Chapter 400

At this time Fang Xuanling really wanted to say, 'It's almost done, everyone is listening, can't you say this when no one is around? '

It's a pity that Li Yunze has no scruples, he is really not afraid of anything.

As for Li Er, he also didn't care about the strong self-confidence brought about by defeating the powerful Turkic people just now, and the rare fact that Li Yunze was interested in this kind of thing.

In desperation, Fang Xuanling could only watch those tribal nobles listen with their ears sideways. They also wanted to know what good things were on the grassland.

Picking up the wine glass, Li Er asked, "Is there anything good on the grassland that can improve productivity?"

"First of all, animal husbandry." Li Yunze quickly responded, "Provide horses, cattle and sheep."

Li Er was a little disappointed when he heard the words, "Although there is no shortage of cattle, sheep and horses on the grassland, it is very difficult to transport them back. Many of them died on land because they were not acclimatized to the water and soil. If they were made into dried meat, it would not be considered worthwhile if you count the travel expenses." What an advantage."

One of the representatives of low productivity is the poor transportation system.

From the grassland to the city of Chang'an, the road is even more difficult and difficult.If you want to transport cattle, sheep and livestock on a large scale, the price you need to pay is too high.

As for making jerky, the price of salt is also very expensive these days. It is better to buy it locally if you use a lot of salt to make jerky and ship it back thousands of miles.

Li Er was obviously disappointed with Li Yunze's proposal.

Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, the Central Plains Dynasty has tried everything possible to control the grasslands and cut off the troubles of nomadic tribes' continuous southward invasion.

There has never been a shortage of smart people in Middle-earth. Naturally, there are some people who want to find a job for the tribes on the grassland instead of thinking about going south to plunder all day long.

But limited by technology and transportation, there has been no good way.

Originally, Li Er thought that this strange person like Li Yunze could do something differently, but he never thought that it was still the same old way.

Li Yunze, who was keenly aware of Li Er's emotional changes, clapped his hands, "Since I dare to say it, of course there is a solution."

"There are difficulties in transporting live animals and meat products directly. The difficulty lies in transportation. This matter will naturally be solved after Datang's iron smelting technology improves." Li Yunze briefly mentioned the road problem, and then turned back to On the key issue of "lucky
It's not too difficult to send wool. "


Again, the ancients were not stupid.The usefulness of wool is not because we don’t know it, but because it is difficult to tan, comb and even more difficult to weave.

In fact, after all, it is still too technically difficult.

"Basic clothing, food, housing, and transportation, clothing comes before food. The wool textile industry is the best choice for the grassland at the moment."

Historically, the origin of England's transition from agriculture to industry was the wool textile industry, and even the famous enclosure movement known as sheep cannibalism broke out for this reason.

Compared with England, which is a bit bigger, although the vast prairie is barren, the number of sheep that can be raised is definitely slapped.

"Since you are a herdsman, let's graze well on the grassland." Li Yunze's voice was not loud, but it was sonorous and forceful, "I can provide Merino sheep with fine wool, so that the herdsmen of various tribes will be able to raise cattle, sheep and horses in the future. , I can sing and dance in my spare time, don’t

Think about horseback riding and archery. "

Hearing this, Li Er stroked his beard and smiled, Fang Xuanling and the others all showed joy.

If the herdsmen no longer ride horses and shoot arrows from now on, then the Central Plains Dynasty will no longer have to worry about them going south.

"It's ridiculous!"

Secretly betrayed Xieli and colluded with Datang, originally wanted to use Datang's power to regain his own Khan position, but never thought that he would lead a tiger into the house, and Datang would directly defeat the entire Turkic Turk Khan, I heard This remark said contemptuously, "To all the ministries on the grassland

Do you provide sheep breeds?Do you know how many tribes and herdsmen there are on the prairie?They need more than a million sheep breeds! "

Tu Li thought that he had uttered an earth-shattering number, but he never thought that everyone in Tang Dynasty seemed very calm.

This surprised Tu Li, who was so annoyed that he vomited blood because he had lured a tiger into the house.

"is it a lot?"

Li Yunze's response stunned Tuli on the spot, "I said millions, are you sure you heard it right?"

"Is a million dollars a lot?" Li Yunze smiled like a spring breeze, and said with a smile, "Since I dare to say it, of course I can provide it, and it's free."

The nobles of the tribe suddenly went into an uproar. Could it be that this person is a fool, talking nonsense here.

"Let's not talk about sheep, the future breeds of cattle and horses can be provided free of charge, as long as the herdsmen can graze them well, and after they grow up, they will be paid with woolen cattle and horses."

Li Yunze looked at Li Er, "Your Majesty, since they call His Majesty Tian Khan, they must listen to Tian Khan's words. Let the herdsmen raise cattle, sheep and horses, and then buy them at a suitable price so that they have enough money to buy them." Living supplies. Is this possible?"

Li Er, who squinted his eyes, stroked his beard and smiled, "Yes."

"The herdsmen raise livestock, and the noble heads live and work in peace and contentment in Chang'an City. Is this possible?"

Li Er grinned, "Yes."

"If someone makes trouble, or takes something and is unwilling to fulfill the agreement, can your majesty send troops to collect debts for me? I will pay for the military expenses."

Li Er was already smiling, "Yes!"

There was a commotion among the shocked tribal nobles. Didn't they become ordinary people in Chang'an City?
Under extreme dissatisfaction, he was afraid of Datang's strength and did not dare to speak out against it. After all, he just called the emperor Tian Khan.

