The heavens start from saving Daming

Chapter 416 My Innate Divine Power

Chapter 416 My Innate Divine Power

The soldiers outside responded loudly, and then there was a dense clanging of armor leaves.

The atmosphere inside suddenly became tense, and many people are still confused.

"Don't be so nervous."

Li Yunze said with a smile, "No one knows how to use this thing except the people I trained. Even if it is taken away, it is just a pile of scrap iron."

Hearing this, Li Er looked at the farmer who operated the radio station, "How many people are there?"

"The first batch of twelve, although they are very unfamiliar, but at least they can be used."

Li Er immediately nodded, "These 12 people are all in the Baiqisi Division, and they are serving as thousands of cattle and preparing for the body, and they are deputy lieutenants of Xun Zhaowu!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar.

You must know that this is the sixth grade, and it is higher than the county magistrate in the local area.It's so easy to give it to the farmers, and it's still twelve!

Hou Junji was already so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, "My dear brother, how far can such a magical thing transmit sound? Can it transmit sound for thousands of miles?"

"Based on the cleanliness of the ionosphere and the power of the radio station, there is no problem for thousands of miles."

Hearing this, Hou Junji immediately looked up to the sky and laughed.

With such divine help, if he can't beat Gao Changlai, he might as well hit him head-on to death.

Following the detailed explanation, and several instant telegrams with Lijiazhuang in Lantian County, everyone now understands that this thing can communicate thousands of miles away in the fastest and most convenient way!

"God, god! Absolutely a god!"

It doesn't matter if you don't know the principle, the workflow, or all of these, as long as you know what the thing is useful for.

"If the Western Turks are defeated, this thing will be of great good." Li Ji who spoke, he looked down on such a small country as Gaochang, and all he wanted was to stand shoulder to shoulder with Li Jing, the god of war who defeated the Eastern Turks.

If you want to stand shoulder to shoulder with Li Jing, the only source of military exploits is the Western Turks.

If there is a radio station as a link to the pursuit of thousands of miles on the grassland, it is really exciting to make the scalp tingle.

Li Er was even more satisfied, and immediately asked, "How much is this thing? What is the price?"

This is someone who understands Li Yunze, and knows that everything he brings out will be charged.

As for offering it to the imperial court in exchange for a pennant, at least he refused.

"Free gift."

Li Yunze's words shocked Li Er greatly. Did he change his mind and want to contribute to the country?

It's a pity that before he could say words of appreciation, he heard Li Yunze say, "The radio station is free. If His Majesty wants these senders, it can also be regarded as free training. It's just that every time you send a report, you need to pay by the word."

Hearing this, the smile on Li Er's face immediately froze, and a bad feeling filled his heart, "What is the price for one word?"

Li Yunze with a friendly smile raised a finger.

"A penny?" Li Er immediately smiled and stroked his beard, "It's not expensive."

Li Yunze simply shook his head, "Persistent."

Li's second hand clenched his hands, and almost pulled his beard off, "Yiguan?! You're clearly robbing."

"It's such a fetish, it's lucky to be able to use it with money." Li Yunze shrugged, "Think about it, Your Majesty, even if it's an expedited [-] miles, can it ever compare to the speed of this telegram? Six hundred miles at a time The cost of expedited delivery is more than a hundred dollars?"

This is not wrong. Running six hundred miles in a hurry for several days, the constant consumption of similar horses and setting up maintenance stations along the way is not worth it.

As the emperor, the national strength of the Tang Dynasty is booming, so naturally there will be no shortage of money.

If there are more than a hundred characters in each telegram, or a few tens, that is, a hundred words, it is not too much.

But the problem is that this thing is so easy to use, it must be used frequently.Accumulated over the years, that is a huge sum.

If it's a different person, just grab it.

It's a pity you can't grab it.

Li Er scratched his head a little, and subconsciously said, "To save my face, can I reduce it more?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone fell silent.

If Li Yunze doesn't give face, then this matter will not end well.

"Your Majesty's face is naturally given." Li Yunze smiled slightly, "Then let's cut it in half. For His Majesty's face, how about five hundred words per word?"

Thinking in his heart that he must gather the best craftsmen in the world to make such gods, Li Er immediately nodded "Yes."

After everyone sat down again, Hou Junji lowered his voice and asked, "My dear brother, do these fetishes come from the fairy world?"

"There are no gods." Li Yunze shook his head again and again, "This is nothing more than a craftsman's technique."

"A craftsman?" Hou Junji was greatly surprised, "Can a craftsman make such a fetish?"

"Craftsmen do science and technology. When the level of science and technology reaches a certain level, corresponding products will naturally appear. Things that seem to be like fairy treasures are no big deal when the craftsman's way reaches the extreme."

Speaking of this, Li Yunze smiled slightly, "The end of science is theology."

Li Yunze's words caused ripples in many people's hearts.

Many of the things he took out seemed miraculous, but they didn't seem so difficult to understand when viewed separately.

Even if it is a railway, it is nothing more than forging iron into long strips and laying it on the ground.

Even the trains are just big blocks of iron.

Thinking of this, Li Er made up his mind to train craftsmen.

