Chapter 237
Her kids wouldn't blame her for turning around when time forked.

His children would not kidnap her marriage for their lives.

Her children just want her to live a wonderful and beautiful life.

Qin Lang's last wish was to be reincarnated in the home of Li Nini and Qin Shaoyuan.

He said, "Mom, I have never suffered in my life. I still want to be a rich man. You and my father took me in. This time I want to be a person related to my father by blood." '.

After leaving these words, he took her hand and slowly closed his eyes.

I didn't experience the pain of childbirth, but it still hurts my heart.

With the help of Wu Hao and Liu Jingfeiyang, Li Nini dealt with Qin Lang's funeral and took over Qin Lang's inheritance.

The elder brother and the younger sister obviously knew about the existence of this inheritance before. Qin Lang also left half of the shares for the elder brother. The elder brother explained to her that it was not that he wanted it, but that if their family always wanted to have a seat, they needed to operate it.

He will not move this share, it may be used on some promising youngster.

Li Nini understands that it is not easy for the eldest brother to protect a large family.

She understands better that Qin Lang gave the elder brother the shares to let the elder brother protect her, which is regarded as paying the protection fee.

And money is not money, she is a little numb now.

She felt that Qin Lang had taken away the energy she had when she first came here, and now her whole body was seriously injured, and she couldn't lift her energy at all.

She wants to go back for a while.

Before leaving, the villa ushered in a group of idle men and women.

They obviously drank a lot, hugging left and right in twos and threes, very noisy.

Seeing Li Nini sitting in the living room packing his bags, a drunkard staggered over and muttered, "Wan Qing, is this your relative? It's quite exciting."

She reached out to touch Li Nini's chin, but Li Nini raised his foot and kicked him away.

Then he smashed the soda bottle at hand and watched the group of people in full force.

Indeed, he saw He Wanqing standing shoulder to shoulder with a tall man.

She said angrily, "How did you get in? Get out!"

Those people all looked at He Wanqing, "Wan Qing, didn't you say this is your house? What, your house is really bankrupt, you lied to us?"

He Wanqing blushed anxiously, and shouted: "Stop the fart, your family just went bankrupt. This is my elder brother's family. Do you know when my elder brother died? After death, these inheritances belong to me, so why are they not my family?"

She wandered up to Li Nini and looked at the broken bottle. She didn't step forward and said with a sneer, "You think you can inherit the inheritance if you look like my elder brother? I also have my share in this inheritance."

"I've made it very clear that you are just my elder brother's nanny."

Li Niang frowned.

Why Qin Lang is dead, this dog thing has not yet developed a disease.

She must have known that Qin Lang was her brother's business, but she didn't come to pay homage to Qin Lang's death, let alone when he was alive.

"What are you looking at? A nanny, if you are sensible, get out quickly, don't delay the party between Miss Ben and her friends."

"Oh, it turned out to be just a nanny, I really thought it was the owner of this house." The previous salty pig hand wanted to pull Li Nini.

He persuaded: "Why are you so fierce, put down the bottle, let's have fun, brother, I promise you will be happy."

Seeing how many people there were, Li Nini didn't argue with He Wanqing. She gave He Wanqing a look, and then walked out with her bag.

When she got outside, she first went to the security guard to ask how He Wanqing got in. It turned out that He Wanqing's luxury car had not been confiscated, and she was driving a luxury car, so the security guard did not stop her.

Li Nini immediately called the police. She had a real estate certificate, but He Wanqing could not prove her relationship with Qin Lang, so all her cronies and friends were taken to the police station.

Everyone else followed her in, and they could leave after making a confession and admitting their mistakes.

But before they left, everyone glared at her fiercely. Although they didn't say anything, they definitely thought she was incapable of lying.

He Wanqing was sitting on pins and needles in the Public Security Bureau, completely losing face and face.

She ruthlessly confronted Li Nini, "I won't let you go."

Li Nini ignored her, and she asked the police to notify He Shuangxi and He Feiyang to deal with the aftermath.

The two arrived soon, and after He Shuangxi asked about the situation, he became furious at He Wanqing, "You didn't even look at your elder brother when he died, so how dare you go to your elder brother's villa to make trouble?"

"I'm not making trouble, you said it too, that's my elder brother, you are his father, he has the obligation to support you, half of his estate is yours, since there is yours, there is mine, what am I going to do?" ?”

He Shuangxi turned to look at Li Nini.

Li Nini got angry when she saw his hesitant eyes, she sneered and said, "Why, do you also think that half of Qin Lang's property is yours?"

He Shuangxi didn't answer directly. He beat his hands on both sides and didn't dare to look at her, "Almost all the properties under my name have been seized, and now we have no place to live. You live alone in such a big villa, otherwise it would be empty." Let's move here to accompany you."

"He Shuangxi, Qin Lang made a will, and I accepted these properties with the permission of the law. If you are not satisfied, you can sue me and Qin Lang. It depends on whether the law will recognize your father-son relationship."

Li Nini said, his eyes fell from He Shuangxi to He Wanqing, "Unfortunately, you don't have any evidence to prove that Qin Lang is related to you, because He Shuangxi gave him away when he was full moon, and Qin Lang Surnamed Qin."

"Dad, Dad, you really have nothing to do?" He Wanqing pulled He Shuangxi's sleeve and kept questioning, leaving aside the police's reminder.

He Shuangxi's tone was dissatisfied, "Speaking of which, I'm also his father."

"But you gave him away." He Wanqing slapped He Shuangxi crazily, "Why did you give him away? Now he doesn't recognize us, and he can't even get the inheritance."

He Shuangxi was hurt by the beating, and he pushed her away fiercely, his whole body trembling with anger, "You are so filial to me? If you get it, you won't be with you. You can go with Wang Xueli."

"Why didn't I go with Wang Xueli? You didn't force me to. When I was young, I could only eat well and dress well if I obeyed Wang Xueli. Didn't you teach us this? I just listened to you. What's wrong with me?"


Li Nini listened to the quarrel between the two with a feeling of calmness.

She felt that at this moment she had completely let go of her marriage, her children, and the past, such as death yesterday.

She sued He Wanqing for breaking into a private house, and she did not intend to let He Wanqing go.

He Wanqing was really scared when she saw her coming. She begged He Shuangxi, "Dad, tell her, tell her, I don't want to be detained, I don't want to be detained."

He Shuangxi didn't expect Li Nini to be so ruthless. Others didn't know it, but Li Nini knew it himself. He let out hatred in a low voice, "She is your own daughter, you put her in jail?"

(End of this chapter)

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