Just when Lin Jiumian and Jun Wumo mentioned Jun Wentian.

Jun Wentian was also in a state of irritability, he had been here for a while, and the lord Irina treated him very well.

At first he found life here difficult.

Because most of the people here are different from him, just seeing the blue eyes with high nose bridge makes him feel very bored.

Now he hates all blue things, obviously blue is so beautiful, but now it has become extremely hideous and terrifying in his eyes.

Fortunately, Irina can speak the language of the Central Plains, and I can still communicate with him, otherwise I really don't know how to live this day.

But soon Jun Wentian realized that something was wrong.

There are actually many people from the Central Plains in this territory.

After detailed inquiry, I learned that most of these people came here two years ago, three years ago or even farther.

Some of them simply came out to wander around because they offended someone and couldn't get along in their hometown.

Others went bankrupt and boarded ships going overseas when they couldn't make ends meet.

At first he came here as a thug, but after arriving here, the original boss went to nowhere.

It is estimated that they could not survive and died, or they may have returned to the Central Plains. Anyway, they could not survive, so they survived here.

It's a hard world to live in, there's no denying that.

Emperor Hans didn't show much tolerance towards the common people, but fortunately Lord Rose is a kind-hearted person.

In addition, the land in the entire territory is relatively fertile, and the common people have a way of living by farming.

Therefore, more people came to this territory, and the territory naturally became more prosperous.

The original people in these are all ready to recuperate here.

They have even purchased real estate here and are ready to take root here.

Jun Wentian asked them: "Why don't you go back to Xizhou or Dongling?"

But these people all shook their heads and said, "What are you going to do when you go back? You came here because you had no way out."

"And Dongling and Xizhou have been in constant war for many years."

"Even though it's a lot barren here, it's no longer chaotic, and it's relatively peaceful."

"You can also live in peace and stability."

"In addition, Irina is a decisive woman. Whenever someone makes trouble in her territory, she will immediately arrest and obliterate him."

"In this regard, Irina has done a good job."

Even Jun Wentian has to admire this point.

So after some attempts, none of them wanted to go back to the Central Plains.

At this time, Jun Wentian also got news from the black armor guard.

He also brought a team of black armored guards under his command, and they have become Irina's guards, since the black armored guards can freely come and go in this city.

Then it will be much easier to get the news of Jun Wumo.

When they passed the news of Jun Wumo and others, Jun Wentian was a little surprised.

I didn't expect the emperor to come so soon.

After Jun Wentian got the note, he read the content on it and was stunned.

Jun Wumo asked him to go to the White Tiger Territory to obtain the management rights of the White Tiger Territory and become the Lord of the White Tiger.

He introduced the details of the territory, and declared that the territory would become their base after they got it.

Afterwards, Jun Wentian could be stationed in that base area.

As for Lord Rose, it can be completely given up.

Jun Wentian didn't expect Lin Jiumian and Jun Wumo to find out the bottom of the entire Hans Empire as soon as they arrived here.

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