The heavens start from saving Daming

Chapter 470 Exile and Entrustment

Chapter 470 Exile and Entrustment
The first enemy country that Li Er hated deeply was naturally the Turkic people.

During the Weishui alliance back then, Jieli Khan took advantage of the chaos of the Xuanwumen incident and forced Li Er to sign the alliance under the city. Li Er regarded it as a great shame and vowed to take revenge.

After trying his best, he finally defeated the Turks and took Xieli to be the dancer of the Khan King Song and Dance Troupe.

In addition to Turkic, there is another country that makes Li Er very unhappy.

The one that made Li Er and even the whole Tang Dynasty disliked was Goguryeo.

The reason is very simple. The Great Tang inherited the legal system of the former Sui Dynasty, and the defeat of Goguryeo during the three expeditions of the former Sui Dynasty, and the loss of millions of people, was a personal pain for the people of the Great Tang Dynasty.

It is precisely because Yang Guang once lost millions in Goguryeo that Li Er attached great importance to the conquest of Goguryeo, and he wanted to make complete preparations before doing it.

The combat effectiveness of Goguryeo's army is no threat to the Tang army.

What really troubled Tang Jun was the cold weather in winter and the long supply line.

This is also the root cause of the failure of the Sui army's three conquests.

After the large-scale popularization of cotton and wool and the large-scale use of coal, the cold in winter has been effectively dealt with.

As for logistics supplies, what Li Er carefully supervised was the railway line extending from Luoyang to Youzhou.

This railway line has been started a long time ago, but the construction has not been completed for many years. The main reason is that there are many big rivers along the way, and it is extremely difficult to build bridges.

It was not until Li Yunze decided to make another move and brought in advanced construction equipment and raw materials from the modern world that it was finally resolved.

As for the fact that the technology has not reached the corresponding level after several decades, resulting in the inability to maintain and operate, Li Yunze has already run away and can't control it.

When the railway line was finally completed and opened to traffic, Li Er finally showed his fangs towards Goguryeo.

He drove away the envoys and declared war on Goguryeo on the grounds that the envoys of Goguryeo stepped forward with their left foot first.

Train after train transported a large number of Tang army sergeants and military supplies to Youzhou. At the same time, fleets were secretly assembled in Jiangdu and other places, preparing to raid Goguryeo's ally Baekje by sea.

Li Er has been waiting for this battle for many years.

He wants to prove that he is better than his cousin, and he will do what his cousin failed to do!
The entire Tang Dynasty began to rotate at a high speed, and all the forces were tilted in the direction of Youzhou.

Under such a general environment, the fact that the former crown prince Li Chengqian left the town of Wa was not so eye-catching.

Relying on his prestige and strength, Li Er forcibly suppressed the voices of opposition and made the arrangement of establishing the virtuous but not the senior.

He has been giving Li Chengqian opportunities, but this kid's mental capacity is too great, and he can't bear the pressure and disappoints Li Er time and time again.

Until Empress Changsun died of illness, Li Chengqian, who lost her biggest backer, was finally given up.

When Li Chengqian left, none of the officials and nobles came to see him off.

There is nothing to say, they have to avoid suspicion.After all, if they come to send each other off, then the emperor who succeeds in the future will definitely wear small shoes.

The only ones who really came to see him off were the royal family members.

Princess Changle, with her stomach full, bid farewell to her brother, wiping her tears and feeling very depressed.

It's just that Li Chengqian looked relaxed like never before, and there was a smile on his face that he hadn't seen for a long time.

After appeasing Princess Changle, Li Chengqian looked at Li Yunze, "Brother-in-law, please take good care of my sister."

"It's natural."

Li Yunze nodded, and then presented a box.

"What is this?" Li Chengqian took it and opened it, and was very puzzled when he saw the thick paper inside.

"Gift." Li Yunze explained, "It contains the distribution map of the mineral resources of the Wa Kingdom, as well as the blueprints for the construction of new sea ships. The Wa Kingdom is an island country, and the sea is the lifeline. Properly develop the fishery and navigation industry, and go east and east without stopping. will eventually find you like
paradise. "

After speaking, he took a step forward, and whispered in Li Chengqian's ear, "Thirty thousand miles east of the sea, there is a continent that has not yet been explored. You can find a way to get there, so that you can completely stay away from the pressure that keeps you awake."

There is only one pressure that keeps Li Chengqian from falling asleep, and that is his old man Li Er.

Tianjia is ruthless, which can be seen from the address between father and son.

Ordinary people are fathers and sons, but in Tian's family they are fathers and sons.

First the courtier, then the son.

Li Chengqian felt the pressure from Li Er since he was a child, and as he got older, this pressure gradually turned into fear, until it completely crushed him.

It may be a good thing for him to go out to sea and become a world of his own.

"In the fleet by the sea, I left you a set of equipment for the shipyard, a ship of high-quality rice seeds, and other things."

Li Chengqian, who looked complicated, stared at Li Yunze and nodded slowly, "Thank you."

"It's actually quite good that you don't have to intrigue with your younger brothers." Li Yunze patted him on the shoulder, "Be careful to suppress Hou Junji's forces. The Hou family can be used but you must guard against them. At least when His Majesty is here, he dare not Burst."

