Chapter 240

As for Feng Shi, no one cares about her.

She was riding in a carriage with Ma Mama, her eyes were red, she looked bewildered, she was still sobbing as she leaned on Ma Mama's body.

Su Yong snorted coldly, this Feng family was completely rejected.

But she didn't relax her surveillance of Feng's. Once people don't care about anything, they will often put all their eggs in one basket, and even if they die, they will pull a back.

Su Yue returned to the carriage, she was sitting in a carriage alone, and Murong Li followed beside the carriage on horseback.

The team walked for more than tens of miles, and at noon, everyone found a place to rest, cook, cook, and solve physical problems.

Su Yong, Mrs. Yun, and Mrs. Yun entered the hidden place together. Before they finished solving the problem, the first wave of raids came.

With those thousand soldiers, the group of people who came was wiped out, and the female family members didn't feel much, and the fight was over.

Su Yue's mental power was even more useless, mainly because she wanted to see the fighting power of the thousand guards.

Murong Li shook his head, he pointed at Mama Ma's fingertips and said: "Yue'er, look."

Mrs. Yun stood firm, her legs were trembling, she pointed to Mama Mama on the ground with her finger.

The third wave turned out to be a group of bandits. This group of bandits were purely bandits who robbed houses, not killers sent by anyone.

"Grandmother, take a break, I'll come as soon as I go." Su Yue said.

It turned out that Nanny Ma followed Mrs. Yun into the grove, and when Mrs. Yun knelt down, she quietly walked behind her, and was about to cover her mouth with a drugged veil.

Mrs. Yun was sitting on the ground with her mouth open, her hair was in a messy bun, and her face was pale. When she saw Murongli and the others coming, she raised her head and shook her head: "Grandmother is fine."

On this day, it was already dusk, but the team was still in the wilderness, Murongli ordered to sleep in the wild tonight, and immediately arranged for people to set up camp and make a fire for cooking.

When Su Yong and the others went back, Murongli was checking the identities of the group, but found nothing, no signs of anything.

"What does this represent?"

The gang of thieves never dreamed that there was such a magical person as Su Yue, and they found them ambushing on both sides of the valley before the team arrived.

Su Yue arrived and asked Murongli.

Murongli made arrangements to come back and ask Su Yue, Su Yue shook her head: "Why am I so tired, pay attention to grandma, Feng's is very quiet these days, it doesn't suit her style."

"This Mama Mama knows martial arts." Su Yue was also very surprised, this Mama Mama looked very inconspicuous, but she was actually a master of weapons.

Murong Li pursed his lips and said, he understood what Mrs. Yun meant, and she wanted him to deal with it in secret, so keep it secret.

Murongli threw away Mama Ma's right wrist again, there was a five character inside the wrist.

There is no need to worry about supplies along the way, there is enough for more than 1000 of them in the capital, and they can't run out.

Mrs. Yun's heart was even more chilling. She thought she treated Feng's family well and never tried to torture her, so she stopped Yun Yan from marrying her grandson. How could there be such a deep hatred to get rid of her and then hurry up?
Could it be that she, as a grandmother, cannot be the master of her granddaughter?
"Have you dealt with it?"

"Quick, let's go there."

Murong Li cursed fiercely, and the two rushed into the grove.

"It's not a big deal. I found out early and knocked out Mama Mama."

"The point is that Nanny Ma, I saw her watching grandma's carriage a few times today, and she was outside again tonight, so be careful with her."

Su Yue glared at him, because she thought she was long-winded.

"Grandma, you go back, I'm here."

"Grandma, I'll help you go back."

When Su Yue saw it, she knocked Mama Mama unconscious with her mental power in time.

"Go back to the prince, the old lady and the nanny have gone there."

The coachman pointed to the nearby grove.

When the two of them saw clearly that it was Nanny Ma, their expressions changed.

As far as I know, Mama Ma has been by Feng's side since she was young. "

The two ran over and asked at the same time.


It can be seen how much the bandits have robbed.

Murongli kissed her on the forehead. Thanks to Yue'er's spiritual spring water, everyone was able to maintain their physical strength very well. The men couldn't bear to travel at their speed.

Murongli was puzzled by her stare, so he had no choice but to go to see Mrs. Yun first.

"How's it going?"

Naturally, it was Murongli who led his own soldiers to go first, touch up from the back of the valley, and directly wiped out that group of people.

Su Yue sighed, and helped Mrs. Yun back with her mother, let her lie back in the carriage, and fed her some spiritual spring water.

Su Yue's skin went numb when she heard this. She knew a little about Feng's natal family. It was originally a big family in the capital, but it gradually declined.

But seeing her faint for no reason, and looking around to see no one, the two of them were even more frightened.

Murong Li walked over and saw that there was no one in the carriage, so he asked the servant who was driving the carriage.

Su Yong gave her a sympathetic look and came to Murongli's place.

"Where's the old lady?"

Murongli asked eagerly.

"Well, I've been paying attention to her."

Mrs. Yun even sat slumped on the ground, she knew in her heart that Mama Ma was going towards her, if Ma Mamo hadn't fainted, they would have died.

"And here, look."

A personal guard is a personal guard, worthy of being the emperor's soldier, and his fighting power is stronger than that of Qin Lingtou and others, which is close to the practice of a master.

"Go, grandma is fine." Mrs. Yun nodded slightly, turned sideways and closed her eyes.

"Grandma, are you all right?"

Su Yue didn't know what it represented, but she knew that the five characters must have a representative meaning.

Su Yue went over to help Mrs. Yun up with Nanny.

The bandits kicked on the iron plate this time, and the emperor's thousand personal soldiers simply wiped out the bandits, collected a large amount of supplies, and followed the carriage in the bandit's den directly on the road.

"Okay, if there is anything else, let's talk about it together."

Just as Murong Li wanted to go and have a look, Su Yue came over and dragged him away.

"This poisonous woman."


Murongli took a deep breath, and said quietly: "In addition to the [-] personal guards on the surface, the royal family has five secret guards, one is in the hands of the royal clan, two are in the hands of the emperor, and one is in the hands of the prince. One line is passed down to the queens of all dynasties, and the five-character line is the queen's branch.

Mama fell to the ground, and the two of them realized that there was someone behind them.

The second wave of robbery and killing was in a valley, Jiaoshan Canyon, which was very suitable for setting up an ambush, but before the gang of thieves made their move, Murongli and the others made dumplings.

The reason for the decline is that there are promising people in the family who die unexpectedly from time to time, and the reason cannot be found at all.

Now the two understand.

In addition, after Feng's marriage to General Yun's mansion, old General Yun died in battle, and the Yun family was not prosperous, these can be linked together.

The capital city used to be a prosperous family, but there are quite a few families that gradually declined. If these were all done by the royal family, then the royal family's actions would be terribly thoughtful.

(End of this chapter)

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