Chapter 206
Duan Lusheng frowned and looked at her, and said: "When you returned to the city from the garden that day, you told Ami that you also wanted someone like His Royal Highness King Jing, but you couldn't find it in the world. So you can only dream of such a person in your dreams. What do you mean by these words? Are you not spying on His Royal Highness King Jing in front of Ami? What did Ami think at the time? Could it be that Ami is not angry Didn't Ami feel awkward, felt a lump in her heart? Don't forget, Shuangshuang, we are guests, and if we get closer to her, we will be guests after all."

"Why would Ami care? Those words of mine were originally unintentional, just casually. Ami knows my temperament and my personality, so she doesn't mind, so she is not angry or awkward at all. All of this is Sister, you are thinking too much, sister, I beg you, don’t force some of the things you feel on me, I’m tired, I’m really tired, and I don’t want to make up for what you said Can't sleep all night."

The relationship between the two sisters becomes somewhat edgy.

Duan Lusheng supported his forehead: "These words I said are all for your own good. If you marry someone in the capital and continue to stay in the capital, it will be difficult for you to stay in your husband's house without the support of your mother's family. The Duan family is in Xingyang, and the root of our Duan family is in Xingyang. We don’t have any roots in the capital. If you are in the capital, who can you turn to for help if you have any grievances or are bullied by your husband’s family? It's a confession. If you offend Ami, what should you do then? Shuangshuang should look at things in the long run, not just at the moment."

Duan Shuangsheng shook his head, stepped back again and again and said, "I don't understand, I really don't understand, sister, why do you say such inexplicable words, you may be in the capital in the future, I know that, after all, the little prince sent you off two days ago I bought so many things, they are all for you, sister, but I don’t have to. So I don’t have to please Ami, I just treat her like an ordinary sister, and she treats me like that, why do you always pick her up Do you keep chasing after this point? I obviously did nothing wrong, but you have to be a good teacher every time, pointing and pointing at my words and deeds. If you can listen to what you say, can you listen to what I say? Can you? You can’t, you still go your own way and ignore my words. You think you are the elder sister and the eldest daughter, so You are not afraid of me. You don't care what I say, you think I am your sister, I should obey you, because you are older than me, I have to obey you, and regard your words as the golden rule Sister, do you think this is right? I don’t think so.”

Duan Lusheng tried to calm down, and also tried to calm her down: "Shuangshuang, the meaning of what I said is not that deep, I just hope that you can be cautious in your words and deeds when you speak, and smooth out your words carefully. Don't speak out so impulsively, because sometimes when you say it, it may make others feel uncomfortable, or create a gap between you, and what's more, what you say will make a big fuss, and what you say will be For example, the water splashed out cannot be recovered, and the loss and damage caused are immeasurable. The reason I said so many is just to make you a better person. I also hope you can understand my painstaking efforts .”

"I don't understand, I really don't understand, are you really doing it for me? I think you just want to highlight your sensibility, your sophistication, your intelligence, your calmness and restraint, and then make me look like a A reckless, ignorant, stupid and mean domineering little girl. Is that right? Or you just use your status as the eldest sister as a shield, and then exercise the rights of the eldest sister to me without any scruples, that is preaching. To be honest, when I was in Xingyang, my mother never scolded and blamed me for my words and deeds. She just looked at me with a smile every time. But you are different, you seem to want to If I say something, you will immediately come to correct the right or wrong of what I said and the consequences of this matter, but you have thought that the absence of these things may be just a fantasy and guess of yours, to put it bluntly It’s just imagination. Do you understand if you think about it too much?”

"I know, you won't listen to what I say now." Duan Lusheng was very helpless, she obviously had a lot to say, but when the words came to her lips, she didn't know how to say them.

She always thought that she was a more responsible elder sister, a responsible eldest daughter, but only now did she realize that all of this was her self-righteousness. It turned out that her younger sister's resentment towards herself was already so deep. It's something she didn't know before.

"Yes, I can't listen to it, and you don't look at what your attitude is when you say these words. How can you expect me to listen to you with such an attitude?"

"You can't listen to what I say, and I can't listen to what you say, then we're even, so be it." After Duan Lusheng said this, he turned his head and was about to leave.

but.She turned her head to look at Duan Shuangsheng again and said, "Ami seems to be out today, why didn't you take me with you? You should be able to make a rough guess in your heart. Do you want to guess why she didn't bring it with you?" You and me? Guess what made her do this?"

Duan Shuangsheng frowned, feeling extremely absurd: "What else could be the reason? Of course it's because it's not convenient for Ami to take us with her, or it could be something else, for example, she thinks we can roam freely in the capital, or She was going to meet some people, so she felt that she didn't need to take us with her. What could be the reason? My sister, as I said, is that you always think things are too complicated, and you always think that everyone will because of our words And a misunderstanding in your heart will lead to a breakdown in the relationship, right? That’s what you think, but I have repeatedly emphasized that if you think too much, no one will think too much, and no one will feel dissatisfied or lead to a paragraph because of one or two sentences. The relationship is broken, sister, all this is because you are a person who is easy to think too much, so you think of everyone as a person who is sensitive and suspicious. Is it right? Are you right? Do you admit that you are such a person?"

Duan Lusheng turned his head away, and said calmly: "Now is not the time for you to judge me. I just want to tell you the fact that Ami had an appointment, but he didn't bring us along. I just want to ask you about this indisputable fact. There is something hidden or some other reason, but you start to comment on my character and my conduct, that’s all, it’s useless to say more. After talking so much, then we have nothing to say. "

(End of this chapter)

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