Chapter 27 Discipline
It was getting late, and more and more people were eating porridge. After many days of clear soup and lack of water, they finally had a full meal, and they all ate hungrily.

People who have been hungry for a long time must not eat too much, so Chen Wang ordered people to prepare 370 steamed buns, and each person could only get one.

However, you can still drink a little more rice porridge. Rice porridge is easy to digest. As long as you don't drink too much, it won't hurt anyone.

More than 300 people crowded the cauldron to the brim, and the rice porridge in one pot was definitely not enough.

The fire soldiers who were in charge of cooking set up three large pots, and several recruits who had finished eating rice porridge and steamed buns were called to help build a simple porridge shed.

Chen Wang selected soldiers and registered them in the register. Chen Gong was not idle either. He commanded the surrounding soldiers to expand the area of ​​the open space and drive the gathered hungry people out of the circle.

Although all the hungry people were greedy for the fragrant rice porridge, but the gleaming steel knife was not a joke. Although everyone had thoughts in their hearts, no one dared to step forward to snatch it.

In almost two hours, all 370 people have been recruited.

Chen Wang put down the pen in his hand, held the somewhat sore wrist of his right hand with his left hand, and turned his head to look at the porridge shed.

Many recruits around the porridge shed had finished eating steamed buns and drinking rice porridge, and they were all sitting on the ground at this time.

No one whispered, and no one walked around.

Around the porridge shed, apart from the recruits, there were also many family members of the recruits, who also stayed together obediently.

This time, most of the recruits Chen Wang recruited were alone, but he also recruited some with families and not too many. The number of places given by the prefect of Binzhou was limited, and there were only a few places in the city that could be vacated.

Chen Wang stood up and looked around. The recruiting had ended, but the people around still had no intention of dispersing.

Those who came late, those who were not selected, either beat their chests and stamped their feet, or sighed and wailed.

Some even knelt on the ground, pulling the guards outside and begging to recruit more.

But all of this is of course of no avail, and the number of troops lacking in the army is only 370.

Even Chen Wang has no way to make decisions without authorization, unless he is recruited in the name of recruiting servants, and Chen Wang has no idea of ​​recruiting servants.

The porridge shed has already begun to be dismantled, and the large pots that have been eaten have also been put away. It is not dark yet to return to the camp, and some things can be handled.

"Big brother."

Chen Wangzheng asked Hu Zhili about the ordnance, and Chen Gong came forward from the other side.

Seeing Chen Gong approaching, Chen Wang gave Hu Zhili a few more instructions, and then asked him to go back to the camp first to allocate armaments.

"what happened?"

Chen Wang turned his head to look at Chen Gong, and greeted him.

"We have already handed over to the people in Binzhou, and the families of these soldiers will go to the city with them later, but it may take some time..."

Chen Wang looked in the direction of Chen Gong's finger, and happened to see seven or eight government servants wearing flat top scarves and light blue stickers, and another official wearing an official scarf and a blue collar shirt.

These people are obviously the people who came to pick them up. When we parted, there were many people who were reluctant to part with them.

However, the world is difficult, and being able to enter the city and be able to serve as a soldier is at least a guarantee. The parting between everyone is not so unbearable, but some people still can't help crying.

"It's okay to wait a little longer."

Chen Wang didn't urge him, his eyes just stayed on the porridge shed for a while and then moved elsewhere.

"Let the soldiers below load their cars and get ready first. It's getting late, so don't miss the time."

Chen Wang closed the roster on the square table, and still couldn't help sighing in his heart.

He knew better than anyone else that the parting this time was actually a farewell forever.

"In the eighth year of Chongzhen, in July, after Gao Yingxiang burned Pingliang and Helinyuan, he turned eastward and attacked the Ming army again.

Hong Chengchou's troops were small and few, and they lost one after another. After several defeats, most of them were defeated and retreated all the way to Sanyuan and Jingyang.

The momentum of the Chuangjun was like a rainbow. Gao Yingxiang gathered 72 battalions of volunteers from thirteen families in Guanzhong, gathering 20 troops, and the battalion was [-] miles away.

Yilu, Binzhou, Yongshou, Chunhua, Qianzhou and other cities were all trapped.

Gao Yingxiang ordered all troops to be dispatched, raised the king's flag, and all the troops went south again, and entered Xi'an..."

Those who followed Zao Li into the city of Binzhou, I don't know how many of them will survive after the city is broken in the future.

As for the 370 newly recruited soldiers he recruited, he didn't know how many of them could walk off the battlefield.

When the rogues march eastward again, these 370 soldiers will all be alone.

Chen Wang rode on the horse and clenched the Yanling Saber on his waist.

The feeling of stepping on the stirrups can make him feel at ease, and only when he holds the handle of the knife can he feel that his destiny is in his own hands.

Seeing the last pair of hands separated, Chen Wangcai raised the whip in his hand.


The low and melodious horn sounded slowly over the wilderness, and the breeze from the northwest blew countless banners on the city of Binzhou.

A group of recruits started to line up under the command of the veterans. Most of them were just farmers who planed food in the fields all day long, and they were not from military households, so they were a little confused for a while.

However, the confusion didn't last long. Although they didn't understand queues or how to arrange them, their greatest advantage was their obedience.

Under the orders of the team officers, they quickly lined up.

Although the queue was loose and many places were quite scattered, Chen Wang was very satisfied with all of this.

It only takes more than ten days of queue training, and they can look like an army.

The formation actually appeared as early as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. At that time, with chariots as the core, arranging the formation required a strict formation.

In the thousands of years of war, the way of fighting has been changing, but the essence of war has basically never changed.

From the Qin and Han Dynasties to the present, formations are basically something that a regular army must learn first.

Only when you know how to arrange the queues can you be in a strict and orderly manner on the way of marching, and you can line up the army array on the battlefield to fight against the enemy.

Chen Wang led the horse and walked on the right side of the formation, patrolling the entire formation.

There were 370 people in a row of ten people, a total of 37 rows. Everyone was looking forward, and no one was looking around, looking left and right.

While queuing up, someone had already told them several things that they were not allowed to do.

"On the marching route, the most important thing is to be quiet. It is forbidden to look left and right, talk loudly, and those who violate the order will be tied up for thirty."

This was also the first military order they heard. Of course, it was not the original words. If it were the original words, some people really couldn't understand them.

The officer leading the team described the overly written military order in concise words, so that everyone could understand the military order.

Chen Wang withdrew his gaze, raised the whip in his hand, looked into the distance, and lowered his voice.

"Set off."

Chen Wang kicked the horse's belly, the horse under the seat shook its head, snorted, and walked forward.

"set off!"

Standing on the left side of the queue, the officer with the Yanling Saber repeated Chen Wang's order loudly.

A group of recruits on the wilderness heard the order, and they all hurried forward.

As soon as they took a step, the array began to scatter, but with the officers standing on the side constraining them wholeheartedly, they could still move forward.

Although the array was chaotic and they walked bumps, they did still maintain the queue.

(End of this chapter)

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