The Rebirth of 88 Begins with a Carpenter

Chapter 964 Down jackets are on the market, will they be unsalable?

Chapter 964 Down jackets are on the market, will they be unsalable?

Just like this free ride, Party Secretary Yang and some bosses were reluctant to come on board.

In the end, Wu Yuan urged and hugged him to the back row.

The car door was slammed shut, and there was still a faint smell of gasoline inside.

Wu Yuan looked at his watch and said, "Second uncle, are you a little early in this class?"

Yang Guozhu skillfully loosened the brakes and said, "The weather is bad, and the journey may be longer. I think I should leave earlier."

Immediately looking at the father and two, he said, "Where are you two going?"

Wu Yuan snorted and said, "Oh, I'll pick dad up for breakfast."

When Yang Guozhu heard this, he turned to Yang Zhishu and said, "Brother, you didn't even eat breakfast? You said earlier, come to my house to eat, it's about having an extra pair of chopsticks."

Secretary Yang said with disgust: "Drive your car well, I'll show you how to be patient!"

Yang Guozhu didn't take it seriously, turned his head and looked at the road while driving, and said to Wu Yuan through the rearview mirror: "Xiao Yuan, believe it or not! You have assigned me a car for so long, and this is your father-in-law's first time riding in my car."


Wu Yuan was naturally surprised and looked at the two brothers.

Brothers, you can still be so awkward because of this little thing.

Then he laughed and teased, "Second Uncle, I'll drive that Bentley for you another day. Daddy might be happy to ride in your car."

Yang Guozhu answered first, "Are you looking down on Santana?"

Then he shook his head and said: "But forget it, Bentley, open it for me, I don't dare to drive it."

A few words and jokes.

The silver Santana had already parked on the village road behind the Wu family building.

Wu Yuan pushed the door to get out of the car first, and was about to wait for the father-in-law to also get off from this side.

Unexpectedly, Party Secretary Yang got out of the driveway from the other side: "Drive slowly, don't just burn the buns!"

The warning was not loud and disappeared with the wind.

But Wu Yuan still heard it.

Yang Guozhu raised his hand to signal: "Understood, brother."

Watching the silver Santana go away, the father and father turned their heads and walked off the village road, heading straight for the small building of the Wu family.

The movements of the two of you, the big dogs at home, are all too familiar.

So he didn't even yell, and still nestled in his own nest, with his head buried in his stomach, watching the hostess drive a snowy road out of the hospital.

Yang Luoyan shoveled the snow to the center of the yard when the father and father reached the main entrance.

Wu Yuan walked a few steps quickly, took the shovel and said, "Go back to the house to warm up quickly. I'll be here."

When Yang Luoyan was robbed of the shovel by her husband, she patted the snowflakes on her father's body and said, "Why did you two come so soon? We met on the way?"

Yang Zhishu snorted, but said nothing.

But he didn't let his daughter dust off the snowflakes and went straight into the small building.

Yang Luoyan was left to look at Wu Yuan, and then he heard Wu Yuan say: "I came by the second uncle's ride."

Yang Luoyan immediately understood, "No wonder."

Wu Yuan picked up the shovel and dropped it, cutting the ground three times and five times, and opened a large road.

Turning around, I saw my daughter-in-law was still standing in the snow.

She was wearing the half-length down jacket that narrowed the waist but didn't tighten the chest.

"Why don't you go in? What are you so happy about?"

Yang Luoyan said expectantly: "I don't know if it's snowing in Shanghai, and I don't know if the one hundred sets of women's down jackets that I ordered in advance will be unsalable?"

"Don't worry, it's snowing here, and Shanghai won't be much warmer." Wu Yuan comforted, "However, if you send these [-] sets to the capital, you won't have this problem now."

Yang Luoyan said happily: "Isn't this because of the proximity to Shanghai? If it can be sold here in Shanghai, the BJ branch will soon have the goods."

But in the short term, these women's down jackets may be luxury goods.

Ordinary people can't afford it.After all, the cost is there.

While speaking, Wu Yuan had already shoveled the snow to the gate, so he put the shovel in front of the gate.

He turned around and followed his wife back to the house to have breakfast.

Because the two children were barking through the glass door.

The couple returned to the eaves.

Yang Luoyan patted the snow on her husband's body, and said while patting: "Three years ago, when I decided to marry you, I never expected to live like this today!"

Wu Yuan joked with a smile, "You've become a townsman because of the delay."

Yang Luoyan turned her palm into a fist, gave her husband a small show punch, and said proudly: "Hmph, how many city people are working for me, a rural person like me."

Breakfast is millet porridge, boiled eggs, steamed buns with meat, as well as home-cooked dishes such as fermented bean curd and pimple vegetables.

They are also common things on the dining table in rural homes.

I didn’t upgrade to bread and milk sandwiches in one fell swoop.

So Party Secretary Yang was happy to come over and have a hot meal.

Of course, on the lips, it is inevitable to blame my wife for being troubled.

Peach crisps soaked in boiled water one bite at a time were delicious, but it was completely ignored that even Dahei didn't eat it.

After breakfast.

Xu Zhaodi drove over and picked up Yang Luoyan.

In the past few days, new down jackets, including two types of jeans, have been launched. Yang Luoyan is worried and can't stay at home.

On the contrary, Wu Yuan has gotten used to the rhythm of being a hands-off shopkeeper in the past ten days since he came back.

Most of the time is at home, and only a small part of the time is spared to deal with irresistible entertainment.

For example, at noon today, Director Li of the County Education Commission had a dinner, and he couldn't be turned off.

But during the half day before the dinner, Wu Yuan didn't go anywhere, just sweeping snow at home.

Even his father-in-law, Yang Zhishu, was panicking after having a good meal and didn't want to go back to guard the empty gate alone, so he followed his daughter-in-law to clear the snow.

So Wu Yuan took the opportunity and said: "Dad, you can come with me to the luncheon dinner. Except for Director Li, there are no outsiders."

"I'm not going!" Yang Zhishu shook his head like a rattle, "He invited you to dinner, specifically to ask you to fight in the autumn wind and ask you to support education. I'm afraid I won't be able to help but beat him!"

Wu Yuan smiled and said: "Why are you beating him? The wool comes from the sheep. Where will the funds come from for the expansion of our village primary school? Why don't we point to Director Li to help apply for approval?"

"Let's take it as an indirect donation to build a village-run primary school."

Yang Zhishu stared at him: "I want him to get this, and the wild goose will be plucked? If I want to pluck it out, won't I pluck it out myself?"

Wu Yuan smiled and said no more.

My father-in-law, this sounds like exquisite egoism.

But for Wu Yuan, who is well versed in the tricks, he doesn't think too much about it.

The reason why Wu Yuan is willing to be plucked is because he wants to have a good relationship with Director Li.

Even if he didn't think about his elder brother-in-law Lin Xianxue, he had to think about Song Chunhong.

Not to mention that there is another eldest brother-in-law Ma Changshan on the daughter-in-law's side.

Left and right can't escape Director Li's palm.

Then don't struggle, just handle the relationship well and try to take the initiative.

Without saying a word, the father and I pushed out the snow in the yard, and the snow gradually stopped.

The sun's rays hit the thick clouds and poured down.

Let Xue Houhan, who hadn't had time to show off his power, disappear in an instant.

This is normal.

Because the first snow in Beigang in winter is often not cold.

(End of this chapter)

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