But he can't, his body is too cowardly, and his heart is too cowardly.

Even if he went crazy and wanted to make himself stronger, it was useless.

So he is afraid and panicked.

Seeing Lin Jiumian came back now, his heart dropped hard.

He hurriedly stepped forward to meet Lin Jiumian, and said awkwardly, "You're back, I cleaned up the house, what else do you want me to do?"

Lin Jiumian glanced at him and said softly, "Take it easy, it's not a big problem."

Then she looked outside and said, "It's getting late, go to bed early!"

"I'll talk about the rest tomorrow morning."

Feng agreed and turned his head to go out.

Lin Jiumian wanted to stop him and let him rest in the house.

Then I thought again that under the same roof, men and women are indeed inseparable.

Forget it, think about arranging him later!

Seeing the wind, she curled up under the eaves again and fell asleep.

Lin Jiumian pondered for a moment and then entered the space. At this time, the robot had sorted out the confession of that person.

The man's name is Qingyu, and he is indeed from the mainland.

But the difference is that he is not a fisherman, he was originally from the Holy Land.

It is precisely because he came from the holy land that he has some understanding of this continent.

According to him, he heard rumors and propaganda from this continent when he was in the Holy Land.

It means that this is a paradise, and there is food everywhere.

There are singing birds and fragrant flowers everywhere, and there is no shortage of daughter-in-laws.

Qingyu was said to be a daughter-in-law when she became an adult, but she couldn't make it because she couldn't afford the dowry.

And for those girls who don't want a bride price, he also dislikes that their parents are not good-looking, so they reach the age of 20 without being high or low.

When I was 20 years old.

He still got nothing, not only did he not have a daughter-in-law, but the family's money was almost spent.

Every day there is nothing else to do except farming.

After a year of farming, only some grain can be harvested, and it can't be sold for much money.

He felt that his life was gloomy and he could not see the light.

At this moment, someone persuaded him to join the Holy Land, saying that there is food everywhere in the Holy Land.

You don't need to work hard, and you can find a wife at will.

There are a lot of women there, you can choose whatever you want.

Such an absurd lie, he actually believed it to be true, and joined the Holy Land in a flash of his head.

After joining the Holy Land, I thought that all these things were within my reach, but only after I joined the Holy Land did I realize that the so-called Xanadu is not here, but in another land, and it takes a long time to travel across the ocean to reach it.

Slowly he was a little shaken, but his boss is very demagogic.

What to say: "If you perform well, you can be selected and go across the ocean to enjoy a happy life in that holy land in advance."

The idiot believed it.

Originally, this opportunity would not be his turn, but God has mercy on him. When he went out again, he was hunted and killed on the top of his head.

He risked his life to protect the family, and was stabbed for him.

Because of this, the boss was particularly satisfied, so he was nominated.

I went overseas as a representative.

At that time, the Son of God had indeed selected a group of people to go overseas by boat.

The one who went with him was the sixth prince at that time.

After these people went overseas, their luck was not bad.

They encountered land directly, but what happened later made it difficult for them to accept.

Where there is any holy place, it is all desolate, with poor food and clothing, and the people here live a miserable life.

They knew they had been cheated, but they couldn't go back.

I can only go against my conscience and say that everything is fine here, and then stay.

Fortunately, the people here did not kill them out of some intention, but let them choose their own place to live.

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