Li Chengqian took the whole family, young and old, and many in-laws on the train.

Li Er gave him strength as much as possible. In addition to planning to emigrate a million, he also sent a lot of supplies and so on.

Perhaps only at this time, the relationship between Li Er and Li Chengqian is father and son, not father and son.

Most of the aborigines in the country of Wa have been wiped out by Hou Junji, and the rest are basically young women.

Datang will continue to immigrate to the past, and after decades, there will be no such thing as a Japanese country in the world.

Li Er didn't come to see him off, he was afraid that he would soften his heart and let Li Chengqian stay.

However, the flaws in character doomed Li Chengqian to be unsuitable to inherit the Datong.

Li Er had to make such an arrangement in order for the throne he bought with the lives of his father, elder brother and younger brother to be passed on optimally.

The front of the train blew its whistle, and amidst the roar, the long train slowly started to set off.

Many relatives of the royal family on the platform waved and shouted, saying their final goodbyes to Li Chengqian and others.

This journey has gone thousands of miles, and I am afraid that there will never be a chance to meet again in this life.

The tearful Princess Changle fell into Li Yunze's arms. She really didn't understand why her father and brother would make such a fuss.

Li Yunze patted her fragrant shoulder to comfort her, "For your elder brother, this is actually a good thing. He got rid of the psychological shadow of many years and started a new life again. You should bless him."

Princess Changle didn't understand this, so she could only sob helplessly.

Li Yunze looked around, but none of Li Chengqian's younger brothers came.

Facing the eldest brother who was exiled, they worried that they would offend Li Er if they came to see him off, but they didn't understand the seemingly cold Li Er, and what they valued most at this time was family affection.

Those who don't come to see them off will definitely have bad luck in the future.

Sure enough, only a few days later, Li Er suddenly announced without warning that Li You, the king of Qi, would go out of the town of Lu Song to be the king of Song, and Li Yin, the king of Shu, would go out of the town of Borneo to be the king of Lan.

There is no doubt that this means that Li You and Li Yin are out.

The reason is simple, in the action of overthrowing Li Chengqian, these two brothers are the happiest.

As the saying goes, the first bird is shot, and Li Er feels guilty for exiling Li Chengqian, so he has to find someone to vent his anger.

Because the two brothers danced the happiest in the past, they were also the first to be unlucky.

In places like Luzon and Borneo, there is almost nothing but mines and plantations.

Not to mention the enjoyment of Chang'an City, the weather is hot and miasma is rampant, and it is not bad to be able to live without getting sick.

Being kicked to that kind of place is really bad luck.

The two brothers cried and begged, and even called the concubine mother to help intercede.

It's a pity that Li Er at this time is the father and not the father, so it's useless to say that he was forcibly packed and sent away.

Li Yunze didn't give them any presents, and he didn't even go to the station to see them off.

I just arranged for someone to send some necessities, a few boxes of commonly used medicines in tropical areas.

After all, Nanyang in this era is a truly wild place where savages are rampant.

If you want to survive in such a place with harsh living conditions, the most important thing should be luck.

After Li Er sent off his three sons one after another, no matter whether it was in the court or in the royal room, everyone held their breaths and concentrated, and even walked quietly, for fear of offending the emperor and suffering innocent disasters.

In this environment, all the things and work promoted by Li Er are progressing rapidly at an unprecedented high speed.

In the eyes of others, Li Er was exiling his sons.

But in fact, Li Er was implementing Li Yunze's previous proposal to entrust his sons to the ends of the world.

Even if the descendants of those sons perform well in the future, or even kill them directly and come back to inherit Datang, he doesn't care, because they are all his descendants, and they have to worship him when worshiping their ancestors.

Li Er is a generation of emperors with great ambitions, not an old man whose parents want their children to stay by his side all day long.

After being sad for a while, Li Er quickly recovered and devoted himself to the work of the emperor again.

The most important and only important thing in the current Tang Dynasty is to defeat Goguryeo.

When the whole world attacked the Tang Dynasty before, Li Er wanted to go into battle as a royal driver, but because of the external environment and internal turmoil, he had to stay in the city of Chang'an.

Now that the external opponents have basically been defeated, Li Er can finally fight with his hands free.

There are many things to do before the expedition, the first is to stabilize the interior, so the eldest grandson Wuji, Fang Xuanling, Wei Zheng and others were left to guard the house.

The second is that the soldiers and horses have not moved the food and grass first, and the supply of various materials in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation for hundreds of thousands of troops and civilians needs to be assembled on the front line in advance.

The increasingly wealthy Datang can now even provide enough supplies for the peasants.

Even a civilian husband conscripted to do corvee can receive cotton-padded quilts, leather hats, leather gloves, leather boots, woolen blankets and other items that were luxury goods a few years ago.

In order to deal with the heavily guarded cities of the Goguryeo people, the gunpowder that had been secretly prepared for many years was taken away this time.

Li Er's mind is very simple. This time, if he wants to fight, he will completely destroy Goguryeo.

After the autumn harvest in the 15th year of Zhenguan, Li Er took his luxurious regiment of famous generals and boarded the train leaving Chang'an City.

(End of this chapter)

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