Start: Datang Wanli a lonely city

Chapter 271 Touching Porcelain

Chapter 271 Touching Porcelain ([-])

Time: On the 20th day of the rest period, early in the morning at 10 o'clock.

This one has only ten days to start a new system task, and it will start again; more importantly, there are still 5 days left, which is the New Year's Eve.

Location: G15 Shenhai Expressway, Jiangmen Section, East Guangdong Province.

With an unlit Furongwang cigarette dangling from his mouth, Yang Dongli yelled with saliva splashing in his mouth while advancing at a speed of about 100 kilometers per hour:

"Fatty Big Yellow, let me tell you, how could you think of it in your heart, you actually want to come to this side of Guangdong Province to play.

Let me tell you, if it was changed to ten years ago, this place would definitely be a good place, there are so many interesting places to visit, and I guarantee that you will lose a few pounds after this trip.

But in the past few years, it has completely failed. If it weren't for a big business, I wouldn't bother to come here.

After arriving at Star City in Hunan Province, call Xu Feng out to lead the way, this guy will definitely let everyone know what it means to be rich in resources~"

After hearing Yang Dongli's emotional words, Fatty Rhubarb, who was sitting in the co-pilot's seat at that time, that is, Huang Yizhi, didn't have time to say anything.

As for being fat, what should I do if my weight exceeds two hundred catties again?
Isn't there still a system, just continue to open the blind box and take weight loss pills.

What they didn't know was that they had hit the iron plate this time.

So at this moment, they are three people in one car, speeding all the way towards Star City; they even made an appointment with Xu Feng who is in Star City, and after having dinner together in the evening, they are leading them to have a good time.

The voice fell, and the other man holding the urn burst into tears on the spot:
"The family is still waiting for us to go back to take care of my father's funeral. Even the time for the burial has been chosen. How can there be so much time delay? Brothers, you will suffer a little loss and do a favor. Just pay some money."

There is even an urge to raise a few million dollars alone in the future when the money is more abundant, so as to pull out a crew.

In a hurry, after the car behind him stopped, the people who came down took sandpaper and rubbed some marks on the rear of the car.

But for his own weight loss, Huang Yizhi, who is basically lying flat, finally stopped insisting on weight.

This time, Huang Yizhi, in the process of opening the blind box after the system mission, prescribed two so many weight-loss pills, which made his weight drop to less than 200 catties once again.

He even thought about saving seven or eight of them and smashing them together, so that he can experience what it feels like to have a slender figure.

In the past few days, this group of people has been making a lot of money while committing crimes like crazy.

The only pity is that the current time period has already entered the Spring Festival travel season.

However, while everyone changed their driving along the way, they also talked about driving, so they didn't think the journey would be boring.

Prepare to eat well for a few days, and then fly back to my hometown on the 29th of the year to live a good New Year.

As a result, he flew to western Guangdong, which is famous for its seafood.

Sitting in the back seat, the little yellow fat man, that is, a rookie duizheng, laughed like a pig.

They just took advantage of the current Spring Festival travel period, the laborers who have worked hard for a year are anxious to return home, and they are too lazy to bother to get a sum of money.

In fact, the car in the back belongs to a gang that recently appeared on the Yuedong Expressway.

The man in the back seat near the right window is holding a piece of rough sandpaper; the man sitting in the middle is holding a creepy urn in his hand.

When he saw that a group of men getting up and down from the car behind him actually held an urn, Huang Yizhi held back the words that came to his lips.

The wide Shenhai Expressway is quite crowded with vehicles. With the driving skills of a veteran driver like Yang Dongli, he can only keep the car at a speed of about 100 kilometers per hour.

So without much trouble, Yang Dongli, who was on a business trip by car, just picked up the two and invited them to go to Star City for a few days together.

In fact, seriously speaking, it is not such a rare thing.

Therefore, when the training was not so busy, I flew directly to the eastern Guangdong province, which is famous in my country's cuisine and can be regarded as an important territory.

