Chapter 430

Zhu Zhicheng stood up, Zhu Yongqing quickly grabbed him, "You child, what are you talking about."

"It's not that I can't tolerate you, it's just that the family is indeed difficult."

Zhu Zhicheng was amused in his heart. Now everyone in this family except his mother, He Lamei, is paid wages, and the mother's rent is no less than the wages. Even the younger sister has a monthly subsidy of 15 yuan to go to college.

In this way, it is said that the family is difficult.

Zhu Zhicheng looked at his father and said seriously: "I'm not talking out of anger, since my family can't accommodate me, I plan to go out of town."

He Lamei's eyes widened, "Go to another place!" After she finished speaking, she quickly covered her mouth.

Then lowered his voice, "Are you crazy?"

Zhu Yongqing also seemed to be facing a big enemy, and hurriedly called to his daughter-in-law who was standing by the door, "Close the door quickly."

Liang Juan was stunned and closed the door, Zhu Yongqing frowned, "Zhicheng, this matter is really not a joke. Although it's over now, many things are uncertain."

He said earnestly: "You have been in the country for a long time, and your mind is not clear?"

He pondered for a moment, "Well, if you really don't want to go back to the countryside, you can stay at home first and find a way slowly."

Zhu Zhicheng looked indifferent, "Don't worry, even if something happens, you won't be involved."

"My registered permanent residence is still in Guangxi Province, so it has nothing to do with this family, and no one knows that I have been back for this trip."

He opened the door, stood at the door, turned his back to his parents, and said indifferently: "I'm going, maybe I won't come back for many years, you take care of yourself."

There was no sound from behind.

Zhu Zhicheng laughed at himself and strode out.

His steps became more and more relaxed, and all the things he had been carrying seemed to be unloaded at this moment. His steps became faster and faster, and finally left this small courtyard far behind.

Walking out of the alley, he looked up at the sky.

The sun was scorching hot, very dazzling, but he felt that the sky was high and the air was clear, the wind was light and the clouds were calm.

Take the bus and go back to Joe's house.

Susie and Qiao Mu were sitting in the living room downstairs. When she saw him coming in, Susie got up, "You haven't eaten yet. I left some food for you. I'll bring it out for you."

Zhu Zhicheng walked over, "I'll come."

He suddenly remembered what Susie said before, when God closes a door for you, he will open a window for you.

He felt that Susie was a window left for him by God.

She was the first person who cared about him and treated him like a human being besides grandma and grandpa.

A different kind of emotion rose in his heart, a scholar died for his confidant, and he, Zhu Zhicheng, was willing to do his best to repay Su Qian in this life.

After Zhu Zhicheng had eaten, he took the bowls to the kitchen to wash. Aunt Zhou told me several times that I would come. Zhu Zhicheng smiled, "It's okay, it will be fine soon."

When Zhu Zhicheng came out after washing the dishes, Susie suggested: "How about we go to Tingting and ask her to go to the movies together."

She guessed that Zhu Zhicheng would not be very happy to go home, otherwise he would not have come here without eating lunch.

Watch a movie so he won't be left alone in the room thinking about it.

Zhao Tingting wrote the school address and the detailed address of her home in the letter to Su Xi.

Su Qian went upstairs to find Zhao Tingting's letter and showed it to Qiao Mu. Qiao Mu memorized the address at a glance, and they went out to Zhao Tingting's house.

Zhao Tingting's father works in a rolling mill, and her mother works as an accountant in a collective factory.

Her family lived in a courtyard house, and they searched the alley for a long time before they saw the blue iron door plate nailed to the wall.

There is no need to knock on the door. The door of the courtyard is wide open. In the courtyard, under the eaves, there are old people enjoying the coolness and children playing with stones.

Susie knew that many families lived together in this kind of courtyard house, so she bent down and asked the child who was catching stones, "Excuse me, which house does Zhao Tingting live in?"

The six or seven-year-old boy looked up at Susie, and the gentle and beautiful young lady hit him in the heart, "I know, I'll take you there."

He threw stones and led a few people to the backyard.

This courtyard house has two entrances, passing through a vertical flower gate, and inside is another courtyard. The child pointed to the east wing, "The first two rooms belong to Sister Tingting's house."

Susie didn't bring candy or anything when she went out today. She patted the child's head and said, "Thank you."

The little boy said seriously: "You're welcome, my name is Lei Feng."

When Susie heard such simple words at first, she almost didn't laugh, but seeing the boy's seriousness, she restrained her smile and gave him a gentle thumbs up.

A few people walked to the door of Zhao Tingting's house, the door was open, and Susie found that there were many people in the room with a glance.

Zhao Tingting sat in a chair with her head bowed, her face flushed slightly.

A young man sitting across from him stared at Zhao Tingting.

A middle-aged woman was sitting next to the young man, and an aunt was standing next to him.

There is also a middle-aged woman standing beside Zhao Tingting, who looks somewhat similar to Zhao Tingting.

Susie felt that they had come at an inopportune time, that some important activity was obviously going on in the house.

At this time, the people in the room felt something Qiqi looked towards the door.

Zhao Tingting's eyes lit up suddenly, and she stood up excitedly, "Sister Qian!"

"Brother Zhu!"


She walked out quickly, grabbed Susie's hand, and couldn't help jumping a few times, "When did you come back, God, I'm so happy."

Inside, Zhao Tingting's mother, Peng Lanzhen, came out and looked at the people, "Tingting, this is?"

Zhao Tingting turned her head and said excitedly: "Mom, these are all the educated youths who jumped in line with me. This is the Su Qian I told you about."

Peng Lanzhen immediately became enthusiastic, "It's Susie, please sit in the room, Tingting often said that you helped her a lot."

Susie smiled, "Auntie, you still have something to do at home, let's talk to Tingting and leave."

Peng Lanzhen hesitated for a moment, looked at the young man in the room and the middle-aged woman beside him, and then at the aunt.

The young man stared blankly at Susie, and Peng Lanzhen frowned slightly.

The aunt smiled and said, "Or, let's go first, anyway, we'll see it, and we'll talk about it later."

Peng Lanzhen nodded, "Okay, let's talk later."

The aunt gave the middle-aged woman a look, and the middle-aged woman pulled the young man to stand up.

Susie and the others hurriedly moved away from the door, and the young man came out of the room, his eyes still glued to Susie's body, reluctant to move away.

Qiao Mu stepped forward to block Susie, staring at the young man. If he hadn't worried that he was a guest of Zhao Tingting's house, his fist might have gone up.

Zhao Tingting watched these people leave coldly, and then said to Su Qian, "Come in and sit down."

Susie smiled, "I won't go in, we're here to ask you to watch a movie, do you want to go?"

Zhao Tingting nodded again and again, "Go, of course."

She turned her head: "Mom, sister Qian and I went to watch a movie."

Peng Lanzhen smiled, "Go, have fun, don't come back too late."

Several people came out of the courtyard. Zhao Tingting held Susie's arm. Susie whispered, "What were you doing just now? Is it a blind date?"

(End of this chapter)

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