Chapter 242 Death Battle
The setting sun is like blood, and the setting sun is setting, and the sunset glow against the background is like blood red.

The blood-red sunset glowed against the blood-red grass, and Jiazhuang's wild corpses were strewn all over the field, with blood dripping down to the ankles.

The sudden change interrupted the overall plan of the Qing army, and also caused the Qing army to inevitably become chaotic.

Naturally, the northernmost Qing army was the first to bear the brunt. When the Ming army's reinforcements came from the north, they had no defense at all.

The camp of Jia Zhuang Xuan's army was opened in the south, the formation of Xuan's army was broken, and the army collapsed like a landslide. It was time to take advantage of the victory and pursue, so how many troops would be left in the rear.

The cavalry of the Ming army roared forward, and they marched into the rear formation of the Qing army in the north in a long formation, but smashed it to pieces in an instant.

All the places he passed were destroyed, and all the places he rode and plundered were invincible.

The red flag fluttered like a prairie fire.

The heavy horseshoes knocked against the cold ground, making a dull but rhythmic sound, like rolling thunder, soaring to the sky!

Countless water and snow splashed up with the planing of the horseshoes, and the silted dust flew upwards with the galloping horses.

On the wilderness in the northern suburbs of Jiazhuang, as far as the eye can see, there are Ming army cavalry soldiers in red armor.

The cavalry of the Ming army rolled forward, advancing slowly under the simple and orderly command of the flags and drums. The erected spears were like moving thorn forests, almost covering the background to the north.

The crimson wave swept across the field with an unstoppable momentum, like a raging flood.

A loud and clear swan sound rose from the north, and then swept away in all directions.

In the western suburbs of Jiazhuang, Dorgon's face was ashen.

Right in his line of sight, a big ochre-yellow banner was slowly rising from behind the northern fields.

Immediately following the big ochre-yellow banner, there is a large endless forest of spears and spears. The soldiers in the forest are all dressed in red clothes and red helmets, gathering together like a red ocean.

Today, among all the Ming armies in Northern Zhili, there is only one person who uses a large ocher-yellow banner.

And that person was Sun Chuanting, the left servant of the Ministry of War of King Jingqin and the governor of Shaanxi, who led the soldiers and horses of the Shaanxi battalions!

But isn't Sun Chuanting really determined because of the shortage of food and grass at this time? Why did he suddenly come to Jiazhuang at this moment! ?
It is more than 300 miles from Zhending to Jiazhuang. Even if it is a quick march, it will take four or five days to arrive.

The blue veins on Dorgon's forehead were exposed, and most of his troops were concentrated in the south, the troops in the west were slightly weaker, and the troops in the north were the weakest, mainly for harassment.

To the south are two red flags led by Yue Tuo, to the west are two white flags led by him, to the north there is only one yellow flag led by Tan Tai, and two Mongolian flags.

Just half a quarter of an hour ago, he ordered Tan Tai to send out the guard battalion of the Chinese army to coordinate the attack, to deal the final blow to Xuan Dajun, and to completely defeat Xuan Dajun.

But now this order made the troops he placed in the north vulnerable to the impact of the Ming cavalry. Dorgon watched his troops in the north collapse one by one.

"Command Duoduo to send the elite of his banner to the north to help Tan Tai, and let Yibai also lead the cavalry from his banner to help Tan Tai back to the battle."

Dorgon's expression changed, it was useless to say anything now, Sun Chuanting had arrived, Ming army reinforcements had arrived, and all his previous plans had come to nothing.

But the battle is not over yet.

"The rest of the banners, continue to attack, kill Lu Xiangsheng first, defeat the Xuan army, and then fight the Shaanxi soldiers!"

Dorgon stepped on the horse again, and ordered in a cold voice.

If the Ming army's reinforcements had arrived a quarter of an hour earlier, had arrived at Xuan Dajun's southern camp without breaking through, and arrived when the army was in full swing, then he would certainly not have said a word and immediately issued an order to withdraw the troops.