In desperation, everyone turned their attention to Tuli Khan.

Compared with Xieli who danced for the Tang emperor, Tuli became their only hope at this time.

"What you said is indeed a good thing." Tuli, who was also upset, grasped the crux of the problem, "But is there any way for you to transport the supplies needed by millions of herdsmen to the prairie? And bring back those cattle, sheep, horses, wool, etc.

? ”

It is indeed a key issue. When the materials are not running smoothly, no matter how good the arrangement is, it will be useless.

"This is a matter of the Tang Dynasty." Li Yunze waved his hand, "Three years, after three years, there must be a convenient way to travel between Chang'an City and the prairie. Back and forth in time."

Tuli wanted to laugh again when he heard that, but Li Er simply said, "Since that's the case, then this matter is settled, and it will be decided after three years. Everyone sit down, play music, and dance!"

The music mixed with Guzi's tone was played, and a group of dancers rushed up and started humming, dancing and singing.

Undoubtedly, this is the most famous court dance in the early Tang Dynasty, "Qin Wang Breaking the Battle", also known as "Seven Virtues Dance".

Of course, Li Yunze has seen a lot of court dance music, but it is extremely rare in later generations because it promotes martial arts on such a scale.

Moreover, the King of Qin's Battle of the Formation was very famous, Li Yunze watched it with relish.

After some strenuous performances, the dancer who played the role of the King of Qin took the lead in roaring heart-piercingly, "Accept the law to resign the head of state, and the prime minister will punish the traitors."The salty song breaks the battle, and the Taiping people are rewarded together! '

The civil and military nobles of the Tang Dynasty, who had been fascinated and dancing before, also stood up and echoed in unison.

All of a sudden, the big drum rang loudly, and the sound spread like hundreds of miles, with a majestic momentum, as if moving the sky.

"They're all good actors."

Li Yunze was amazed to see the hard-working performance of all the civil and military personnel.

The singing and dancing is indeed good, but it is also a good stage.Everyone's reaction was obviously over the top.

Of course, considering that the emperor was in the palace, and there were so many outsiders present, it was natural to show off.

Wu Hua obviously had no interest in this dance music, and after a little agreement, he tugged at Li Yunze's sleeve and asked, "Master, how can we transport a large amount of supplies to and from a place thousands of miles away in a short period of time?"

As soon as this remark came out, many people nearby turned their attention, including Li Er.

They all want to know how to do it.

"This is a secret." Li Yunze held up his wine glass with a smile, "How can you easily show it to others when it is an important weapon of the country? Non-important ministers should not hear about it."

Li Er on the dragon chair nodded in satisfaction, what he said was so true.

When the banquet was over and everyone had dispersed, the servant found Li Yunze and expressed the emperor's invitation.

Following the servants around the palace, they finally came to a palace.

In addition to Li Er who had already changed into regular clothes, there was also a beauties in a palace costume hugging a little girl to eat fruit.

"Your Majesty, Queen, Princess."

"No need to be too polite." Li Er waved his hand, motioning Li Yunze to sit beside him, "This is my daughter, Lizhi, who just recovered from the cowpox, can you see if there is any discomfort?"

This kind of thing should be done by Sun Simiao.

Li Yunze complained a bit, but he still asked Li Li very seriously.

After all, after staying in many parallel worlds for so long, he has naturally learned medical skills, and he is still a member of Taoism.

Facing Li Yunze's inquiry and wait-and-see, Li Lizhi's face flushed, obviously feeling at a loss.

Li Yunze felt that the little girl was thinking too much, but Li Lizhi was not like that.

Because before coming here, the queen said a few words to her, "Well, look, maybe I will be your son-in-law in the future." '

Li Er attaches great importance to Li Yunze, in fact, anyone would value such a strange person.

Although Li Yunze has already accepted the title of Datang, he is willing to join the system of Datang.It's just that Li Er still felt unsafe and wanted to tie the rope more firmly.

In history, he used the method of marrying his daughter to bind him with important ministers and dignitaries, and it is no exception now.

The reason why it was Li Lizhi and not her older sisters was because Li Lizhi was the queen's direct daughter.

Of course, there is another reason that is hard to say.

"No problem." Li Yunze nodded and said, "After being inoculated with cowpox, you will have a low-grade fever. This is because the body's immune system is starting to work and disinfect the low-activity smallpox virus. After the immune system has a memory, it will be able to recover when it is infected with smallpox again." Easy to kill.


Both Li Er and the eldest grandson heaved a sigh of relief.

Naturally, they knew that smallpox was a disaster.It is really great news that smallpox can be prevented.

The eldest grandson said with a smile, "This achievement can be recorded in the annals of history, and countless people will remember your contribution for thousands of years."

"The credit belongs to Daoist Sun." Li Yunze waved his hands again and again, "The other thing is that His Majesty has the initiative to promote Wanmin, so I didn't do much."

Knowing how to advance and retreat and talking, the eldest grandson is more and more satisfied with it.

"After a while, I will hold a hall to sacrifice to heaven, and canonize Daoist Sun as a real person in order to reward him for his contribution to eradicating smallpox."

After chatting for a while, under Li Er's signal, the eldest grandson took Li Lizhi to leave.

Before leaving, Li Lizhi secretly looked at Li Yunze several times.

When the hall quieted down, Li Er asked solemnly, "Is there really something that can travel thousands of miles in a short period of time, and can also transport many people and materials?"

Li Yunze nodded seriously, "Yes, this thing is called a train."

(End of this chapter)

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