'It's just forging various irons into different styles and then assembling them together.As long as it is knowledge, there must be a time when you can learn it well. '

The music sounded again, and everyone started pushing glasses again.

Unexpectedly, Yuchi Jingde, who had been suffocating anger before, saw that Hou Junji and others who were about to go to the expedition had received such precious support, and the anger in his heart was burning even more uncontrollably.

He waved his casserole-sized fist, once again provoking the topic of 'why do you sit in front of me'.

Li Daozong, the King of Rencheng who was sitting on the side, persuaded him not to quarrel any more, but he never expected Yuchi Jingde to yell at him immediately.

Simply yelling is not enough, so I just waved my fist and smashed it in Li Daozong's eyes.

In terms of his strength, this punch could directly smash Li Daozong's eyes.

Li Daozong also went to battle, he is not a frail scholar.

But he never thought that Yuchi Jingde would attack him at this time, he could only watch the iron fist approaching his eyes without any precaution.

Then the fist was fixed in front of his eyes.

The first thought in Li Daozong's mind was, "This reckless man is sober." '

Then he saw a hand reaching out from the side, directly holding Yuchi Jingde's wrist.

Yuchi Jingde, who was already dark-faced, turned his own face into a dark purple.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free from his fist.

The situation here naturally attracted everyone's attention. After all, as long as Li Yunze was present, almost everyone's eyes would be on him.

The one who stopped Yuchi Jingde's fist was naturally Li Yunze.

He looked sideways at Yuchi Jingde, "Are you drunk?"

The extremely ugly Yuchi Jingde didn't speak, but clenched another fist and threw it directly at Li Yunze.

Li Yunze didn't dodge at all, he directly grabbed Yuchi Jingde's wrist and stood up, staggering and dragging him into the hall.

Without waiting for Yuchi Jingde to stabilize his figure, Li Yunze directly threw him up and hit the ground heavily.

Yuchi Jingde is a world-renowned fierce general, with a big shoulder and round waist, he is more than two hundred catties.

But it was treated like a doll by Li Yunze, who threw it back and forth and smashed it on the ground several times.

Every time it hit the ground, there would be a dull sound, and the wine glasses on everyone's table were knocked to the ground.

Li Yunze let go of his hand, squatted down and asked, "Are you drunk?"

Yuchi Jingde didn't respond, because he was already knocked unconscious.

Turning around to look at Li Er, Li Yunze greeted, "Mr. Wu is drinking too much."

'Crap!We all saw it, obviously you knocked him out! '

Facing everyone's horror-like eyes, Li Yunze spread his hands, "I am born with supernatural power."

Li Er sighed, and called the sergeant to come in and carry Yuchi Jingde out to the imperial physician for treatment.

"It's all light." Li Yunze instructed the soldiers, "The bone is broken, let the imperial doctor set his bone first."

Everyone was terrified by what they said.

Li Daozong, who came back to his senses, hurried forward to salute, "Thank you for your help! The kindness and virtue will never be forgotten!"

Raising his hand to pat Li Daozong's shoulder, Li Yunze taught him earnestly, "Don't drink with people who don't drink well, you will be unlucky if you get into trouble."

After things like this happened, the banquet couldn't go on, and soon the banquet ended and everyone dispersed.

The eldest grandson Wuji, who drank two bowls of hangover soup, came to Li Er's bedroom.

Seeing Li Er who was caressing the radio station, he hurried forward to salute.

"Jingde is becoming more and more outrageous." Li Er, who was standing with his back, said, "When he sobers up, you go and tell him, 'I read the "Hanshu", and found that Han Gaozu's heroes were very few who could protect themselves, and I often blamed him in my heart." Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty. Therefore, after he ascended the throne, he always wanted to protect the heroes and make their descendants safe. But after you became a high-ranking official, you kept violating the laws of the country, and then you realized that Han Xin and Peng Yue were killed. It was not the fault of Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty. The most important thing to govern the country is to Rewards and punishments. You can’t give too much extra favors, you must be strict with yourself, and don’t do things you regret later.’”

This was already a very severe beating, and Changsun Wuji, who felt slightly chilled, hurriedly responded, "Wei."

As for the fact that Yuchi Jingde was not drunk but was knocked unconscious, Li Er's question was "You Guanzi favors this person, but is he born with supernatural power?"

"Natural power?"

Changsun Wuji smiled wryly, "What kind of natural power is this? It's clearly a unique skill. Your Majesty knows how strong Wu Guogong is. Those arms once pinched the enemy to death on the battlefield."

"It is said that Duke Wu's arms have the strength of a thousand catties, and I also believe it. But in front of Lantian County Zi with such supernatural power, he is as immobile as a child. This is true, this is true"

Li Er also sighed.

He had never seen anyone stronger than Yuchi Jingde.Perhaps Xue Ju, the overlord of the Western Qin Dynasty, was stronger than Yuchi Jingde, but his strength was limited.

Such a strong general, but in front of Li Yunze, he is like a cloth bag, which makes people speechless!

"Go back."

Li Er waved his hand, and then asked, "For the matter of beauty, you should find a chance to mention it to Zihou."

Changsun Wuji's chubby body trembled, and he hurriedly saluted in response.


(End of this chapter)

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