But now, Xuan Dajun's southern camp has been broken, and the army has collapsed, and most importantly, Xuan Dajun's coach Lu Xiangsheng is at the front position of Xuan Dajun, and is surrounded.

As long as Lu Xiangsheng can be killed in this battle, as long as Xuan Dajun can be defeated, it is not considered a failure.

"Pass down the order, and those who kill Lu Xiangsheng will be rewarded with one world position, no, two world positions!"

The career post is what Hou Jin usually said about the future. In the fifth year of the Mandate of Destiny, Nurhachi imitated the Ming system and created the Manchurian career system, which was divided into five grades: chief military officer, deputy general, general, guerrilla, and imperial guard. , ginseng, and travel are divided into three grades each.

The commander-in-chief of the Wubei Yu is the first-class official, the first-, second-, and third-rank commander-in-chief is Ang Bangzhangjing, the first, second, and third-rank deputy general is the first-, second-, and third-rank Merlezhangjing ,So on and so forth.

Guerrilla is the third-class Lazhangjing, and the lowest is Beiyu, which corresponds to the Eight Banners, which is Niulu Ezhen.

The future is based on the unit of imperial guards, the more the number, the higher the level, and only two imperial guards can be called generals.

This world position does not necessarily mean the actual position of leading the army, it can be the title of an ordinary soldier, which has some similarities with the military rank system of later generations.

Usually it is even more difficult to get half of the world position, but it is almost difficult to get half of the world position if it is not for great achievements such as being the first to enter the battle and capturing the flag.

But now Dorgon directly said that as long as Lu Xiangsheng is killed, he can get two full world positions, and the surrounding generals are all boiling in an instant.

"Those who kill Tiger Dawei, Yang Guozhu, and Du Wenhuan will also be rewarded with a world job, and a world job will be rewarded!"

Dorgon didn't hesitate at all. Although these rewards were heavy, they were actually nothing to the current situation.

From yesterday's confrontation to the present, the number of casualties in the army has already exceeded [-], and it is constantly approaching the mark of [-].

The fierceness of this battle was no less than that of the old Hunhe battle. If so many people were lost, if there were not many gains, he, the Great General Fengyi, might have come to an end.

If the casualties were greater and the gains less, let alone the Great General Fengyi, then it was uncertain whether he could keep his position as the leader of the Zhengbai Banner.

Huang Taiji is not a kind person. Huang Taiji looks gentle, but in fact, when it comes to ruthlessness and decisive killing, all of them combined are not as good.

Dorgon knew Huang Taiji, and it was precisely because of that that he knew what would happen if he lost.

"Divide the Mongolian blue flag and the red flag to protect the two wings, and then move the guns to the two wings to shoot the position."

"Send the order to the front, regardless of casualties, attack with all your strength!!"

Dorgon swung the whip in his hand, he was really cruel.

"Assemble the guards and surround and kill Lu Xiangsheng!"

The military order was passed down step by step with the galloping order, and the Qing army, who had been terrified by the arrival of reinforcements from the Ming army, all had red eyes after hearing the reward, and their expressions were full of madness.

Xuan Dajun is strong, but so what?

It's not that they haven't gnawed hard bones.

Saerhu, Hunhe, Dalinghe, which one is not a tough battle, which one is not a tough one?

The four Ming armies in Sarhu are all elite, and the Zhe soldiers and Baigan soldiers in Hunhe are also brave. When Dalinghe was in Dalinghe, the Liaodong army led by Zu Dashou really tried their best. A group of people even killed people in order to defend the city. Cannibalism.

But so what?
The four Ming armies in Sarhu were completely defeated, and the Zhejiang soldiers and Baigan soldiers were also surrounded and wiped out by them in the Hunhe River, and the Daling River was not captured by them.

As for the reinforcements, they have not encountered it before.

In the Battle of Hunhe, Zhu Wanliang and Jiang Bi, the commander-in-chiefs of the Ming Dynasty, brought tens of thousands of people to support them, but they were not defeated by them in the end.

