Chapter 240

Tomis wanted to see Shouqing, but Jiang Si hesitated for a moment and said, "It's not that I won't give it to you, seeing Shouqing is poisonous."

Tomis was a little angry, "Nonsense, I have eaten this kind of mushroom before, as long as it is cooked, it will not be poisonous!"

Since they insist on testing the drug, give it to them.

Jiang Si nodded compromisingly, "All right, all right, take the mushrooms!"

Tomis smiled ecstatically. They hadn't had a full stomach for a long time.

Every time I go to the beach to find something to eat, I just rely on luck.

The sandstorms have been frequent these few times, and the tide has never receded. It has been a long time since I found food at the beach.

It was too dangerous to go into the sea. After his brother entered the water, he never got up again.

Jiang Si handed them the mushrooms, and they quickly fulfilled their promise, and immediately dug all the excrement holes in the hole for Jiang Si and the others.

The design is quite ingenious, and the sewage will not pollute the air in the cave at all.

Jiang Si was also quite curious whether they would be fine after eating Jianshouqing.

If it’s okay to eat, they can also turn the remaining mushrooms into a pot of mushroom soup.

Everyone has not eaten mushrooms for a long time.

Waiting for the news of the drug test from Tomis, the big guys went into the hole to see their new home.

People living underground are somewhat uncomfortable.

However, the environment is still pretty good, very dry, and the walls are very hard.

Because when Tomis was digging the hole, he used a special method to deal with the walls.

It's also worthy of asking them for a few bowls of water.

The only bad thing is that there are no lights in the cave, and the darkness is inconvenient.

They don't even have an oil lamp now, which makes Jiang Si miss her space again.

The generator of her space, the endless batteries in her space, electric lamps, desk lamps
Qin Shen was able to see at night, and the dark environment in the cave had no effect on him.

Seeing that Jiang Si was not used to the dark environment, he hugged her and said, "I'm going to catch the whale."

Jiang Si was taken aback, "Catch a whale?"

"Make you a fish oil lamp."

Jiang Si couldn't help laughing, "If you can't see me at night, there are still you. You can just hold me, and I will do your job well. I want to eat whale meat more than fish oil lamps."

A big enough whale can keep them eating for a long time.

Of course, in order to preserve it, there must be enough salt.

Fortunately, Shen Baoying still has the ability to automatically distill salt water. If there is no shortage of salt, there is a shortage of whales delivered to the door.

Qin Shen has long wanted to hunt.

Just the little Pippi shrimp by the sea is not enough for everyone to stuff their teeth.

No matter how many bugs there are, there are enough troubles.

Moreover, to lure these bugs out, there must be plants for them to consume.

Shen Baoying's growth technique is to get them some usable willows and knotweed, but they are not enough.

Therefore, their main source of food now has to be the ocean.

If you want to live a life without worrying about food and clothing, you must not be afraid of the dangers in the sea.

Qin Shen wanted to go to the sea, so Jiang Linhai and Kilton also went.

Jiang Linhai can breathe under the sea, but Kilton can control the water.

The three of them cooperated properly, and it shouldn't be too difficult to catch some large prey in the sea.

They set off towards the seaside, and the big guys watched them go, standing on the top of the hill to watch the situation.

Qin Shen jumped into the sea first, followed by Kilton and Jiang Linhai.

After they plunged into the sea, the sea seemed calm for a while.

When everyone was worried about whether they would be in danger, puff, huge waves were set off on the sea.

The figure of a megalodon suddenly appeared in everyone's field of vision.

In an instant, everyone's hearts were raised.

What a horrible monster.

One mouth seems to be able to swallow the whole world.

In the next second, I saw countless bright red blood fainting around this huge megalodon.

The strong smell of blood irritated Tomis and the others' very sensitive noses.

In the next second, he turned into a snow wolf and stood on the hill not far from Jiang Si and the others.

Everyone looked wary when they saw them.

This is their trophy, and if they want to fight for it, it depends on whether they have the ability and courage.

The megalodon struggled in the sea, and as if it had been stabbed several times, it twitched and swayed violently, turning the waves of the entire bay into shocking waves.

Fortunately, Kilton controlled the waves coming towards them and avoided being swept down by the waves.

