Chapter 19

"I have no opinion either."

Li Miaomiao continued, without Zhang Degen's persuasion, Zhang Degen looked at Li Miaomiao differently

In fact, Li Miaomiao felt a little pained, and felt better after hearing the system prompt that her survival value had increased by [-].

In fact, even if there is no system prompt, she will still agree. After all, Pei Guoan will be back in half a year. If she agrees now, Pei Guoan will definitely give it. It is not as good as it is now.

Hearing Li Miaomiao's words, Pei Yifan tugged at Li Miaomiao's sleeves, obviously wanting Li Miaomiao to fight for something for his family, but his eyes touched the sad expressions on the faces of Old Man Pei and Mrs. Pei, and he closed his mouth again.

Seeing Pei Yifan like this, Li Miaomiao feels a little comforted

Usually, the little guy is smarter, and it's fine to seek benefits for himself. At such a time, Li Miaomiao still doesn't want Pei Yifan to be too selfish
But now it seems that the little guy is a conscientious person after all. He usually has many benefits, but he still has some sincerity towards his grandma.

Li Miaomiao agreed, leaving only Pei Guotai

"Mom and Dad, are you really going to do this? It hurts my heart too much. You follow me and I will be filial to you."

Pei Guotai obviously didn't give up, Zhou Fang quickly echoed: "Yes, parents, you also know that I can't speak, if there is something wrong, don't judge me as a daughter-in-law, I will change it later. Is it not enough?"

The Zhou family also expressed their dissatisfaction with the old man Pei's decision
"This is a family matter of our Pei family, and it's not up to outsiders to get involved!" Old man Pei yelled at Zhou's family

Zhang Degen also warned the Zhou family very seriously, and the Zhou family stopped

"Cathay, how to divide the family is up to your parents. Don't say what is useful or not, let me tell you exactly what you just said, can you do it or can't you?"

Under Zhang Degen's sharp gaze, Pei Guotai finally agreed, and he had no objection at all.

Zhou Fang wanted to say something, but was swept away by Pei Guotai's warning eyes, and finally shut up.

"Since everyone has reached an agreement on this point, the rest is how to distribute the remaining money and things in the family, and these few rooms."

This is the highlight. Pei Guotai and Zhou Fang, who were a little frustrated at first, cheered up immediately after hearing the words, and stared at the old lady Pei who was talking.
"Let's talk about the house first. There are only so many houses in the family. According to what everyone lives in now, everyone lives in each house. As for the stove, everyone arranges the time to use it in turn."

In this regard, the big house and the three-room house are more advantageous, and they both have two houses, while Li Miaomiao and his mother and son only live in one house, and the fourth house also has one house, but they usually live in the city, and only when they come back Live so many nights.

"In this way, the second and fourth families are at a disadvantage. I know this, but they are all my brothers. The situation is different. The second wife and the fourth wife, you may understand?"

"Mom, I have no objection."

As long as it's not like what Pei Guoqiang mentioned before, let the parents-in-law follow them, how to divide the rest, such a small profit, Liu Lin doesn't care at all

She will probably not come back to live in this village in the future, there is no difference between one room and two rooms

When Liu Lin made such a statement, Mrs. Pei turned her attention to Li Miaomiao

"Mom and Dad, I can't agree to this division."

Li Miaomiao, who has behaved well since the separation and has always been easy to talk to, now refuses
Pei Yifan breathed a sigh of relief when his own mother said that.
Forget about the pension money given to grandma before, grandma is good to him, he doesn't want them to be so sad, but now the house division is related to the vital interests of their second family, no matter what happens, he can't suffer such a big loss, even if his mother agrees, he will Can't agree.

Old man Pei and Mrs. Pei also knew that such a division was unfair, and the second daughter-in-law was not someone who was willing to suffer, explained
"Second daughter-in-law, you know the situation at home. There are only a few houses, and there is really no room to spare. The child and I are the ones who care about it. If you suffer a loss in the house, I will give you more money and food."

Old man Pei's consideration is also deliberate.
Dafang has three sons in total, all sleeping in one room, especially the eldest grandson who is almost 16 years old now and is about to get married.

It's even worse in the third room. Girls and boys are all crowded into one room. It's not easy to live in the first place, and there is no extra room in the family.

On the contrary, the children of the second room are still young, and the second child is gone, so they can barely live like this. The mother and son are not able to work, so it would be more affordable to share more money and food.

Old man Pei has old man Pei's considerations, Li Miaomiao has already made plans in his heart, and it is impossible to agree
"Dad, that's not the case. The house is a big deal. It's not about dividing chickens and ducks. If you have one more and I lose one, it's not a big deal. Yifan is also five years old this year, and everyone says that children avoid mothers." If he gets older, he won’t be able to live in the same house with me, and he will get married and have children in the future, what’s going on? You can’t bully us orphans and widows just because Yifan’s father is gone!”

Li Miaomiao has been virtuous for half a day because of the system tasks, and now she's starting to play tricks again
Hearing Li Miaomiao talk about the dead Pei Guoan, not only the Pei family, but also Zhang Degen felt nervous

In the past, with this matter, Li Miaomiao has made a lot of troubles, one left and one right, and he will not stop until he achieves his goal, let alone such a big matter as a house
On the matter of house division, Zhang Degen has been silent. This is the Pei family's own business. He just came to be a witness. In the future An Sheng, Zhang Degen can't be silent anymore.

"Brother Pei, it's really unfair to divide the house like this. The fourth room is fine. After all, there is a place in the city. What Guoan's daughter-in-law said is not unreasonable."

Old man Pei took a deep breath of dry tobacco, and the wrinkles on his forehead became more severe

"In this way, if we give our room to the second room, Liu Lin and I will not often come back to live in the city anyway."

Pei Guoqiang took the initiative to say that he knew the situation at home, and he didn't care about many things at home when he lived in the city. He felt a little owed and guilty in his heart. This room was dispensable to their fourth room.

"It won't work!"

Li Miaomiao and Mrs. Pei spoke at the same time

Mrs. Pei originally wanted Sier to marry Liu Lin in her heart. At that time, the Liu family had a lot of thoughts in her heart about the conditions proposed by the Liu family. She felt that this son was given to someone else. Now if Sifang has no room at home, she will come back There is less time.

Li Miaomiao's purpose for making such a fuss is not because she really wants an extra room
"I can't ask for a four-bedroom house, so what kind of person am I? Originally, I just wanted what I deserved, but now it's just taking advantage of others! After asking for a four-bedroom house, do I still want my face?"

(End of this chapter)

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