Chapter 15 Spatial Changes
And the space seems to be different. Although the space used to be at normal temperature, it has always been very dry.

Is it because of the environmental problems of this world?

It's really possible.

In the environment of the last days, there is drought everywhere, there is not even a drop of water, and the air is dry.

The air here contains moisture and is full of oxygen. There is water in the space, probably because she breathed the water molecules in the air.

However, there was water at this time, at least they did not lack water to drink along the way.

Their drinking water is all water brought from wells or rivers by the guards. This water has not been boiled at high temperature, and drinking it will eventually be bad for your health.

Don't be full of parasites.

But the water in this space is different, it is purer than pure water, and there is no need to boil it.

And you can also enter the space to take a bath in the future.

Su Yue quickly found out the seeds, and planted one acre of each seed, and ten acres of land were planted very quickly, and it was already planted in half an hour.

Her space is her territory, and she only needs mental power to operate it, and no one needs to go in and operate it on the ground.

After planting, Su Yue exited the space mentally, then closed her eyes and fell asleep.

The next day when Chen Shi arrived, the guards woke everyone up and told them to solve their physical problems quickly and then come back for dinner.

Everyone is afraid of her, the female devil. When women solve their physical problems, no one dares to be presumptuous, and it is very safe.

The morning meal is still a steamed bun for each person, and everyone is asked to fill the water by themselves. A pond was found nearby.

"Mother, ask someone to go to Qinlingtou to borrow a pot, and ask someone to pick up some firewood and come back to prepare it. Brother and I will go to the pond to have a look."

When Su Yue looked at the hard-to-eat Wowotou and saw the pond, she had an idea in her mind.

The water in the pond is not very clear, there must be fish in it.

Let's cook a fish soup this morning.

Anyway, she didn't want to leave, and the guards didn't dare to rush her.

"it is good."

The eldest lady didn't know what Su Yue was going to do, so she did as she was told.

Su Yue took the bamboo tube, this bamboo tube was chopped by the bamboo chopping staff yesterday, and each of them in the Su family had one.

Take Caixia and go to the pond.

"Sister, are you going to fetch water? Let elder brother fetch water for you."

They had only walked a few steps before Su Qiwen caught up and said, even Su Xue chased after them.

After drinking a bowl of chicken soup yesterday, Su Xue felt much better today.

"Sister, I'll go with you too." Su Xue said.

"Okay, let's all follow."

She waved to the two of them and led the way to the pond.

Many people were already fetching water by the pond. They found a place where no one was there, and filled the bamboo tubes they had brought with water first.

Su Qiwen carried seven or eight, Su Xue also had two, Caixia carried five, and only Su Yong had her own.

After filling the water, Su Yue thought that it would take a lot of water to cook the fish soup later, she said: "Brother, take Caixia and Xueer to send the water back first, pour the water into the pot, and then come again .”

"Sister, do you want to boil this water and boil it into boiling water for drinking?"

Su Qiwen didn't know that Su Yue wanted to cook fish soup, thinking of the unpalatable steamed corn bread, he just boiled the steamed corn bread to eat.

The cornbread was like a stone, and it couldn't be chewed. I had never seen such a cornbread before. Su Qiwen really couldn't understand that the cornbread could be made so hard.

Dogs can be beaten to death.

"It's okay to boil water."

Su Yue nodded, she forgot about this, she really should boil some boiling water first, at worst, she will ask Leader Qin for a container for boiling water later.

Forgive him for not daring not to give it.


Su Qiwen and the others carried the bamboo tube back.

When Su Yue saw that there was no one by the pond, she released her mental strength and went towards the pond.

Sure enough, when her mental power reached the pond one meter below, she saw that there were really fish in the pond.

The pond is not deep, and the fish are not big, but they are all wild crucian carp, wild carp, etc., and the largest ones are only as big as a palm.

Boil dashi regardless of size.

Su Yue spotted a bigger crucian carp, which is the most nutritious in soup, and she immediately attacked that crucian carp with mental power. The crucian carp was attacked by mental power, and after a few struggles in the water, it floated up.

"Look, why are there fish floating up in the middle of the pond?"

A man who was fetching water on the bank saw it.

"Hurry up and get it up. The steamed corn bread is really unpalatable. You can eat this fish grilled."

Another man in his twenties shouted loudly.

Su Yue didn't know this person, but she didn't yell at him. There are so many fish in this pond, so let's just help out.

They are all exiles, and life is difficult.

Hearing this, the man next to him immediately took off his shoes, rolled up his trousers and jumped into the pond. He walked up to the fish and caught it with his hand.

Su Yue just stunned the fish, but didn't kill it. She woke up shortly after catching it, still alive and kicking.

The fish was as big as a palm, and the man grinned happily, and happily gave the fish to the man, and he turned back, wanting to dive down and catch some more.

At this time, a few more fish came up.

He didn't care how the fish floated up, and he caught it when he saw it.

Others thought that the fish came up after being poisoned, but seeing that the fish came alive again, they went down again and picked up the fish.

Su Yue, the fish behind, just used a little mental power on them, making them groggy. Everyone only thought that the fish was because of the hot weather.

Anyway, as long as it doesn't die, it doesn't matter how it floats up, this fish is better than Wowotou no matter what.

There are also old people and children in the exile team. This fish is a rare delicacy, and it is also nourishing. It is most suitable for old people and children to eat.

When the three of Su Qiwen returned, they saw this scene. A dozen or so people were catching fish in the pond.

As soon as Su Qiwen saw it, he understood why his sister wanted to borrow the pot.

The three of them didn't say a word, they stood behind Su Yue and watched those people catch fish.

It wasn't until they had caught enough fish that Su Yue brought up the biggest ones, which she left on purpose.

Caixia and Su Xue were dumbfounded.

"Big sister, isn't this fish sick?" Su Xue's face turned pale. If the fish wasn't sick, how could it pass out and float up by itself?

"It's okay, I just took a little medicine." Su Yue explained.

"Ah? Is that so, nothing will happen if you eat it?" Su Xue was still worried.

"It's okay, trust me."

Su Xue pinched her pale face, this child's courage is too small.

"Brother, you all go back, borrow a knife, and give this fish to the two of them by the way."

You have to kill the fish here and take it back to stew.

"it is good."

Su Qiwen took two smaller ones, patted Su Xue, took the two of them, and went back with water on their backs.

(End of this chapter)

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