Tomis and the others were not so lucky. They ran fast enough to not be swept down, and they were all drenched into drowned wolves.

When the megalodon does not move at all, it will sink to the bottom of the sea.

Qin Shen's huge original form bit its tail, and pushed forward while digging water with its claws.

Jiang Linhai and Kilton also stepped forward to help.

Finally, with the power of the waves, the megalodon was washed onto the beach.

The blood almost stained the beach red.

Everyone was extremely excited, this giant tooth shark has been enough for big guys to eat for a long, long time.

Of course, they now have to save the excess meat as soon as possible.

Everyone ran towards Qin Shen and the others.

Jiang Si put the clothes on for Qin Shen, and kissed his bloody cheek: "Thank you dear, I can use fish oil now."

Qin Shen smiled slightly, and Leng Jun's face was glistening with crystal clear water droplets.

For a moment, Jiang Si was fascinated, and she couldn't help but kiss again.

Their nasty kung fu, the big guys are already planning how to save this giant tooth shark.

First, the salt has to be extracted, and second, there has to be a suitable place to store it.

Those wolves are the best at digging holes.

Anyway, with so much meat, I don't mind sharing some with them.

They came to help, and they could decompose the meat as soon as possible before avoiding the sandstorm.

Tomis watched them handle the meat of the megalodon from a distance, feeling envious in his heart.

Suddenly, Jiang Si waved at them.

Tomis' eyes lit up, and he rushed to him immediately, his tone still quite proud, "What do you want us for?"

Jiang Si pointed at the giant tooth shark and said, "I want you to help me dig a hole, can I give you some meat?"

Tomis said: "This hole is not too small."

The subtext is that Jiang Si should give more meat.

Jiang Si smiled, "You guys dig, and you can take some meat back later."

Jiang Si doesn't seem to be stingy, and Tomis, who worked with her before, still has some trust in her.

He no longer cared about how much he had to give.

Tomis took the big guys to dig a hole.

Jiang Chengwu touched the skin of the megalodon and said, "This is a good material, it can be made into clothes."

The big guy only wears a set of clothes, and the skin of the megalodon shark can be used as clothes, but it is a very happy thing.

Jiang Sidao: "Should we peel it off with a special treatment?"

The animals she caught and made into clothes in her previous life did not include megalodon sharks.

Jiang Chengwu judged based on experience: "It should not be used, just be careful and don't damage the skin seriously. This megalodon is relatively large, and it can be divided into several areas and peeled off slowly."

Jiang Si agreed, when she was going to take the knife together.

Qin Shen waved to her again and said, "Come here."

Jiang Si went over and saw that Qin Shen had taken a fancy to the rows of neat, white and sharp teeth of the megalodon shark.

They not only buy supplies, but also all kinds of daily knives.

The teeth of the megalodon are unintentionally a very good material.

However, it is too hard.

Qin Shen used all his strength to break off the megalodon's teeth one by one.

None of them were as tall as Jiang Si's waist.

Now looking directly at the dead giant, we can see how dangerous Qin Shen must have been at the bottom of the sea.

Jiang Si asked, "Is this giant tooth shark near here?"

Qin Shen said: "Only one has been found so far, maybe they have also formed domain awareness?"

It would be a great thing for them if they really formed domain awareness.

Not only can the meat of megalodon sharks be eaten for a long time, but they can also salvage fish, kelp, seaweed and seaweed at will.

Jiang Si said happily: "Then we have to stock up on food during this period of time."

Qin Shen hugged her, "It's okay, even if there are megalodons, they will only eat our food."

Jiang Si suddenly liked his domineering president-like tone.

"I believe you."

Sometimes it's nice to have someone to lean on.

In this life, she was very fortunate to have met Qin Shen.

The big guys were busy breaking down the megalodon. Qin Shen said that he wanted to use fish oil as an oil lamp for Jiang Sinong, so he deliberately cut off the fattest part of the megalodon and refined it with the essence of thunder and lightning.

After a while, a puddle of fish oil without impurities melted out of the stone tool.

It has a little taste, but not very heavy.

Jiang Si was quite satisfied.

Knead willow bark into a wick, put it in and light it, and it works.

It is that they have to find some kind of container to put the fish oil in.

