Chapter 518 Entering Copper Anzhai
"Eating and drinking these things are second to none. The reason why people can buy them at a high price is the carrier that holds them." Passing the bottle to Mrs. Zhu, Ding Xuewei picked up the chopsticks to pick up the vegetables, and motioned for the two to eat quickly.

This lady Zhu was very sensible, she took the bottle and didn't observe it carefully, but put it aside.

Ding Xuewei didn't want to explain the meaning of the plastic bottle.

Plastic, glass, stainless steel, she has marked them all on the list, and these things are hard to understand by just talking about them.

Looking back, you will naturally know the difference.

While eating, she arranges.

First, he told himself to leave tomorrow, and then asked the Yi people who came over to meet him at Lianyuan Mansion, and the rest were important figures in various villages, officials and gentry who colluded with them.

Doing anything requires risks. Officials, bandits, and collusion are generally implicated.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world. If she gets someone to clear away the obstacles along the way, Yama may become the target of public criticism when she turns back.

The Yan Luomen before would not meddle in other people's business. Now that they have transformed, the problems that should be strangled in the cradle must be strangled directly in the cradle.

Therefore, the way she arranged it was to collect as much negative information as possible from people everywhere, and then let the dog eat the dog.

The officials should arrest the gangsters, but how could the gangsters show loyalty, and how could the country gentry not be involved.

In the past, Yan Luomen only looked at money, and if the money was in place, even if the assassination is now, they would nod.

When she took over, the house rules were changed, not to mention letting them serve the people, even dedicating their lives is not surprising.

After all, in the eyes of outsiders, she is just such a person!

"Don't resist, just burp if you want."

After a good meal, everything that should be said was finished, Ding Xuewei unscrewed the fruit orange again.

The two of them made the glass of soda uncomfortable, so she didn't force them to drink the fruit. After pouring a glass, she lazily asked Mrs. Zhu to continue.

Lady Zhu was very embarrassed, but she had no choice but to report to Ding Xuewei while hiccupping in shyness.

It was already past one o'clock in the middle of the night when she was resting, but this time, Ding Xuewei didn't sleep in and got up before seven o'clock.

Zhu Niangzi was very worried when she went out alone, but she didn't have the courage to challenge her indifferent appearance.

In a word, how could it be so simple to make the child that Mr. Yang likes!
Respectfully, they could only watch her leave.

Ding Xuewei, who walked out of the sight of the rouge shop, did not leave the town immediately, but bought some oil and sugar at the grocery store, and then went to one of the only two pawn shops in the town to pawn some things.

These things were all searched from the old house in Yiyongzhai, and they were very recognizable. In addition, she revealed intentionally or unintentionally that the shopkeeper of the pawn shop had no hesitation in letting people follow her footsteps after she left.

At this time, the news of the unprecedented trauma that Yiyongzhai suffered has not yet spread. Everyone and their forces within the sphere of influence of Yiyongzhai are afraid of them. If they can find a trick from Yiyongzhai, they will save a lot money.

If you come and go safely within the sphere of influence of Yiyongzhai, you will get a lot of tolls a year.

The pawnshop shopkeeper had a good idea, but unfortunately, Ding Xuewei just wanted him to pass on a message.

Turning into the dead end selected early in the morning, the person disappeared in place.

Before buying oil and sugar, she changed her attire, and she was the black and thin little boy familiar to many merchants in Fengcheng Mansion.

When the following boy couldn't find anyone and left reluctantly, she changed back into women's clothes and presented herself as a boy-style girl, and then rode out of the town on a cow.

Seventy miles to the north of Dingshan Town, there is a Tong'an Village, with many villagers, it is the second largest village along the entire route from Shancheng to Lianyuan Mansion.

Ding Xuewei had already made up her mind, and she seemed extraordinarily leisurely along the way.

Passers-by on the road didn't think much of her when they saw her, they just thought she was driving a cow away from relatives.

How could anyone send a baby her age out of town and let her drive her strong cattle too far from home when the price of cattle was rising.

Very easily, before the sun was about to set, Ding Xuewei came to the roadblock made by Tong'an Village, and was invited into the village without any suspense.

A girl of thirteen or fourteen years old can be betrothed after one or two years of raising her.

If there is a ranking of what is most lacking in various bandit villages, then the daughter-in-law will definitely win the first place.

The more women there are, the more children will be born, and the more children, the more promising the future will be.

Therefore, Ding Xuewei who entered the stockade was not detained and tortured, but entered a small courtyard where harvested women gathered.

The yard is not small, there are nearly [-] large and small rooms, and the number of beds is [-].

"You squeeze with Miss Qing, and when there are vacancies in other rooms, I will let you move there."

The woman who led her in was very friendly. There were two beds in the small room, one wide and one narrow.

Entering the door, she pointed to the small bed that was no more than sixty centimeters wide, and said to Ding Xuewei.

The mother-in-law didn't ask the girl in the room what she wanted, and arranged it directly.

After Ding Xuewei nodded timidly, she turned to look at the girl who was embroidering by the oil lamp beside the bed.

The young girl is delicate and handsome, although she is dressed in old clothes, her dress is simple but does not conceal her temperament, at first glance she is not from an ordinary family.

She acted as if she didn't hear what the mother-in-law said.

"Miss Qing is still as diligent as ever. This set of embroidery work should be completed in two days."

"...I will try my best to get out." The girl replied calmly without raising her head.

The mother-in-law took a closer look, and didn't care about her unreasonableness. She turned her head and continued to persuade Ding Xuewei: "You can see that people like the girl live in our village with peace of mind. You have nothing to worry about. You have to do it." , Three meals a day will definitely fill you up."

Ding Xuewei is dressed in simple and coarse cloth, suspicious makeup on her face and deliberately overreported age, no matter how you look at it, it fits her character that her father does not love her mother or love her, and she is jealous of her younger brother's full food, and she is treated harshly.

What this kind of person cares most about is to be full.

The mother-in-law smiled and narrowed her eyes.

"It's too late today, and tomorrow morning, you can eat as much as you want."

" cow." Ding Xuewei tugged at her cuffs shyly.

The old woman approached and patted her on the shoulder: "Your cow, the village will greet you well. If you really don't get used to it later, let someone send it back together."

"Girl, our Tong'an village is not an ordinary village. We treat people seriously, so you don't have to worry about us robbing you of your belongings. In fact, the village can give you money when you have income. You can live in peace of mind for a few days. In a few days, you will know whether grandma and I are right."

The mother-in-law did a good job in calming Ding Xuewei's emotions.

Not only affirming that what is yours is still yours, but also promising that the pie will fall from the sky.

The ignorant girl who has never been out, doesn't know what's going on in the real bandit village, and doesn't know that there are many bad guys in the world, naturally feels relieved.

"I'm only staying for a few days." She whispered.

The mother-in-law said calmly: "Okay, tell me when you are tired of living."

 Daily shout, ask for tickets, ask for collection...
(End of this chapter)

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