The knight who fell from his horse fell heavily on the rainy ground, and the mud splashed and the blood gushed out mixed together, turning into a strange dark red.


A thunderstorm suddenly came from above the sky, overwhelming all the sounds in the world in an instant.

Thunder fell, and the rain became heavier by a few minutes. It was about to turn from moderate rain to heavy rain, and the originally gloomy sky became darker again.

The cold rain wet Gao Yingxiang's armor, and the bone-piercing chill invaded him from all directions.

Gao Yingxiang's mind was clear at this time, and he was not dazzled by this sudden change.

Over the years, on the battlefield, he has encountered countless dangers and almost died many times, but he survived in the end.

Gao Yingxiang knew very well that he must not panic at this time.

After Sun Chuanting led the troops into the valley from outside the valley, they camped on the spot at Beishan and Yukou without any other actions.

It is impossible for the people under Sun Chuanting to sneak into the southwest from under the eyes of the scouts he sent out, and it is absolutely impossible for them to be blind
But this sudden attack of the Ming cavalry came from the southwest, from behind them.

Gao Yingxiang's face was livid, and he was afraid that his plan had been seen through by the officers and soldiers from the very beginning.

This army of officers, soldiers and cavalry probably followed them along the plank road from Hanzhong Mansion.

At that time, all their attention was on the front of the plank road, and they never thought that there might be other people behind them.

It was dark under the lamp.

But even if you want to understand all this, it will not help the current situation.

The dull symphony echoed in Gao Yingxiang's ears, it was the sound of the horse's hooves hitting the rainy ground.

Gao Yingxiang steered the war horse like a gallop ahead at full speed, and he turned his head to look behind him.

The team of officers, soldiers and cavalry that had charged straight ahead followed closely behind him less than a hundred steps away, and the officer, soldier and general before him drove their horses to the forefront of the cavalry formation.

And on his left and right sides, there are two cavalry teams with hundreds of people outflanking him.

One way blocked his way back to Xianyou Temple, and the other way blocked his way to the army in the north.

Gao Yingxiang's heart was cold, and there was actually only one road left for him now, and it could only go all the way east.

But to the east is the Jedi, and there are continuous mountains, which are impassable at all.

There is no way to go to heaven, no way to go to earth, maybe this is how to describe his current situation.

"Into the mountain!"

Gao Yingxiang didn't hesitate, going east was a dead end, but he had no other choice.

The only chance now is to enter the mountain, occupy a high slope, and persist as long as possible...

Gao Yingxiang turned his head and looked to the north. The gloomy sky and the unknowing thunderclap prevented the soldiers who were fighting fiercely at the valley entrance from noticing what was happening behind them, and it was precisely because of this that they did not cause too much turmoil.

Gao Yingxian's original location of the Chinese army was not far from the mountain to the east, and it was soon at the foot of the mountain.

Compared with the rest of the mountains, the mountains to the east are steeper and steeper, and many places are closed to pedestrians.

"Get off the horse and climb up!"

Gao Yingxiang's gaze swept across the entire mountain, and he selected a high slope at a glance, and then issued a new military order without hesitation.

At times like these, every minute and every second counts.

Hearing Gao Yingxiang's military order, all the guards immediately dismounted without hesitation.

At this time, there were only more than [-] cavalry guards guarding Gao Yingxiang.

The rest of the people went to delay the time in order to ensure the retreat, and they had already entered the underworld.

A group of personal guards guarded Gao Yingxiang at the front, pushed Gao Yingxiang and looked towards the high slope and went quickly.

The personal guards in the back of the palace held swords and shields to protect their tails, and retreated backwards with their backs facing each other.

When Gao Yingxiang climbed the high slope, Chen Wang had already rushed to the high slope at this time, and Zhou Yumao and Zhao Huailiang also rushed to help from the north and south with their troops, and sent Gao Yingxiang to the high slope. It was almost impenetrable.

Under the high slope, there was a burst of people's voices and horses neighing, and a boundless evil spirit permeated the rainy ground. Even the heavy rain curtain could not stop it in half.

Gao Yingxiang's heart was cold, and he looked up to the north.

In the midst of a desperate situation, the cavalry surrounded by officers and soldiers probably exceeded a thousand cavalry, and he only had more than seventy personal guards under his command, so it was absolutely impossible to turn defeat into victory.

The only hope now lies in the Yukou battlefield.

If the soldiers under his command in the Yukou battlefield can win, they only need to persist until the former army returns to help, then maybe he can still survive.