Qin Shen took a fancy to the spine of the megalodon shark, selected a piece of suitable size, cut it open, and poured fish oil into it.

The fish oil in this whole megalodon shark spine can supply her for a long time.

Jiang Si was very happy, and told everyone how to refine some fish oil and store it.

Everyone is also very happy. If there are lights, everything is convenient.

It’s just that everyone is so busy that they don’t have time to do it.

Qin Shen and Jiang Si took charge of the matter.

Fortunately, they didn't encounter sandstorms during the whole day of handling the megalodon.

Because the megalodon was so big, they couldn't finish it all day.

The caves that Tomis and the others dug were also filled.

Everyone was tired too, and finally got a rest at night.

The Jianshouqing given to Tomis was not poisoned after they ate it. Instead, they found it delicious. They even left a mushroom specially, planning to try to grow it and continue to eat it in the future.

After Jiang Si and the others learned that it was okay to eat these Jianshouqings, they quickly arranged a meal of mushroom and fish broth.

The delicious mushrooms and fish are stewed together, which is called freshness.

What's more, Shen Baoying's cooking skills are good.

Everyone was very satisfied.

Xiaochun and the others also had a full meal.

Without this giant tooth shark making trouble nearby, they can go fishing in the future, and they can act boldly with confidence.

Shen Baoying made a small stove for Jiang Si, and specially roasted a few pieces of seaweed with seaweed as snacks for her.

Eating the snacks made by his mother, nestling in Qin Shen's arms, the environment is simple, but he is actually very happy.

Jiang Si looked at the jumping fish oil lamp, and said to Qin Shen: "When the megalodon is finished, let's get some furniture for the house."

They can use stone or mud to simply decorate the small home more warmly.

Of course, Qin Shen satisfied her unconditionally: "Okay."

On the second day, everyone continued to deal with the megalodon.

A sandstorm occurred in the middle, causing the fish meat on the surface to be covered with a thick layer of sand.

We didn't have any extra water to wash it, so we just put the yamba on it and put it in the hole first.

Everyone is very afraid that the processed fish will spoil, so even if it has been pickled with salt, Mina will be used as a refrigerator to monitor the fermentation of the fish in the cave at all times.

If something goes wrong, Mina can adjust it to a suitable environment in time.

It is really good to have a hole in the ground. The big guys hide in the hole without committing any crimes, especially if there is enough food, so they don't panic.

It was not until the fourth day that the megalodon was completely dealt with by them.

During this period, they only caught a lot of fish on the shore.

The food in the burrow will last them a long time.

Jiang Si took a fancy to the fish bone of the giant tooth shark. Qin Shen roasted it very clean with lightning to remove the peculiar smell and fishy smell. He not only made tables and chairs, but also made a display stand and a strong fish bone bed.

Everyone also wanted to make beautiful furniture like them, but they didn't have Qin Shen's ability to make it right away.

Just cleaning up the remaining fish meat on the fish bones took a lot of effort from their old noses.

Later, the hardness of the fish bones made everyone have to give up and choose to use more convenient clay to make earth kangs, earth cabinets, and earth tables.

Although it is not as beautiful and easy to move as those made by Qin Shen and Jiang Si, it is still pretty good, and everyone is quite satisfied.

Anyway, they won't move anytime soon.

When food is plentiful.If you can live here for a long time, it is not impossible.

There are no giant tooth sharks making waves, and the beach is always peaceful. There are not only pippi shrimps, but also large clams and clams.

Jiang Si and the others can harvest a lot by staying on the beach for an afternoon.

After the food problem was solved, everyone began to devote themselves to the development and utilization of land resources.

Everyone poured water into the puddle that we wanted to make before, and finally, it has formed a puddle of about two meters.

Everyone's daily water use is enough, but we need to save a little.

It basically does not rain here, relying on Kilton and Mina's artificial resupply.

When the tide is high, the water molecules are active, and more water is produced.

When the tide is low, there is not much water.

We have not yet realized the freedom of water.

Jiang Si hasn't really taken a fresh water bath until now.

If you want to farm land, there is not enough water for people, let alone it is impossible.

Everyone has been working hard to find a solution. Until Haydn and the others came here, there was no solution.

(End of this chapter)

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