Chapter 257
The bright red Ming flag was fluttering in the strong wind, and a large group of Ming army cavalry wearing red armor and red tassels were galloping across the plains in the wind and snow.

In the east of Jinan City, the Qing army's siege camp was in chaos, and Manchu shouts continued to echo in the crowded camp.

There was a loud golden sound in the Qing army's camp, and the siege troops also discovered the changes in the rear and hurriedly retreated towards the camp.

Trumpets sounded one after another, and there was a commotion inside and outside the Qing camp. No one could have expected this change.

Didn't the Ming army reinforce Jinan come from the direction of Dezhou?
Didn't Prince Rui already lead an army to intercept him?

The Ming army was not supposed to be in the northwest, so how could it suddenly appear from the east?

What went wrong? !

The wind is strong and the snow is rushing.

The sound of horse hooves was like thunder, and the iron hoofs of the war horses crushed the road mixed with rain and snow, causing countless mud specks to splash, overwhelming all the sounds in the world.

The sound of riding horns is heard one after another in the wilderness of the eastern suburbs of Jinan, mixed with the roar of horse hooves.

Looking up, the field of view is full of Ming army cavalry wearing red armor.

The raised lances came one after another, like a forest of moving spears.

The fluttering flags fluttered in the wind one by one, like a forest of fluttering pine waves.

The crimson wave swept across the wilderness with an unstoppable momentum, sweeping over the earth like a raging flood.

There are waves of waves, and the sound of waves fills the sky.

Before the flood, Chen Wang wore a three-flag moonlight helmet on his head, a hooded armor underneath, a red velvet braided belt around his waist, and a red cotton cashmere cloak. at the head.

Behind him, a group of armored knights with robes and belts followed closely.

The war horses galloped, the icy cold wind hit them head-on, and the earth retreated rapidly toward the rear like an ebbing tide.

Military orders were issued calmly from Chen Wang's mouth. With the waving and shaking of the order flags, the originally huge cavalry formation was split into three in an instant.

Chen Wang rode his horse forward, heading all the way towards the Dongcheng gate of Jinan. Most of the cavalry followed him and moved forward together.

There are two separate divisions, one on the left and one on the right, each with about a thousand cavalry. Each has a tall banner erected in front of the cavalry formation.

The flag at the front of the left-wing cavalry formation is one foot and three feet high. It uses a silver spear as a pole, hangs a five-foot yellow belt, has a red border and a blue background, and is written to the Qian General of the Left Department of Hanzhong Town.

The flag at the front of the right-wing cavalry formation is one foot and three feet high, with a silver pole as a pole and a five-foot yellow belt with red edges and white background. It is written to the right commander of Hanzhong Town.

The silver spear is bright, the trumpet belt is beating, and the red tassel is like blood.

The two people who led the cavalry on the left and right wings to separate were Chen Gong and Hu Zhili who followed Chen Wang north this time.

The Qing army camp in the eastern suburbs of Jinan is not large.

The Qing army originally surrounded three buildings, but changed it to four sides because the defense force of Jinan City had been weakened to the minimum, so they no longer made any cover. Anyway, the destruction of the city was a given.

Now surrounded on all sides, the purpose is to block the livelihood of the residents in the city and trap them all in Jinan City.

The Qing troops in the eastern suburbs moved their camps temporarily. They originally surrounded three buildings, but only surrounded the west, north, and south sides, and released the east side.

To the west were two white flags commanded by Dorgon, but now they are two yellow flags commanded by Tan Tai.

Two red flags and two blue flags were responsible for the attack from the north and south, commanded by Yue Tuo and Hauge respectively.

After Yue Tuo fell ill, the agent for the two red flags was Du Du, the leader of the inlaid red flag.

But of course, the east side was not completely undefended. There was always a wandering cavalry near the eastern suburbs.

Once the troops in Jinan City want to flee from the east, the cavalry wandering in the eastern suburbs of Jinan will become their mourners.

Surrounding three buildings, the escape route released is only to weaken the defenders' will to fight, rather than a real escape route.

There were only more than [-] Qing troops attacking the east city of Jinan, and because they were moving the camp temporarily, the camp was not large, and there were no other troops to respond.

Most of the Qing troops in Dongcheng were members of the Mongolian and Han banners. The Manchu soldiers only had two Niulu soldiers from the Zhenglan banner to act as pressure.

They never thought that the Ming army's cavalry would suddenly appear from behind them. When the Qing army staying in the camp discovered the Ming army's cavalry, the distance between them was already very close.

