Chapter 802 First Mixed Up This Pool of Water
After Lin Jiumian came, he popularized this custom among the common people.

In order to enable the children of the common people to read books.

Lin Jiumian set up two free private schools in the North District and West District, two places where a large number of people are concentrated.

Originally, these had nothing to do with those nobles.

However, when Lin Jiumian established the private school, he attracted a few great scholars, who usually have a heart of compassion.

Always want to do something for the people.

However, they have no official positions, so they can only hurt the Spring and Autumn Period.

Now that Lin Jiumian has set up a private school for free, he ordered someone to send them an invitation card, which roughly means: "Since you want to do something for the people, why don't you volunteer to teach the children of the people to be enlightened."

"If you find a suitable, more talented child, you can also accept it as a disciple."

This move made several great Confucians particularly fond of it.

It also gives them a better reputation.

In this way, they went to private schools to be teachers for free.

It is said to be free, but in fact Lin Jiumian will subsidize it and give some gifts.

It is impossible to really let them serve as Mr. in vain.

These great Confucian scholars are very famous, and some children from the government and noble families wanted to take advantage of this after learning about it, so they sent their children there too.

Sir, no one refuses anyone, no matter what kind of person he wants.

In this way, these children of nobles and children of common people also made friends.

When the accident happened, these aristocratic children happened to go to the home of commoner friends to play.

I also wanted to see what the daily life of these people was like, but they were lost when they didn't come back.

At that time, it was said that five children were lost at once, two of them belonged to the minister's family.This also made the Ministry of Punishment and the county magistrate helpless.

After Lin Jiumian found out the ins and outs of the incident, he sent people to investigate the matter.

For Lin Jiumian, who has the backing of the sisterhood, it is too easy to investigate such a case.

But within two days, news came from the sisterhood. It was said that one night when the incident happened, a member of the sisterhood was picking beans outside the yard.

As soon as he looked up, he saw a child being kidnapped.

The man was dressed in ordinary clothes, but his accent was a bit different, probably from a foreign country.

Lin Jiumian guessed it when he heard it.It seems to be the trick used by those people before.

They deliberately let the Dongling people come and make trouble.

Deliberately stealing the child away, creating conflicts between the two parties.

If it is other bad things, people can be more rational, if it is a child lost.

This hatred is great.

Really poisonous!
When Lin Jiumian rolled his eyes, he immediately regained his energy.

She rushed into the space and made a large number of small disguise chips.

After taking these things out of the space, some people were selected from the black armored guards and dark guards.

These people must be tall and tall, very thin.

Lin Jiumian taught them some simple English.

Then gave them emergency training.

At this time, under the guidance of the sorority people, several children have been found.

After these children were arrested, they were locked in a thatched hut.

It is said that someone will come to deliver food, but the food delivered is so bad that even pigs are not eaten.

These children have been locked up for four or five days.

Except for the person who delivered the meal, I didn't see anyone else.

It is a pity that because of their young age, these children cried into a ball when they encountered problems, and they were unable to provide more useful information.

Lin Jiumian sent someone to rescue the children.

(End of this chapter)

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