It's just that no matter whether it is to persist for enough time or to win, this is undoubtedly an extremely difficult thing.

Gao Yingxiang stood in the rain, the rain kept dripping from the sky, and the rain kept falling from his eyes along the edge of the helmet.

He knew very well that if the commander of the first army made a mistake, it would affect the morale of the army. He could only pray that the situation on his side had not been discovered before the former army broke through the Yukou camp.

But very soon, Gao Yingxiang's expectations were dashed.

In his field of vision, Gao Yingxiang saw more than ten teams of cavalry with more than a hundred soldiers heading towards the Yukou battlefield from behind.

The style of the flags and the armor they wore were similar to those of the officers and soldiers surrounded under the high slope at this time.

Originally, the balance of victory had shifted towards them, but when the cavalry of the Ming army suddenly launched an attack from the rear, the situation on the battlefield took a sharp turn in an instant.

Gao Yingxiang watched helplessly as the cavalrymen of the Ming army cut in from different directions, causing a lot of commotion.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

In the Beishan camp and Yukou camp, the drums of the Ming army in the two camps raised the whole number of times.

The wrestler beating the drum mustered all his energy and frantically beat the drum in front of him.

Everyone knows that the decisive moment has arrived.

The drums sounded like thunder, and the Ming army in the two camps had already discovered the changes in the battlefield situation.

They sat north and faced south, and when Chen Wang led the cavalry down the west mountain, they saw everything in their eyes.

They saw Chen Wang leading the cavalry all the way down the mountain.

They saw the big purple banner belonging to Gao Yingxiang fleeing in a hurry.

They also saw the cavalry rushing down from the west mountain, separated a dozen groups of cavalry from it, and killed the generals towards the rear army that broke into the army.

Although there were only about a thousand or so cavalry in those dozens of cavalry, they spread out in formation and came roaring, but they seemed to be all over the mountains and plains.


In the Yukou camp, all the Ming soldiers were ecstatic. They saw the fiery red banners fluttering in the wind and rain behind the Chuangjun formation.

The rear of the Chuang army was already in chaos at this time, and soon the chaos spread not only among the rear, but also the tens of thousands of Chuang troops who were fighting fiercely under Yukou and Beishan began to become chaotic.

More and more people noticed the cavalry of the Ming army who came from the rear, and they also noticed that at some point, the big purple banner belonging to Gao Yingxiang had disappeared from behind them.

"Raise the flag and beat the marching drum!"

Sun Chuanting rode on the horse and shouted angrily with a sword in his hand.

This is the best opportunity to defeat the entire Chuang army in one go, and it must not be easily let go.

He even put on his battle armor and went to the front line in person.

Sun Chuanting led a group of personal guards to the front line of the battlefield, which completely aroused the blood and courage of the Ming army.

In the Heishui Valley, all the Ming soldiers had already seen the governor's flag flying at the front of the battlefield representing Sun Chuanting.

All the generals in the Ming army are frantically moving forward, Sun Chuanting is the governor, his banner is still ahead, they are military generals, who dares to lag behind?
Seeing that the victory is approaching, the ordinary soldiers also took the lead bravely.

As early as when Sun Chuanting summoned all the troops to come, he repaid the military pay they had been owed all along, and ordered before the battle that the military merits won will never be deducted by half. As long as they win, the whole army will gain merits. reward.

There is no shortage of pay and silver, and the rewards are generous.

The generals use their lives, and the soldiers naturally dare to fight for their lives.


The sound of shouting and killing came from the formation of the Ming army, the sound was deafening, almost piercing through the clouds and cracking rocks.

The morale of the Ming army was like a rainbow, and their courage was unstoppable.

On the contrary, the morale of Chuangjun at this time has completely fallen to the bottom.

They were trapped in the mountains and valleys, and the food and grass in the army had already been exhausted. The last meal they ate was the flesh and blood obtained by killing the mules and horses in the logistics.

Driving them to fight desperately is just for a way out, and Gao Yingxiang's encouragement.

They have been following behind Gao Yingxiang, and many of them are loyal to Gao Yingxiang.

They followed Gao Yingxiang all the way to the south and north, and fought thousands of miles all the way. Although they were defeated, the officers and soldiers could not do anything to them.

But right now, the life and death of the leader they have been following, Gao Yingxiang, is uncertain.

And the cavalry of the Ming army appeared in the brigade behind.

Under the enemy's front and back, suffering from hunger and cold, the coach disappeared, and he was in a desperate situation.