During the Battle of Dalinghe, the Ming army retreated as many reinforcements came. Which Ming army is their opponent? !

Jiazhuang only has such a large area in total, and it is impossible for the more than 4 Qing troops to join the offensive sequence, and there are only [-] people who actually take over the battle.

The banners of the Qing army's formation waved for a while, and then the entire formation erupted.

A large number of generals and schools of the Qing army were mobilized, and they led their respective divisions, obeying the military orders and starting to form formations.

On the several-kilometer-long front line, armored soldiers of the Qing army in various armors filled the formation with the continuous sound of golden drums and conch shells.

At the same time, a large number of cavalry galloped out from the center formation, and then divided into several formations, leaving the strings towards the two wings, protecting the slightly weaker flanks.

The change of the Qing army's formation was huge, full of rage and surging, but compared to the mobilization of the formation, the fierce battle in Jiazhuang was the real focus.

Lu Xiangsheng had rushed too far and rushed too fast. Although the reinforcements had arrived, they could not immediately solve his predicament—he was already surrounded by heavy siege!

The military order passed down by Dorgon made Lu Xiangsheng's situation even more dangerous.

Originally, when Duoduo commanded the army to besiege and kill Lu Xiangsheng, almost all the soldiers he sent were soldiers from the Han and Mongolian banners, mixed with some elites from the two white banners, in order to reduce the casualties of the banner as much as possible. .

After all, as a banner owner, the number of people and combat power in the banner will determine the power and status. If more people die, the status will be lower, and the authority will naturally be smaller.

But now, the reinforcements from the Ming army have arrived, and there is no need for Dorgon's order, and Duo Duo knows that it is not the time to care about casualties.

Almost all the elite armored soldiers of the Zhengbai and Xiangbai battalions in the front line were out. All the generals of the Qing army were heartbroken. on the flag.

In their eyes, that big banner now represents not Lu Xiangsheng, but the future, but the world job of promotion and fortune, the guarantee of prosperity and wealth.

"Steady the army, the reinforcements have arrived, and the slavery will not be rampant for a long time!!"

In the siege, Hu Dawei held a spear and guarded in front of Lu Xiangsheng, commanding the generals under his command to fight back vigorously.

"I've stood it all up, I've stood it up! Those who died in battle, I'll take care of your parents until the end of your life!"

Beside him was Du Wenhuan, who was wearing a water-polished armor and holding a saber, with a gloomy expression.

Du Wenhuan originally sat in the Chinese army and commanded the army to cooperate with Lu Xiangsheng to fight. At the same time, he dispatched the Chinese army's reserves to rush to the north and south battalions at any time.

The collapse of the Nanying camp came too suddenly, and the reserve team he sent had already collapsed thousands of miles before it arrived.

But at that time, the limit was indeed reached. The entire Chinese army had only a reserve team of less than 500 people, which was already at the end of its strength.

The reason why Du Wenhuan is in the front position and is still with Lu Xiangsheng is because he saw the reinforcements coming from the north.

In the Jiazhuang camp, all the soldiers cheered when they saw the reinforcements coming from the north, but at that time, Du Wenhuan felt a chill in his heart.

His first reaction was not to cheer, but to ride on the horse without hesitation, and led the more than two hundred famous Ding cavalry who remained in the Chinese army to the front to rescue Lu Xiangsheng.

When the reinforcements arrived, the Qing army must respond.

The Qing army paid such a price, and retreating at this time is undoubtedly a failure. When withdrawing, I am afraid that they will do their best to make a last-ditch effort.

As for the last fight, the way to achieve the greatest results is to kill the general and capture the flag, and kill Lu Xiangsheng who is in the front line at this time.

Although Du Wenhuan's reaction was quick, the Qing army moved even faster.

Du Wenhuan led the family cavalry and charged into the front line, but there was no way to rescue Lu Xiangsheng, instead he was trapped in the line.

After merging with Hu Dawei, Du Wenhuan and Hu Dawei joined forces and led the army to charge for several battles, but they still returned without success.

