Chapter 462 When Can I See Him?
Qiao Mu untied the hair rope for Susie, combed it with his hands, and tied it up again.

The two went downstairs to eat.

Although there are many people in the family, Susie usually eats alone, and sister-in-law Xiao Hei and the others are determined not to sit at the same table with Susie.

The two ate at the restaurant, and no one disturbed them. Qiao Mu could still hold hands, and felt very good.

After eating, the two went upstairs hand in hand, and Mrs. Quan couldn't help secretly laughing as she watched their backs.

The young lady is here alone, and she usually doesn't feel that she has a different spirit when she is accompanied by her boyfriend, and she always smiles involuntarily.

When they went upstairs, Susie and Qiao Mu sat on the sofa in the living room and talked.

Susie was thinking about Yun Ruolan, and touched Qiao Mu's arm, "I remember you told me that your grandpa, grandpa and uncle are all in Hong Kong City, do you want to go and visit them sometime?"

Qiao Mu hugged Susie, "My grandfather and uncle came here very early, I have never seen them before."

"Grandma——" he hesitated. When he was a child, his parents had to work. He was brought up by his grandma. It wasn't until he was four years old that his grandma left the mainland and came to Hong Kong.

He still remembers that when his grandma left, he asked his parents to go with him, but his father refused to leave, and his mother quarreled a few times, but finally compromised and stayed together.

Qiao Mu thought for a while, "I'll take some time to visit grandma, but I don't know if she's still at the place where she used to live."

There has been correspondence between the two sides before, and until now, he still clearly remembers that address.

Susie carefully looked at A Qiaomu's faint expression, and whispered, "Have you ever thought that your mother might be in Hong Kong City?"

Qiao Mu's expression changed suddenly, and he suddenly stopped talking.

Susie looked up at him, "What's the matter? If this is the case, wouldn't it be a good thing?"

Qiao Mu said nothing.

After a while, Qiao Mu looked down at Susie, "Did you meet her?"

Susie knew that with Qiao Mu's intelligence, as long as he mentioned this matter to him, he would be able to guess it, so she didn't hide anything and nodded.

Qiao Mu fell silent again.

Susie didn't know what Qiao Mu was thinking, she leaned her head on his chest, and said softly, "She accepted the matter of leaving with me at that time."

"At that time, she had to do farm work all day long, and she was exhausted. At night, she had to be interrogated and asked all kinds of unbelievable questions. For her, it was a double torture, both physically and mentally."

"The eldest sister who lived with her couldn't bear this kind of torture, so she hanged herself late one night."

"She almost collapsed at the time. She knew that she couldn't last long if she went on like this, so she took out a gemstone necklace she was wearing next to her body, and bribed the guards to escape."

"I went out and went back to the city after going through a lot of hardships. I didn't dare to go home because I was afraid of hurting your father. I found an uncle who I had a good relationship with my father before."

"Uncle told her to leave quickly, otherwise your father will be hurt."

"She was going to go back and take your father with you, but my uncle told her that going back would be a trap."

"She had no choice but to worry about hurting her uncle. Under his arrangement, she had to leave."

Susie gently squeezed Qiao Mu's hand, "She has had a hard time these years. Although the family gave her some property, your grandfather and uncle want her to remarry."

Hearing this, Qiao Mu frowned, no son in this world would want his mother to marry someone else!

"Your mother refused, so she moved out of the house and earned money to support herself."

After saying this, Susie felt that Qiao Mu's tense nerves seemed to relax, and she went on to make things worse for Yun Ruolan, "Although she has no shortage of food and clothing these years, she is lonely and lonely, I don't know how pitiful she is."

Qiao Mu was silent for a while.

Susie knew that she had said all she had to say, how she decided that was Qiao Mu's business.

She stopped talking and leaned against Qiao Mu's chest quietly.

After a while, Qiao Mu said softly, "Understood, I don't blame her."

Susie rubbed her face against Qiao Mu's chest, "That's good."

Qiao Mu touched Susie's head, he knew Susie's heart, she hoped that their mother and son would recognize each other and not leave any regrets.

As for his mother, he hadn't heard from him for ten years, and he felt that he didn't have much affection left in his heart, and he didn't have much desire.

When he was a child, every time he woke up from a nightmare, he always called his mother in his heart, but the number of times he was disappointed, gradually, he no longer had hope.

"I'll go to grandma's house tomorrow." He paused, "Look at them."

Susie smiled, "Okay."

"Then I'll buy you airframe clothes tomorrow morning, choose some gifts, and you'll go there in the afternoon."

The two sat on the sofa until after nine o'clock before Susie drove Qiao Mu back to her bedroom.

Then she quietly called Yun Ruolan, "Aunt Yun, Qiao Mu has arrived."

Yun Ruolan was very excited, "Really, then, when can I see him?"

"He said he would visit you tomorrow, but is it still the original address?"

Yun Ruolan said eagerly: "Yes, my mother and elder brother still live there."

"When will it pass, I will prepare early."

Susie said, "About three o'clock in the afternoon."

Yun Ruolan thanked Su Qian repeatedly, and then hung up the phone.

Then she panicked, seeing her son tomorrow, what clothes should she wear?What kind of hair do you wear?
She hastily opened the closet and rummaged through it.

Susie got up in the morning, had breakfast with Qiao Mu, and the two went out.

Go shopping first.

Susie picked out a lot of clothes for Qiao Mu. Qiao Mu was already very handsome, and when he put on handsome clothes, it was hard to move his eyes away.

The salesgirls in the mall all blushed.

Susie bought several sets of clothes for Qiao Mu in one go, including suits, trench coats and sportswear.

It was a sunny day and the temperature was more than ten degrees Celsius, so Susie asked Qiao Mu to change into a newly bought suit. The two of them walked in the mall, and the rate of turning heads was off the charts along the way.

The two had dinner outside at noon, and Susie specially prepared a gift for Qiao Mu to visit grandma.

Qiao Mu didn't let Su Xi see him off, so he took a taxi and went there.

On the Yun's side, Yun Ruolan arrived at the Yun's house early in the morning, and told her mother about Qiao Mu's visit today. The old lady was very happy, and ordered the servants to go shopping quickly.

Then the old lady called Yun Ruolan's elder brother to tell him about Qiao Mu's visit, and told him to come back for dinner at night.

Yun Ruolan's sister-in-law Wan Yaru was about to go out when she was stopped by the old lady, "Qiao Mu will come over later, remember to come back for dinner tonight."

Wan Yaru was stunned for a long time before she remembered who Qiao Mu was. She didn't care about this nephew whom she had never met, but she had to show face to the old lady and Yun Ruolan, she said with a smile: "Okay, I will come back early at night .”

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, amidst the anticipation of the old lady and Yun Ruolan, the doorbell rang, and the old lady said excitedly: "It must be my grandson, help me up quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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