If it was replaced by other migrant workers who were in a hurry to go home, they might really get their hands on them, and they would have to pay to avoid the disaster; it’s amazing to go up and say a few good words, and give less.

I was surprised to find that Yang Dongli happened to be in the nearby Jiangcheng to discuss business in the chatting of the V group; the rookie in the team was wandering in Jiangmen, such a city.

Because the process of driving was too involved, the three of them didn't notice a detail: an old Guangben behind them was rapidly approaching them.

There was even a tall man with a tattoo on his neck, as if he was full of anger.

As a result, I never thought that the other party was dissatisfied with the statement that each would admit the loss and go back to repair the car. One of the skinny drivers yelled:
"How can this work? Our car hit too much, why don't you accompany us for two thousand, and you don't want to call the traffic police and insurance, do you?

In the end, it was replaced by such a rant.

In short, these people don't look so normal.

On the other hand, it is also a part of the team, everyone gathers together in reality, and everyone deepens their relationship with each other.

The problem is that they are in a hurry to go to Star City. If they really call the traffic police to deal with it, not only will it be quite troublesome, but it will take a lot of time.

Especially Yi Duizheng, a rookie who has changed N jobs over the years, and even worked as a group performer in Hengdian, talked about some of the tricks, but it opened Yang Dongli and Huang Yizhi's eyes.

"Fuck, it's really unlucky~"

On that Guangben, there are now five big men sitting on it.

He yelled: "Second brother, why don't you talk nonsense to them, this is a collision with the uncle's way home, making the uncle uneasy when he goes home; your luck will not be good in the next few years, you can't die today them."

After such a toss, it might have been delayed for a day. "

Yang Dongli, who has been running business all the year round, and the team leader who has been hanging out in the society these years, after the two of them get attached to each other, they are even smarter than monkeys.

But Yang Dongli and Dui Zheng, who are they?

Should I say it or not, Huang Yizhi is kind.

Calculated at such a speed, it will take at least 8 hours to reach Star City.

It can also be regarded as being in the art world, so you can experience it well.

Talking and laughing, just when they planned to stop at the service area a few kilometers ahead to give themselves some water.

In this way, when Yang Dongli had to slow down the speed of the car because there were many cars ahead, Guangben accelerated and hit him with a kick of the accelerator.

On the one hand, it was his companion who traveled hundreds of kilometers back to Star City.

Talk!How did these three guys get together?

Good guy!Threats and lures, those who make bad faces and bad faces come out all at once.

Of course he knew that the current situation was a rear-end collision, and if responsibility was really assigned, most of them were also caused by the rear-end car.

But the man on the co-pilot threw out the nut in his hand and hit the trunk of Lao Yang's car accurately.

What's more, it's quite unlucky. It's almost the Chinese New Year, and it's really uncomfortable to pester these people; moreover, they seem to be miserable already, so don't make them worse.

Although the driver Guangben stepped on the brakes when he was about to collide, he didn't really collide.

No!Seeing the three of Yang Dongli who hurriedly got out of the car, a smile rose from the corners of the mouths of this group of people, thinking that another income was about to come in.

Maybe each sum is not too much, but it is the hard-earned money of big workers, and more importantly, during the Chinese New Year, such a thing happened is disgusting.

After hearing the movement in his ears, Lao Yang instinctively screamed in his heart that he was not good, thinking that he was being rear-ended, he immediately stepped on the brakes.

And on the bumper of the rear car Guangben, there was originally an impact mark...

At that time, one person will be the director and the other will be the producer.

Among them, the man sitting on the co-pilot took out a large nut in his hand.

So at this moment, he was even ready to persuade Yang Dongli to forget about such a matter.

In the short few minutes before, they found a lot of obviously unreasonable things in some quiet observations.

For example: On the buttock of Yang Dongli's car, the mark doesn't look like it was knocked out.

The impact marks on the front of the opponent's car didn't look like it happened just now; the car with the Cantonese S license plate was also a little bit wrong, like a fake, and it was not fastened in a hurry.

In short, after the two looked at each other, they were basically convinced that the things in front of them were made of porcelain...

(End of this chapter)

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