Lu Xiangsheng tightly held the Yanling Saber in his hand, leaning against a bodyguard.

There were arrows on his chest, thighs, and waist, blood was flowing down the broken arrow shaft, and the strength was dissipating from his body bit by bit.

Although the protective power of the armor he wears is extremely good, it is not enough to face the heavy bow of the Qing army at close range.

Although he didn't penetrate deep into the flesh, it caused hindrance and inconvenience to his actions, and because of this, he had the opportunity to break out of the encirclement many times, but in the end they all ended in failure.

With the abilities of Du Wenhuan and Hu Dawei, if they didn't take him with them, they would definitely be able to rush out.

"I was seriously injured. It is impossible to get out of the current situation, and you can't get out if you take me."

Lu Xiangsheng supported himself strongly, and pressed Hu Dawei's shoulder from behind.

Corpses were strewn across the front line, and the air was filled with the stench of blood.

The outer encirclement is gradually shrinking, the armored soldiers of the Qing army are constantly pouring in, and the outer armored soldiers are constantly falling down, and the army formation can't last long at all.

"Reinforcements are coming now, but Sun Chuanting has only 5000 people under his command. Facing the Jiannu army alone has little chance of winning. If the two of you don't break through, Yang Guozhu must break out..."

When he said the last sentence, Lu Xiangsheng's voice was almost inaudible. The long and fierce battle almost exhausted his physical strength, and the wounds on his body were constantly taking away his strength.

Hu Dawei clenched his teeth, his eyes were flushed.

Obviously the reinforcements have arrived, and the situation has obviously changed...

He is not reconciled, he is really not reconciled!
He knew in his heart that Lu Xiangsheng's last order was correct.

The Shaanxi army from the source has only 5000 people in total. If they were to face the Qing army alone, the Shaanxi army would not have much chance of winning.

The army is scattered, and now they are out of the siege, and they can still take advantage of the arrival of reinforcements and the opportunity of the Qing army to gather their forces to gather them together to support the Shaanxi army.

Yang Guozhu's first battalion only had more than [-] people, and the fierce battle had suffered heavy casualties so far. If he and Du Wenhuan were both trapped in the formation, and only one battalion supported the Shaanxi army, the battle situation would be extremely unfavorable.

The Shaanxi army came all the way to help them, but they put the Shaanxi army in a dangerous situation, which should not be due to emotion or reason.

But breaking out at this time is undoubtedly...


Du Wenhuan interrupted Hu Dawei's thoughts.

Hu Dawei turned his head to look at Du Wenhuan who was not far in front of him.

Right in front of him, Du Wenhuan didn't turn his head, just held up the blood-stained steel knife in his hand, and then bent his elbow to wipe off the blood on it.

"As a general, I have gone through hundreds of battles, ups and downs in the officialdom, and visited countless people. I have never seen a governor like you, nor have I seen a civil servant like you."

"The frontier town is ruined, the generals are incompetent, and the world is in chaos. I have a heart but I am powerless, and I have hatred but I am incompetent."

Du Wenhuan's voice was cold, his uncle Jun Song died at the hands of Jian Nu, how could there be no hatred in his heart?
But what about hatred, what about anger, how little personal strength is, even if you are the commander in chief of a town, it will not help the overall situation at all...

He ran away for half his life, avoided half his life, and resigned many times because he saw all this clearly and didn't want to come to the muddy water of the court.

However, the innovations in the two towns of Xuanda gave him hope, and the changes in the soldiers in the border towns gave him ambition.

And all of this is exactly what Lu Xiangsheng's appointment as Governor Xuanda brought about.

The current situation is like this, and the court is like this. As a military commander, even if he is the commander-in-chief, he hasn't changed much.

But Lu Xiangsheng is a civil servant, he can do much more than him.

Du Wenhuan raised the Yanling Saber in his hand and laid it across his chest. His cold light was breathtaking, and his voice was extremely firm.

"Rongmou fights to the death, seize the road and save the king!"

 After 10 minutes, send Chapter 2.

(End of this chapter)

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