Shen Baoying obtained the power stone, which made everyone look forward to the remaining few power stones.

Zhang Qingfang stretched out her hand, and a wind attribute suddenly responded, and everyone showed a little excitement.

"It's bright!!!!"

The voice just fell!The glowing power stone swished into Zhang Qingfang's body.

The intense pain was exactly the same as that of Shen Baoying, Zhang Qingfang was not as young as Shen Baoying, and his body could bear it.

When the power stone reacted, Jiang Si was ready to tide over the difficulties for Zhang Qingfang.

Unexpectedly, just as Jiang Si held his hand, the power stone that flew into Zhang Qingfang's body swished into Jiang Si's body again.

The three pieces of energy converged in her body, and the extremely strong energy produced severe pain.

Jiang Si gritted her teeth to prevent herself from screaming. Qin Shen was afraid that she would bite her tongue, so he reached out to her and hugged her tightly with one hand.

Trying to use the same method as last time to transfer the energy in his own body to Jiang Si.

Jiang Linhai was so anxious that he kept asking: "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

No one could answer her.

Qin Shen hugged her this time, and it seemed that he couldn't relieve the severe pain caused by the fusion of the energy stones. It was too painful, as if he had peeled off her whole body alive, removed the muscles and bones to make a human pig.

Jiang Si gritted his teeth so hard that his teeth were almost broken, and his pale face was terrifying.

Qin Shen directly opened her mouth, Jiang Si couldn't bear it anymore, and bit Qin Shen's wrist, blood flowed into her mouth, Jiang Si felt a little happy.

In the next second, Boxi injected a shot of anesthesia into his neck.

Jiang Si fainted, Qin Shen carried her back to the room, and the rest of the people did not dare to move the power stone without authorization, so Jiang Linhai temporarily locked the box.

Although Jiang Si was injected with anesthesia, he was still in great pain from his expression.

Qin Shen held her in his arms, kissed her on the cheek, and waited patiently, as if telling Jiang Si that she could survive and would be fine.

Shen Baoying woke up faintly, and immediately felt that her body was different, like a fire-breathing dragon, wanting to set fire.

She stretched out her hand excitedly, and a small fireball popped out. When she squeezed her fist, the small fireball disappeared again.

The flame could be retracted freely in her palm, which made her very magical and happy.

The door of the room creaked suddenly, and it was Jiang Linhai who brought in the water.

Just as Shen Baoying wanted to share with him the feeling of being able to control the flames, Jiang Linhai saw a serious expression on his face, as if something serious had happened.

Shen Baoying took the water he handed over, but didn't have time to drink it, "What's the matter, something happened? Or is it because you didn't get the power, and you feel bad?"

Jiang Linhai shook his head, "Sisi, Sisi is still awake!"

"What's going on, you should explain clearly!"

"Sisi suddenly absorbed a power stone, but fell into a coma, and the condition is not very good!"

Shen Baoying stood up abruptly, and glared at Jiang Linhai complainingly, "Why did you say that!"

She hurried to the door of Jiang Si's room, but was stopped by Jiang Linhai who was chasing her, "Qin Shen is with Sisi now, don't disturb them, maybe Sisi will wake up soon."

A mother can't be in a hurry, she stomped her feet on the spot, but in the end she still didn't push the door open.

Qin Shen and Jiang Si are both supernatural beings and have the power to heal, so they will definitely be fine.

Shen Baoying could only comfort herself in this way.

When the Jiang family was worried about Jiang Si, Lu Zhifeng became the team leader instead.

Because it is impossible to leave here now, according to the previous information, the zombies will come soon.

Lu Zhifeng took Bo Xi and the monkey group, intending to continue repairing the fence to prevent zombies from entering.

After leaving the hotel cave, I found that there was a snow wall of more than two meters outside the cave hotel.

This snow wall is quite thick, even if the zombies dig it, it will take a long time to dig it. If some water is poured on the upper door to form a smooth ice wall, the possibility of them getting in is even smaller.

But there is still a huge hole in this ice wall, which is the damage caused by Jiang Si's previous dealing with the supernatural beings.

Lu Zhifeng was not in a hurry to repair the wall, and led the big guys to speed up the construction of the fence. When the fence was finally repaired at night, he used the snowplow to fill up the holes in the snow wall little by little.

The temperature will drop sharply at night, even if there is no snow or wind, it will be quite cold.

Jiang Linhai regained his composure, and hurriedly brought Jiang Chengwu out to help.

Shen Baoying and Zhang Qingfang also hurriedly prepared hearty food for the busy people.

When Jiang Linhai and Jiang Chengwu went out, the snow wall had just been repaired, and the rest was to take advantage of the low temperature to pour water on it.

They have water pumps, which directly pump hot spring water with a lower temperature. The hot spring water will not freeze the pipes. When it is poured on the wall, the residual temperature will slightly melt the snow wall, forming a smoother snow wall and ice cones. .

Fortunately, the area enclosed by the snow wall is not too large, and the pipe for pumping water is just long enough.

When they completed the snow wall, the monkeys were all sweating, and they were so tired that their bodies were covered in condensed ice.

Fortunately, when they returned to the hotel cave, they ate hot noodles, stewed beef, egg pancakes, sausages, steamed buns and various side dishes.

It is rare for the monkeys to eat white flour once. Today, Shen Baoying is generous enough to let them eat enough. Not only the monkeys doing coolies, but also the female monkeys with children, the old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled all gave white flour steamed buns and chopped grilled fish.

The big guys are full, and they don't have time to sleep, because Qin Shen is still taking care of Jiang Si.

The two of them used to be the backbone of the team, but now that they have something to do, everyone must give their "home" to Gu Zhouquan.

Fences and snow walls, unless the zombies have a particularly high IQ, they can find a way to build a ladder to browse through.

In addition to these two layers of fences, they also have Jiao Chunzi who can control the zombies from approaching.

As long as there are no accidents, there will be no major problems in the temporary safety.

I'm afraid that besides the zombies, there will be other disasters or supernatural beings appearing.

Niu Niu suddenly said: "Father, there is also a hot spring mouth, they can also swim in from the hot spring mouth!"

Jiang Ancheng had carefully designed the entrance of the hot spring before, and designed an interception layer at the bottom, so that zombies of the size should not be able to enter.

Suddenly, Jiao Chunzi, who was holding the child in his arms, said, "It's not only humans who are infected with the zombie virus, but animals as well!"

When this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

"Animal? What animal?"

Jiao Chunzi said: "When Sisi and I went out, we saw infected moose, vultures, snow wolves, and other animals, maybe there are also there!"

Vultures can fly, and they can easily get here. If the zombie virus can infect lizards and snakes, then the hot spring mouth of the cave hotel is very likely to be able to sneak in.

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