If they were the Qi family army, they might still be able to continue fighting in this desperate situation.

But they are not, they are just a bunch of rogues.

They have neither the belief in defending their homeland nor the courage to risk their lives.

Hit if you can beat, run if you can't beat, and shoot if you can't run, this has always been their normal state.

Chuangjun's collapse was so fast that no one could react.

First, the rear army began to collapse due to the surprise attack of the cavalry behind it.

Then, under the Beishan camp, the trilogy under the command of Thousand Rooster Zhang Er and Zhuantian Harrier Wang Cheng collapsed first.

When Zhang Er saw the cavalry of the Ming army approaching from behind, he directly beheaded Wang Cheng, who was at his side directing his subordinates to fight.

Then Zhang Er's personal guards rushed forward and killed the armored soldiers guarding Wang Cheng.

Zhang Er turned against him before the battle, and Wang Cheng's death triggered the collapse of the Chuang army under Beishan.

This is not a temporary idea, but a deliberate plan.

As early as Sun Chuanting led the army to block the valley, Zhang Er knew that he might not be able to escape this time.

So at night, he secretly sent someone to contact Sun Chuanting to discuss the matter of surrender.

Zhang Er is not the only one who is shaken in the battle.

In fact, the first person to approach Sun Chuanting was not Zhang Er, but Huang Long.

Chuangjun's collapse also has his share of the credit.

Zhang Er killed Wang Cheng, while Huang Long stabbed Liu Zhe to death.

When the situation changed drastically, Huang Long seized the opportunity and directly stabbed Liu Zhe, who was commanding the army to attack at Yukou, to death.

Liu Zhe's death also triggered greater turmoil and collapse.

These things happened almost at the same time, and nearly [-] intruders completely collapsed in an instant under such repeated blows.

Gao Yingxiang stood on the high slope, he didn't know what happened in Yukou's army.

But he did watch his army fall into chaos and then collapse quickly.

Seeing that the last hope is also cut off.

When these things happened before his eyes, he was powerless, he couldn't do anything, he couldn't do anything...

Everything is the same as before, as it was in Ansai.


The rain was getting thinner, and Gao Yingxiang felt a chill in his heart.

Under the high slope, the sound of shouting and killing has already sounded, the sound of swords piercing into flesh, the sound of swords hitting each other, and the sound of painful cries are also heard one after another.

Gao Yingxiang followed the sound and looked down the slope.

Just above the slope, soldiers of the Ming army in heavy armor were slowly advancing with big spears and sharp blades in their hands.

His personal guards were falling down one after another.

Gao Yingxiang watched these old brothers who followed him all the way from Ansai and fought thousands of miles fell under the swords of officers and soldiers one after another, still powerless.

The slopes were not able to stop the advance of the Ming soldiers.

Gao Yingxiang slowly pulled out the Yanling Saber from his waist, and the rainwater dripped on the blade, and then all the way down along the edge of the blade to the tip of the blade, slowly dripping down.

The Ming army had already reached the top of the slope, Gao Yingxiang looked over the group of Ming army soldiers in front, and finally set his eyes on the military officer who was heavily guarded by him in the center.

"who are you?"

Gao Yingxiang's eyes were calm. Although he already had an answer in his heart, he still wanted to confirm it.

"General of Hanzhong, Chen Wang."

The military officer standing in the crowd was naturally Chen Wang.

He cannot give up the military merit of capturing and beheading Gao Yingxiang to anyone.

Chen Wang did not refuse to answer Gao Yingxiang's question.

Chen Wang stared at Gao Yingxiang who was standing in the rain, holding a knife.

This was the first time he saw Gao Yingxiang at such a close distance.

When he was in Xing'an City, he only saw Gao Yingxiang's banner, and he took a look at it from a distance.

And now Gao Yingxiang was standing in front of him like this.

From Ansai to the defeat of Heishuiyu, Gao Yingxiang has gone through a legendary life.

In the past nine years, Gao Yingxiang galloped in the Northwest, fought thousands of miles away, stirred up the situation in the world, swept the Central Plains, and everything was shaken.

When Wang Jiayin and Wang Ziyong died successively, it was he who provoked the main beam belonging to the peasant army in the late Ming Dynasty and gathered the peasant army that had already become a mess.

Relying on his own judgment, he saved the fate of the peasant army time and time again, and led everyone to avert danger.

During these nine years, he has been struggling and resisting, and he has never bowed his head to Ming Ting.

Although until the end, he failed to succeed.

But make no mistake, he was a remarkable man.

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