There are nearly ten varieties of millet spicy, sharp pepper, thread spicy, long pepper, sweet pepper, etc. Ding Xuewei knows what kind of green pepper is delicious, and what kind of dried chili is the most fragrant.

"Corn is one person, edible melon seeds and beans are picked, and peppers are taken by everyone. This and this are the best, and this and this are more spicy."

Ding Xuewei has never been stingy towards the villagers and laborers, but as a result of being in too much contact with her, the villagers are not restrained and polite. When they leave, they all pick something, and some even pinch sweet potato tips.

"Tomorrow, you have a good rest, I will take people into the city."

After several consecutive rains, Ding Xue had a slight cold, with runny nose and small tears, and old man Ding was a little distressed.

Ding Xuewei didn't think her situation was serious.

"Grandpa is helping to take care of the fields."

"Don't be stubborn, it's getting worse after being tired, and it's you who suffers!"

"Grandpa, I'm really okay." In terms of selling things, she didn't think the old man was more suitable than herself: "I have something to ask Uncle Wu."

Question about Sonoko and the maids.

Old man Ding subconsciously looked at Mr. An who was picking the soles of his shoes not far away.

"No one has messaged him these days."

"...Tomorrow, let's go together, and the field will be handed over to your Fifth Uncle."

"Father, Xuewei and I will go, you are at home." Ding Laowu said, "I have done business for a long time, it should be better for me to go."

Old man Ding stared: So, the eldest granddaughter is afraid that she won't be able to sell it all?

Ding Xue giggled slightly.

Old man Ding lost his temper.

In terms of selling, he is really not as good as this uncle and nephew.

"Then you go."

"Grandpa, take some eggs home with you, and I have praised a lot of male eggs these days." Ding Xuewei turned the corner smoothly, not wanting to make the old man too sad.

However, this male egg is a real male egg.

According to Xiao's experience, hens are hatched from round eggs, while roosters are mostly hatched from pointed eggs.

There are more hens than roosters in the market, and they just want to eat them at home, so a small number of male eggs are left behind.

It's getting late now, and I can take some things back to listen to Mrs. Li's nagging less, so old man Ding didn't refuse, but before Grandpa and Sunsan reached the barn, Dahua came to deliver food.

"Fortunately, I caught up!"

Ding Xuewei: "?"

"I thought that Grandpa Ding and the others would come to help, so I cooked some more thin bean flour. When I met my mother on the road, my mother said that Grandpa Ding and the others were leaving soon."

Everyone brought the food, and if they didn't eat it, it would be a disappointment to others, so the father and son simply went back to eat.

Ding Xuewei has a lot of experience in selling fresh ingredients. Early the next morning, not only all kinds of peppers but also pots and stoves were loaded onto the carriage, ox cart and donkey's back.

Three sets of sizes.

Compared with dull men, women have more confidence in themselves when it comes to selling.

No, when the large army set off, all the drivers who led the cows and drove the horses turned into women.

The only man, Ding Lao Wu, is too embarrassed to fight for the reins!

Alone, alone at the end of the lineup.

"This is?"

After confirming that the person who came was an acquaintance, the on-duty and the boss pointed to the mighty vehicles and animals behind Ding Xuewei.

"It's chili." Ding Xuewei said.

In the unexpected and delighted eyes of the boss, she motioned to Aunt Bai and Aunt Zhang Qi to remove the baskets on the back of the carriage, and explained: "My peppers are quite good, but two consecutive wind and rain The impact is too great, so you can’t do it without picking it. This green pepper is fried and then put in soy sauce, or it’s delicious when fried, and Uncle, you and uncles share these and taste.”

With previous convictions, Ding Xuewei is very self-aware: "Green peppers that are not fully mature are not poisonous. I have tried them many times and they are fine. These boxes have the best taste, light spicy taste, and are most suitable for cooking."

He Boss's face was suddenly embarrassed.

