Before I went into exile, I was rich as hell.

Chapter 399 Xuan 1's Guess

It took a group of two hours to arrive at the racecourse, but after arriving at the racecourse, General Qi was stunned by the situation at the racecourse.

He heard the boys who feed the horses on the mountain say, now they are playing, the horse is gone, and Manager Ma and General Zhang can't wake up either, they are doomed now.

There was wailing all over the mountain.

General Qi hurriedly caught a crying boy and asked about the situation, and only then did he know about the disappearance of the horse in the racecourse.

He was so frightened that his heart almost jumped out of his stomach, and he hurried to the room where the horse steward was.

At this time, the guards caught a doctor and went up the mountain, and he was treating General Zhang right now.

As soon as General Qi entered the door, he saw the doctor giving General Zhang an injection.

General Qi knew General Zhang. Seeing that the doctor was giving him an injection, he glanced at the situation in the room. Sure enough, as the boys said, Guanshi Ma and Zhang Zhangjun were both unconscious at the moment.

The two of them didn't wake up, and they wanted to ask about the specific situation, but now they couldn't. The boys only knew that the horse was missing, and they didn't know anything else.

So he quickly backed out and ran to the two horse farms to have a look.

When there are no wars, the war horses are kept here, and once the horses are needed, they come here to get them.

So he knew the exact location of the racecourse.

When General Qi came to the racecourse to take a look, the racecourse was empty, the old scene of the deafening neighing of horses no longer existed, and needles could be heard in the racecourse.

He took a deep breath, covered his beating heart, and felt a turmoil in his heart. He paid Xifeng Kingdom [-] war horses, and the remaining war horses were no less than [-] horses. .

Who has the ability to steal a horse under General Zhang's nose?

I'm afraid this is some kind of fairy method.

Suddenly, General Qi thought that his own belongings had disappeared just like those stolen in the capital and the palace.

Could it be the same person?
General Qi felt cold all over unconsciously, hurried back and came to Xuan Yi's side.

Although he didn't know why Prime Minister Yang asked Xuan Yi to go with him, he could tell that this Taoist priest was not simple, and he must know a thing or two about such a mysterious matter, so he wanted to ask him.

But seeing Xuan Yi frowned tightly, as if he was thinking about something, he waited in order not to interrupt.

Xuan Yi came to Guanshi Ma's house and stood there without moving a step.

He has been following General Qi, why didn't he know that all the horses in the racecourse were gone.

At the moment, he is thinking about the theft in the capital, things seem to disappear out of thin air, and this horse also disappears out of thin air, what kind of ability is it that can collect so many things, including tens of thousands of live horses? The horse was taken away, and he was puzzled.

Even if his master's pockets could hold a roomful of things at most, it wouldn't be able to hold so many things.

Could it be that the two of Murongli have the legendary ring space?


Those two must die.

After getting that treasure, he is still a national teacher. He is going to find the way of longevity.

Xuan Yi's frown that was tightly furrowed suddenly relaxed.

"Daozhang, do you see any mystery coming?"

Seeing Xuan Yi's frown relaxed, General Qi asked him.

Xuan Yi turned his head to look at General Qi and said: "The poor Taoist doesn't know what's going on right now, wait until Guanshi Ma and General Zhang wake up and ask about the situation."

This matter is unimaginable and difficult, Xuan Yi will not easily promise what he can do.

What Xuan Yi said was very reasonable, General Qi was speechless to refute, and had to wait until General Zhang and Guanshi Ma woke up.

So he came into the room again, and saw that the doctor was pulling out the needles for General Zhang, and the people in the room were the same as before, all of their attention was on General Zhang, and they didn't notice him coming, so he covered his mouth lightly. Cough a few times.

"Cough cough cough..."

"Ah, it's General Qi, when did you come?"

The guard knew General Qi, so he hurried over to salute him.

"I've been here for a while, how is General Zhang?"

General Qi asked with great concern, but watched the doctor take the needle.

The guard shook his head and also looked at the doctor.

The doctor finally took the needles from General Zhang's body, and he put the silver needles in the silver needle bag. General Qi and the guards immediately stepped forward and asked, "Doctor, how is General Zhang?"

The doctor was quite old, and he said with a very tired expression: "It's nothing serious, General Zhang just fainted due to rushing to the heart, and he will wake up soon. The old man needs to take a rest, and then give the other one acupuncture."

General Qi knew that administering acupuncture was very tiring, so he nodded and said to the guards: "I am here, general, you can take the doctor down for a rest, and let the doctor eat something."

Guard: "It's General Qi, General Zhang will trouble you."

General Qi waved to him, then sat on the little Wuzi beside the bed, waiting for General Zhang to wake up.

I have to ask about the situation, what is going on, such a big matter, paper can't cover the flames, and for the sake of being an official in the same dynasty as General Zhang, I can help him if I can.

With the emperor's temperament, so many war horses are gone, and there are not enough people on the horse farm to kill.

As expected, General Zhang woke up leisurely. He stared at a little confused eyes, and suddenly remembered why he passed out. He suddenly wanted to sit up, but his eyes were dark again, and he almost passed out again.

Seeing him like this, General Qi was stunned for a moment, and then quickly pushed him onto the bed and said, "General Zhang, don't get excited, just lie down and have a good rest."

After General Zhang lay down, seeing General Qi, he immediately grabbed his hand and said, "General Qi, I beg you, please help me find those missing horses."

If he is not found, he will be exterminated.

General Zhang is only a fourth-rank general, and General Qi is a second-rank general. They are both generals but of a higher rank than him, so they must be called inferior officials in front of General Tim.

"Then tell me what's going on, tens of thousands of horses, how could they disappear inexplicably?"

Upon hearing this, General Zhang let go of General Qi's hand, glanced at Guanshi Ma at the other end, calmed down, and sighed: "Actually, I don't know what happened Well, early this morning, the boy at the racecourse came to report that the horses were gone.

At that time, the officials still didn't believe it. Except for the place where we guarded the mountain pass where we could go in and out of the mountain, the rest of the racecourse was full of cliffs. Except for people with excellent lightness skills who could go up and down, the horses couldn't go down. There were still so many horses.

So the officials hurried to look around and looked around. The horse was indeed gone, but there was no trace of the horse walking. The horse seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. "

General Qi took a deep breath when he heard this, he already had a rough idea in his heart, thinking that the robbery in the capital must be done by the same person.

It's just who it is, I can't tell now, but this matter must have something to do with Li Wang.

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