I sell bento in interstellar

Chapter 138 Breakthrough of the City Lord of Dadong City

Chapter 138 Breakthrough of the City Lord of Dadong City

Some people will insist on drinking two rounds, pack the third round of Coke and take it home, intending to drink and taste it slowly at home.

It was a beautiful day, the most relaxing day these people had felt in days.

Coke is called happy water because it can stimulate people's emotions.

And this formula has been improved by the system upgrade, and the effect is very good.

It feels like all the fatigue of these days has been swept away.

Best of all, it's free.

A person can only participate once, and only ordinary people can participate.

For an ordinary person, a meal of [-] yuan is too expensive, and this may be the only time in their life that they can taste such a dish.

In fact, everyone knows that after these ordinary people drink three rounds, their stomachs are almost empty, and they can't eat too much other things.

But in the store, the fragrant fragrance is like a snake that nimbly gets into everyone's nose.

The city lord of Dadong City was also attracted.

He knew about Su Lingling. He was an ordinary person at first, but later he awakened his culinary talent and gained a small name in H City.

Among them, Xu Zhi, the Long family, and the Ling family are all loyal diner fans of Su Lingling restaurant.

He was also a person who ate countless delicacies in his life, and he originally thought that those people were exaggerating.

But when he smelled the aroma, he actually felt hungry and salivated.

But now I can't go in and eat, because the food is not ready.

This can only make him stand aside and worry.

Such a good food can only be looked at like this, it is too uncomfortable.

Fortunately, after waiting for about an hour, Su Lingling said that it finally started.

These people go in.

Su Lingling prepared three super large pots.

The boiled preserved egg and lean meat porridge is placed in the god-level electric rice cooker, while in the other two ordinary pots, one is dragon bone radish soup and the other is ordinary white rice.

Under Su Lingling's reminder, the city lord and warriors of Dadong City had already prepared their own bowls and chopsticks.

The aroma in the three pots is really charming, and there is also a beautiful card next to it, writing the raw materials of these ingredients.

This porridge with preserved egg and lean meat, the meat is third-grade exotic animal meat, and the rice is pearl rice.

The dragon bone radish soup uses the bones of the seventh-grade exotic beasts, and the radishes are ordinary radishes.

White rice is the ordinary white rice that everyone usually eats.

Everyone was dazzled, and they all wanted to eat these three smelling delicious.

The stewed vegetables and cold dishes are arranged in categories, including stewed claws, stewed meat, and other vegetables.

The cold dishes are basically all vegetarian dishes, which also whets the appetite.

The most attractive thing is the braised pork, which has a charming aroma.

There are also stir-fried meat and stir-fried meat.

Three large barrels are placed in the center.

Su Lingling didn't stir-fry the green vegetables, because the green vegetables can't be stored for a long time, so the green vegetables are the most expensive and hard to get.

Those cold dishes and stewed dishes were prepared by Su Lingling before, and they were placed in the God of Cooking space, but now they are just taken out.

All kinds of meaty smells come to the face, blending together, what a pleasant smell. .

Everyone swallowed their saliva involuntarily after smelling the rich aroma that filled the room.

They looked at each other first, and then spoke humbly.

"City Lord, please first."

After the city lord had a bowl, these people couldn't bear it anymore.After a while, all of them took their bowls and started grabbing the dishes in the bowls.

Several iron spoons were fighting among the dishes.

After they ate the meat between their mouths, they all had expressions of intoxication on their faces.

"Is this really alien meat? How can it be so delicious?"

"Isn't this meat too tender? Why is this Chinese cabbage so fragrant?"

"Hey, Brother Zhan, don't clip so much, save some for me."

"Everyone has a share! Don't rob me!!"

"No way! How can these people eat so fast, and the queue is full so quickly."

"This bowl is too small, it will be gone after two bites."

"My bowl is smaller, I should have brought a bigger bowl if I knew it earlier."

Rice, porridge, and soup are placed in one area, cold dishes and braised vegetables are placed in one area, and stir-fried dishes are in another area.

There are long queues in all three areas. The meals are really delicious and everything is delicious.

Don't talk about these people, both Zhang Shen and Xu Zhi are Su Lingling who gave the king-level beast to them in advance, otherwise they would have to line up to eat now!

While eating the meat in the bowl, Zhang Shen said to Xu Zhi: "I don't know why, but I seem to have stayed in this restaurant for a long time now, and I feel that such a lively environment is actually quite comfortable."

"When the food in your bowl is finished and you queue up, you will feel uncomfortable."

"Hahaha!" Zhang Shen laughed when he heard the words, and continued to eat. Su Lingling's cooking skills felt a little better, and the taste was even better.

Zhang Shen's favorite food is meat, he just likes to eat meat like crazy.

Because of eating every day, he has been able to maintain a bit of elegance, instead of looking like a starved ghost reincarnated.

Xu Zhi tasted it with his eyes closed. In the past few days, he was always worried that if he ate slowly, he would have nothing to eat, and he couldn't really taste the deliciousness of the food.

But Xu Zhi found that this dish was so delicious that he couldn't keep it in his mouth for too long.

The meat of this king-level beast is stir-fried, a bit like the taste of rabbit meat, and it is really delicious when stir-fried.

The tender and juicy meat is coated with a salty and sweet sauce.

This piece of meat is perfectly locked in all the moisture under the fierce fire.

One bite, the sauce mixed with the aroma of the meat, instantly occupied the entire mouth!
After a few more chews, gravy, chili, sauce.

The three different flavors are completely blended together, so delicious that it is beyond words!
Although the meat is soft and tender, but after chewing carefully, you will find a few traces of chewiness.

Swallow the juice down the throat, and what remains in the mouth are the springy meat slices and the vegetable leaves soaked in the gravy.

Chew it carefully, it is full of aftertaste!

Even after swallowing for a long time, there is still a long aftertaste in the mouth.

No matter how many times I eat it, I feel delicious.

The city lord of Dadong City leaned on the back of the chair, with a sense of satisfaction that he was about to ascend to heaven for a day.

For so many days, he has been very tired, feeling like a string that is tense all the time, unable to relax all the time.

But for a moment, he completely relaxed.

He has always been very tired, supporting Dadong City, but at this moment, hearing the joyful voices of the soldiers in his ears, he felt that everything was worth it.

Suddenly, there was a feeling of blessing to the soul, and the energy in the abdomen flowed continuously to the limbs and gathered in the dantian.

(End of this chapter)

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