"You girl, can Uncle believe you?"

Ding Xuewei stuck out her tongue playfully: "Of course Uncle He can trust me, I'm just afraid that people will misunderstand you."

"Uncle will explain clearly, eat what you dare to eat, and we will not force you if you don't dare."

Talk to the boss and gesture to colleagues.

The officials at the gate of the city basically knew Ding Xuewei, and they were even more familiar with Ding Laowu. With the blessing of a few boxes of peppers, each of them had a better attitude. After a simple inspection, the large troops entered the city.

The official road is not much easier than the ordinary trails, even if you are not embarrassed by the officials in front of the city gate, it is not too early when the mighty team arrives at the market.

The bustling crowd stopped by their excessive herds of cattle and horses, and then became curious about the special smell emitted by the peppers.

"Uncle Wu, you and Aunt Bai went to find the management personnel."

Under the leadership of Aunt Bai, Ding Laowu quickly found someone, and with the blessing of two baskets of peppers, the administrator not only came over as quickly as possible, but also pointed out a stall with a good location.

There are a lot of people at the intersection.

When Ding Laowu and Aunt Bai went to work, Ding Xuewei and other women answered every question, and when the administrator rushed over, they had already attracted many spectators.

When the baskets of pots and stoves are laid out, there are more people crowded to see the strange things.
"What is this?"

Ding Xuewei: "Chili."
"Why is it green?"

Ding Xuewei: "Because it's a green pepper, it's tender and hasn't matured yet."
"Can you eat unripe herbs?"

Ding Xuewei: "Green peppers are edible, but their medicinal effects are not as good as those of fully matured ones. However, because the medicinal effect is not as good as that of fully matured peppers, it has more advantages as a medicine and food."
"The bad effect of the medicine is also an advantage? This is the first time I've heard such words!"

Ding Xuewei: "Mature peppers are too powerful, so you can only eat a small amount. If they are not mature, you can choose how much the effect is. Even children can eat two more bites, but the moisture is hard to get rid of. Gentle, slow Medication is more appropriate."

Various voices came from the crowd, and the women, Ding Xuewei and Ding Laowu actively answered various questions.

Chili peppers have long been popular in nearby counties. Knowing that these novelties are chili peppers, the favorability of the onlookers suddenly increased. There are also medicines and food exuding a unique aroma, but anyone who smells the smell or squeezes in curiously is basically a customer.

There are more than 110 baskets, which looks like a lot, but they are actually sold for not much money. The peppers cannot be squeezed, and a full basket only weighs about 50 catties. After a tiring morning, the income is only more than [-] points!
Vegetables at ten yuan per catty can be said to be sky-high prices, but medicine at ten yuan per catty is the price of cabbage. There are many people talking about this price, but unfortunately, Ding Xuewei bit Shiwen to death.

If you think it’s cheap, buy two catties more, if you think it’s expensive, buy a little less, and you can live in rare goods. Although they came late, they didn’t stay in the market for long!

"Go, let's eat."

Ding Xuewei's rice, no one would suspect that it was not rice.

After exchanging glances with Aunt Zhang Qi, Aunt Bai pulled Ding Xuewei to point to a shed not far away.

"That dilute bean flour cooks twice as well. Our family has jobs, so don't waste time there."

Aunt Bai dragged Ding Xuewei away without any explanation, everyone knew how generous she was, no one wanted to make her little money, they should follow her, those who should check the ropes of the animals checked the ropes of the animals, and those who should clean up the baskets gestured to the baskets.

Aunt Bai decided on her own location, and Ding Xuewei couldn't say anything more. While eating, she asked casually, "Would you like to go shopping?"

The women who had just said that they were busy at home met their eyes and quickly slapped their mouths.

Those who want to buy grain and oil buy grain and oil, those who want to buy fabrics buy fabrics, in short, they all want to go shopping!
Daily shout, ask for tickets, ask for collection...

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