east of the Euphrates and the south of Lake Van, all of which would be the domain of Ilkhan.

Yusuf belongs to the east and north of Van Lake.

Around Lake Sevan, which roughly corresponds to modern Armenia, was the Kingdom of Armenia.

But the Armenians are not limited to this area. The Armenians in other places are also protected by the Ming Emperor.

It just needs to be ruled by other places.

"Okay, then go and attack him."

Zhu Di said.

"But attacking him is likely to attract Bayezid."

Yusuf said.

"Didn't you say they have a bad relationship with Bayezid?"

Zhu Di said.

"It's really bad, but Kara Osman has no other choice. Who else can he vote for besides Osman? Mamluks? Mamluks can't help him. The only one who can help him is Bayezid, and Bayezid Te has already begun to gather troops in Sivas. In addition, they married Trabzon, and now only the Ottomans, Aries Turkmen, Trabzon, and Mamluks are left in this land that have not surrendered to Ming Dynasty. If you don’t want to surrender to Ming Dynasty, you can only unite. What the Aries Turkmen want is Diyarbakir. They are afraid that the Ottomans will steal their territory. As long as the Ottomans promise to grant it to them, they will of course join the Ottomans. The same goes for Trabzon is also like this."

Ahmed said.

"You two coalition forces are attacking Baiyang, and I will take other coalition forces to Erzinjan. Are there any Armenians there?"

Zhu Di asked.

"Your Highness, this name is in Armenian. Not only Erzincan, there are also a large number of Armenians in Sivas. Bayezid assembled an army in Sivas because he was worried that the Armenians would rebel."

Yusuf said.

"Why do the people of Trabzon refuse to surrender?"

Zhu Di asked.

"Your Highness, they claim to be the monarchs of the entire East. How could they submit to Ming Dynasty? In the world they thought, even Daming was their territory. They even called themselves Caesars in the past, and they were the monarchs of the Romans, including the Balkan countries and the Russians in the north. , Georgians, emperors of all those who believe in their religion, although they are only as big as a palm."

"Uh, I've never seen someone so arrogant. Why did Georgia and Armenia surrender without hesitation?"

"Georgians surrender a lot. Whoever hits here will eventually surrender. At most, they have to struggle a little bit to make them feel that they have backbone, but in fact they still have to kneel down in the end. As for the Armenians, they don't even struggle. If they don’t struggle, as long as they don’t kill them, they will quickly kneel down. They resisted Timur because Timur really killed them, so there are more Armenians than Georgians alive today.”

"Well, you guys are interesting here."


And at this moment, the distant ancient Yumen Pass.

"The bright moon rises from the Tianshan Mountains, amidst the vast sea of ​​clouds. The wind blows for tens of thousands of miles, blowing across the Yumen Pass!"

Yang Feng looked at the seemingly endless yellow sand in the distance like an arty star, and then chanted loudly.

Behind him are the same seemingly endless soldiers...

Of course, he couldn't wait for Zhu Di's secret letter. Anyway, Zhu Di is also the queen's uncle and the patriarch of the royal family. It is impossible for something to happen. Moreover, all the civil servants and generals also unanimously demanded that the imperial army march westward, and asked Ambassador Yang to accompany him again.The main reason is that he stayed in the capital, and many things were difficult for everyone to handle. As for his identity, of course he was a guide, and no one else in Ming Dynasty was familiar with Eastern Europe and Siberia. For this kind of thing, Ambassador Yang could only be used as a guide.As for the official commander of the Western Expedition, it was Wei Guogong Xu Huizu, Ambassador Yang led the two armies of the Beijing camp to Xi'anhui and Wei Guogong first, and then added an army drawn from Shaanxi and Shanxi, went west together and then added Song Sheng's An army in Gansu.

At this time, the formation of the army had become the wartime formation of the Ming army. Each guard who was transferred to participate in the battle drew troops to form a brigade, and brigades of varying numbers formed an army.

Each army has a commander-in-chief with the rank of governor.

As for the army in the Beijing camp, it has a fixed establishment.

Four infantry brigades, one artillery brigade, and one cavalry brigade, but the infantry rode in carriages.

On the contrary, the army drawn from Shaanxi and other places was the camel city cavalry.

So following Yang Feng at this moment is the fifth army, with a total strength of more than 15 troops, and the number of horses and camels even exceeds [-].

At this time, the number of horses and camels in the Ming Dynasty has reached an astonishing level. The whole country does not include the areas controlled by the Jianwen Dynasty, and it does not include those guards, chieftains, vassal states, and Khan-controlled areas. All kinds of horses have exceeded one million, especially the proportion of high-quality war horses is increasing, and even specialized horse breeds have begun to be bred.

There are more than 50 camels.

"The ambassador is very elegant!

It's just that I don't know if it will be in time, King Yan is too reckless this time, how can tens of thousands of cavalry march thousands of miles to attack the capital of the enemy country.

It was a crooked attack, forcing out Timur's true face. "

Xu Huizu said.

They received an urgent report from Zhu Gaoxu in Lanzhou, saying that Timur led an army to fight him on the Ural River.

Of course, this result has long been expected. Xu Huizu also went to the west at any rate. Of course, he knows what is going on with Timur's submission. Zhu Di is almost riding on his neck. Strange.

"Don't worry, Timur doesn't have the ability to keep King Yan."

Yang Feng said.

At this time, a group of cavalry came running wildly. Xu Huizu waved his hand, and the soldiers beside him immediately stepped forward, stopped the cavalry, and soon brought the leading officer over. The last urgent report sealed in a tin can.Xu Huizu took it, and handed it directly to Yang Feng. Yang Feng opened the tinplate jar with a can opener. This is the best way to keep it secret. After all, it cannot be restored after opening. He took out a parchment letter from inside... …

"Wei Guogong, you still don't know enough about your brother-in-law. He is not only reckless, he can be regarded as a lunatic. He broke through from Bieergesarai, but he didn't go east to reunite with his son, but went south directly. Persia, this is what he wrote in Baku, he really deserves to be the man who was going to be the emperor, I feel a little guilty about such a crazy way of playing, but he really succeeded."

Ambassador Yang said with emotion.

Xu Huizu's face changed, he ignored his words that the man who was supposed to be the emperor, took the map as quickly as possible and unfolded...

"Don't look, you don't have it on your map at all. He is now outside your map. We have to divide into two groups. From here, I will go south to Khotan, and then go north to the Wakhan Corridor. You and the Marquis of Xining continue to Gaochang , and then divide the troops into two groups, you go to Dawan, Xining Hou goes to Kunling, call all the vassals along the way, Timur can't open the Danerban, that place is the same as Shanhaiguan, he must go to the Caspian Sea and return to the river, you have to prepare and For his decisive battle, I will go to Persia to meet King Yan."

Yang Feng said.

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