The sound of golden bells echoed continuously in the eastern suburbs of Jinan City, and the Qing army that was attacking the city was retreating in chaos.

Sieges are different from field battles. The Qing army attacking Dongcheng did not carry many tools and weapons that could deal with the cavalry. They mostly carried weapons such as shields and knives that were useful for climbing the city. Under such circumstances, there was almost no chance of winning against the cavalry in the field. .

In the entire Qing army camp in the eastern suburbs of Jinan, there was only one thousand-man cavalry, two Niu Lu Mongolian cavalry, and two Niu Lu under the Manchurian Zhenglan Banner.

There were four Niulu in total, a headcount of over a thousand people.

The incoming Ming army numbered about 3000 people. If this was on the Liaodong battlefield, these Qing troops would definitely not be afraid.

1000 people versus 3000 people, what dare they not do?
They have always won consecutive battles and won consecutive battles, rarely losing in field battles.

In Liaodong, it was not uncommon for dozens of them to flee after more than 1000 Ming troops.

It was common for thousands of people to defeat tens of thousands of Ming troops. The weakness of the Ming army made them despise it from the bottom of their hearts.

But this time, the Qing army in the eastern suburbs of Jinan did not have much courage to fight.

It wasn't because the Ming army's cavalry was so menacing and powerful.

It wasn't because the cavalry of the Ming Army suddenly appeared, like magic soldiers descending from the sky, catching them by surprise.

Just because of the Ming army cavalry that swept in, there was a flaming red general's flag at the front.

That general's flag reminded them of some bad memories, some memories that frightened them.

On the outskirts of Zhending City, the Ming army arrayed opposite them, and the Ming army that caused them heavy losses was also led by the same general.

As the Mengqi who went to battle were severely defeated, the Qing army in the eastern suburbs of Jinan also completely lost the courage to go to war.

Chen Wang held the horse's harness and led the horse galloping forward, his eyes quickly sweeping across the entire battlefield.

Hu Zhili and Chen Gong, one on the left and one on the right, led their troops to separate and defeated the cavalry sent by the Qing army to intercept.

Then they bypassed the camp erected by the Qing army in the eastern suburbs and rushed towards the gate of Jinan East City.

There was a loud sound of gold in the Qing camp. The Qing troops who were attacking the city originally wanted to return to the camp, but their retreat path was isolated from the camp by the cavalry led by Hu Zhili and Chen Gong.

This part of the Qing army had about a thousand people who had not yet had time to return to the camp. The rest of the Qing army completed their evacuation in time because they were closer to the camp.The Qing army camp in the eastern suburbs of Jinan was only about three miles away from Jinan City. It was just a temporary siege camp with imperfect facilities.

There wasn't even a barrier for horses outside the camp. The outer camp walls were roughly made of earth and wood, and some places were so low that a horse could even enter.

"Wave the blue flag and proceed as planned."

The war horse galloped, and miles of distance passed by in a flash. Chen Wang turned his head and did not look at the Qing army camp in the eastern suburbs of Jinan.

Although everything went well with the plan, now is not the time to celebrate.

The Qing army's battle-hardened divisions, the Qing army in the north and south have already discovered the anomaly here, and several troops and horses have rushed to the rescue from the Qing army camps in the north and south.

There are still [-] Qing troops outside Jinan City. This time, the cavalry he leads only has more than [-] people. There is no chance of winning in a head-on confrontation. It is like throwing an egg against a stone.

However, from the beginning, Chen Wang's plan was not to use these more than [-] cavalry to fight against the [-] Qing troops outside Jinan City in the countryside.

Chen Wang looked forward. The Qing army that had not been withdrawn from the camp in time was barely forming a formation in front of him, only two hundred steps away from him.

They don't want to lose, they want to die, they want to live.

Faced with the threat of death, the first thing they subconsciously think of is to huddle together for warmth.

But, all this is in vain.

A lone army, a lone army that was not fully equipped. The Qing troops that were pushed out to attack the city were basically Mongolians and Hans, with the largest number of Hans among them.

Most of them have no armor, only a uniform, a sword, and some have an extra hat and a shield. Most of them even have bare heads, with a short money rat combed behind their heads. tail.

Their eyes were frightened, their whole bodies were trembling, and they were so close together that they looked ridiculous, pitiful, and despicable.

The distance of two hundred steps is only a blink of an eye for the galloping horses.

The cavalry led by Hu Zhili and Chen Gong, one on the left and one on the right, like two sharp knives, pierced the isolated Qing army outside the city first, causing countless bloody storms in just an instant.

150 steps, a hundred steps, fifty steps, thirty steps.

