Chapter 1011

The next day, the sky was not yet clear, Jiang Li and Luo Yanqing came to the courtyard, knocked on the door knocker continuously, but didn't hear the voice of the old Xiaotou for a long time, and Jiang Li pushed the courtyard door directly, who knows, the courtyard door It wasn't closed at all, it was just closed together, as if there was a bolt inserted from the inside.

"Grandpa Xiao!"

After entering the courtyard with Luo Yanqing, Jiang Li raised his voice to call out to Old Xiao, but he still didn't hear the old man's response.

"Go and take a look in Grandma Yu's room, I'll go to Grandpa Xiao's room, maybe Grandpa Xiao hasn't gotten up yet."

Luo Yan glanced at the wing room where Lao Xiaotou lived in the Qing Dynasty, and said something softly to Jiang Li.

Jiang Li nodded: "Okay."

Unexpectedly, before she entered the main room where the old lady Yu lived, Luo Yanqing's voice came over: "Xiao Li... come here!"

Hearing that something was wrong with Luo Yanqing's voice, Jiang Li felt uncomfortable for a while, she knew that the bad premonition she had last night had now become a reality.

Enduring tears dripping down, Jiang Li turned around and came to the wing room where Lao Xiaotou lived, and saw Luo Yanqing holding two letters in her hands, but she was not in a hurry to read the contents of the letters, but His eyes moved to the bed.

Old Xiao's head and eyes were closed tightly, and his hands were clasped on his abdomen... His face was neat and tidy, his silver hair was combed meticulously, and his clothes and shoes were brand new. From this, it is not difficult to see that the old man has done everything well. Getting ready, he lay down on the bed and swallowed his breath.

She knew... She knew that the old man did this because he didn't want to cause trouble to others. For a moment, no matter how hard he was to control the tears, they welled up from the corners of his eyes and fell down his face.

"Since this is what Grandpa Xiao wants, we should wish him and Grandma Yu a reunion in another world and continue to stay together."

Luo Yanqing's eyes were a little red, he comforted Jiang Li softly, and at the same time handed a letter signed by Jiang Li's name to his little girl: "This letter is for you, please open it and read the other letter for me." Send it to the recipient now."

Seeing that the recipient's unit, first and last name, and address on the letter were left in his hand, Luo Yanqing said again: "It's a comrade from the public, I'll be back soon."


Jiang Li nodded lightly. After Luo Yanqing left, she looked at the old Xiaotou's face again, and only then did she read the letter the old man left for her.

The content is less than three sheets of paper, and it is the same as the letter left by Mrs. Yu to Jiang Li. It is written in the old style, and it is also written with a brush, but Lao Xiaotou uses neat regular script.

After reading the letter, Jiang Li's heart was full of sourness. In the letter, she saw Lao Xiaotou's feelings for the old lady. She was tempted when she was young, but because of her status, because of the difference in dignity,

I can only bury my love deeply in my heart and silently guard the woman I admire... Later, the world changed, although the husband of the old lady went abroad with other family members,

The two places are separated from Mrs. Yu, and the relationship between husband and wife has long existed in name only, but Mrs. Yu is greatly influenced by traditional thinking. Even though she has only been carrying the title of Jiang's wife for many years, even if she has an old Xiao head in her heart. this person,

However, the status of Jiang's wife is too deep-rooted, so she and Lao Xiaotou have been living in this courtyard all these years as cousins.

The good thing is that when the old lady was still able to speak before the Spring Festival, she told Lao Xiaotou what was in her heart, and promised that if there was a next life, she would be an ordinary couple with Lao Xiaotou and live up to the old Xiaotou's affection for her.

In order to prevent Lao Xiaotou from chasing after her after she left, Mrs. Yu specially asked Lao Xiaotou to help her take care of the relative she cared about and worried about, namely Jiang Li.

 There are also updates. . .Then catch the bug

(End of this chapter)

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