Jun Yuqing never dreamed that one day she would be put under house arrest.

The person who put him under house arrest is actually Jun Wumo, but he seems to be a little happy about this result.

At least it proves that Jun Wumo has really grown up.

Just when he was worrying about gains and losses in his heart, with mixed feelings and restlessness.

Jun Wumo appeared again.

After entering the door, he sat directly opposite Jun Yuqing.

"Do you want to die or live."

Jun Yuqing raised her head and looked at him blankly.

At this moment, the expression in his eyes was very complicated.

There is comfort, helplessness, hesitation, and confusion.

In the end, he didn't know what he thought of, and his eyes lit up twice.

All the confusion and hesitation were dispelled.

Then he smiled and said: "Who doesn't want to live, of course I want to live too, but will you let me live?"

Jun Wumo was silent.

He got up and walked around the room with his hands behind his back, as if he was thinking about something.

After a long time, he stood in front of Jun Yuqing and said:
"I can not kill you for the time being, but you can't be the emperor either."

"I give you two choices."

"One, I'll beat you to a half-mutilation, so that no one will recognize you, and you will be thrown directly into the dungeon to wait for punishment."

"Second, you write an edict to pass on the throne to me. Then I will put you under house arrest and wait to be released."

When Jun Wumo killed the prince, he no longer had any idea of ​​resolving the matter peacefully.

The throne, he must get it.

Because once the prince is moved, only by sitting on the throne and wielding absolute power can he protect himself.

Protect Lin Jiumian.

Otherwise, once you relax a little bit, you will let the tiger go back to the mountain.

So in his plan, Jun Yuqing had to die.

He didn't expect that Lin Jiumian would rather come here on a falcon than prevent him from killing the emperor.

Lin Jiumian has his own reasons for doing things.

Since she tried her best to stop him from killing the emperor at the risk, there must be her reasons.

Out of trust in Lin Jiumian, Jun Wumo decided not to kill him for the time being and put him under house arrest.

Wait until Lin Jiumian's situation becomes clear before dealing with it.

In his eyes, Jun Yuqing is already a dead person, the difference is that it is better to die now or later!

Jun Wumo put forward these two requirements, in fact, there is not much luck.

In his view, the emperor could not easily give up the throne.

But he is afraid of death, so he will probably compromise.

He thought that Jun Yuqing would scold him when he heard this, and he was even prepared to be scolded.

What he didn't expect was that Jun Yuqing took out an imperial decree from the box and threw it in front of him.

And make a request:

"I have only one request: let the queen accompany me."

"Do to her what you have done to me."

"She must not be allowed to have any contact with the outside world."

"Besides, all the maids and eunuchs in Fengluan Palace will be executed. If you stare at them with your own eyes, none of them will survive."

After finishing speaking, he seemed to be still not satisfied, and added another sentence: "After executing everyone, the Fengluan Palace will be burned to the ground."

"Send someone to guard the remains of Fengluan Palace, and no one is allowed to enter."

"If you can do it, this decree is yours."

Jun Wumo was a little surprised by this answer.

He stared blankly at Jun Yuqing, speechless for a long time.

At this moment, he also felt something wrong in his heart.

Now Jun Yuqing's reaction is very unusual, he should be angry.

He killed his son, and the other party not only did not have the slightest resentment, but was willing to pass the throne to him.

But he bit the queen and didn't let go.

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