As the wind and snow hit him, Chen Wang narrowed his eyes slightly. The sound of arrows piercing the air suddenly sounded, the bowstring vibrated continuously, and a large number of arrows shot out from his side.

In just an instant, dozens of soldiers in the Qing army's formation directly in front fell to the ground, and several gaps suddenly appeared in Chen Wang's eyes.

The horse's hooves were rolling wildly, the wind was howling, and amidst the tidal sound of the horse's hooves, they were already approaching twenty steps away. A group of armored riders following Chen Wang suddenly threw away the iron bones in their hands at this moment.

The whirling Iron Bone Flowers slammed into the chaotic crowd. Dozens of Qing troops standing on the periphery were hit. The originally chaotic array was once again overwhelmed.

The heavy iron bones hit a person's body, ranging from broken bones to death. No matter which one happens, the person will instantly lose the ability to resist.

The Qing army's formation fell into complete chaos. Amidst the sound of hoofbeats like a shower, a group of armored cavalry followed Chen Wang and penetrated into his formation like a torrent.

Accompanied by bursts of Qingyue clanging, the Qing troops blocking the horses were swept aside by the horse in Chen Wang's hand like fallen leaves swept down by the autumn wind.

The fishy smell of blood spread instantly, filling everyone's mouths and noses.

Led by Chen Wang, a group of cavalry troops were like tigers leaping into a herd of sheep, charging all the way, invincible to those who stood in their way, leaving a mess wherever they passed.

The Qing army's formation collapsed, and desperate cries, painful wails, and tearful prayers filled the wilderness in the eastern suburbs of Jinan.

But none of these sounds could make the Ming cavalry wearing red armor feel any sympathy in their hearts or hesitate in their hands.

With the collapse of the blue Mele Zhangjing flag erected in the center of the Qing army's array, the fate of this Qing army that failed to return to the camp in time was no longer in doubt.

The cavalry of the Ming Army took advantage of the situation and repeatedly charged and killed. Wherever the soldiers went, their eyes were filled with red, and their mouths and noses were filled with the breath of blood.

These fleeing Qing troops all had real military merits, all were high-ranking officials, and all had wasted money.

Chen Wang led the horse and stepped over the Mele Zhangjing flag lying on the ground. The sticky blood slowly flowed downwards along the pole. All the armored cavalry around him stood with their heads lowered and their guns in hand.

The sharp sword blade reflected the unblinking eyes of Mele Zhangjing. Mele Zhangjing's head was on the side of the flag, just near Chen Wang's horse, but his body was five or six steps away.

Chen Wang turned his head and looked up at the Jinan City Wall not far away.

Flags were swaying on the city wall, and the soldiers and civilians guarding the city stood at the crenellations, waving their arms desperately and shouting.

The thundering cheers were mixed with cries, and countless people cried with joy.

The city was about to be destroyed. I thought that everything was doomed. I was destined to destroy my family and fall into the hands of the bandits.

The news of the arrival of reinforcements a few days ago was like a dream.

I looked forward to it but couldn't see it. I looked forward to it but in the end it just disappeared.

But now it's finally come true.

The King Master they had been waiting for for many days finally arrived. Not only did the King Master arrive, he also rescued them from the danger of water and fire.

The Donglu who attacked the city outside the city were crushed and defeated, and the remaining Donglu were huddled in the camp and did not dare to fight.

They were on top of the city wall and had a clear view of all the affairs. Those Qing soldiers who were showing off their power not long ago were now the dead ghosts under the sword of the king's division outside the city.

Chen Wang held the horse's harness upside down, spurred his horse forward, and led a group of armored cavalry straight into the city.

Dark red blood dyed Chen Wang's robe red, and even the horses under him were stained with a lot of blood.

The sweat on the war horse was mixed with blood, dripping to the ground as it ran, leaving a blood-stained trail mark on the road it passed.

The armored knights following Chen Wang all had bloody robes, red armor, and murderous intent.

Chen Wang went all the way to the foot of Jinan City and stopped the advancing horse only about ten steps away.

Above the city gate of Jinan East City, the crenels were already filled with soldiers and civilians guarding the city.

Chen Wang raised his head high, met the eyes of the soldiers and civilians on the city wall, and said in a deep voice.

"A certain person is Chen Wang, deputy commander-in-chief of the Hanzhong Town Guard, who has sent an order to help Jinan and relieve the siege of Jinan!"

"The military situation is urgent, open the city gate quickly!"

"Anyone who delays military operations will be deemed as treason!"

 There will be an update tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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