Chapter 837 This is my gift to you

Seeing Lin Jiumian's nervous and angry expression, Jun Wumo's stand-in raised the corners of his lips and smiled.

There was a touch of relief and satisfaction in the smile.

He said softly: "Don't worry, don't be afraid, I just got a little crazy when I was practicing, and I lost my breath, it's okay."

Lin Jiumian still wanted to ask again, so the stand-in squeezed her hand to signal not to ask again.

But he subtly stuffed a note into Lin Jiumian's palm.

Lin Jiumian understood that it was really inconvenient for him to say anything more now that everyone was watching.

But he squeezed the note tightly, and then threw the note into the space.

This movement was so fast that people outside couldn't see anything at all, because the movements of her fingers were covered by the wide sleeves.

She can use her mind to connect with the little robot in the space.

Because now Lin Jiumian's space has been completely bound to her mind and soul, as long as she moves her mind, she can communicate with the robot inside.

She asked the robot to see what was written on the note.

After a while, Lin Jiumian already knew the contents of the note, her face changed slightly, and there was something more in her eyes when she looked at Jun Wumo's substitute.

Jun Wumo's stand-in was still pale, but he didn't say any more.

He is really injured now, and as he said to the outside world, he is sick, so his body is very weak.

The Minister of Civil and Military Affairs also noticed it, and couldn't help but make some small calculations in his heart.

If the emperor has been raised for such a long time and his body has not recovered well, then there will be a big problem.

It seems that he will either give up the throne to his son, or let the Supreme Emperor regain his power and sit on the throne.

But no matter which one it is, Jun Wumo seems to have become a thing of the past.

Most of these people were recruited by Jun Wumo, and they were regarded as Jun Wumo's direct descendants.

If something happened to Jun Wumo, these people would be unlucky immediately. After all, the emperor and the courtiers, this is a fact that no one can change.

Whether the Supreme Emperor will take the opportunity to settle accounts after autumn is also the reason for their panic.

Lin Jiumian lowered his eyes and didn't say much, and the expression on his face returned to calm, as if he had no affection for Jun Wumo.

All the ministers saw it, and couldn't help thinking: It really is the royal family that is ruthless.

At the beginning, I thought that this mortal woman who was born in folk customs really loved the prince, so that the prince would fight against all opinions, and even did not hesitate to seek to seize the country for this.

But looking at it now, it was pure nonsense, and everyone couldn't help but sigh in their hearts, it's a pity for King Leng's passion and tenderness.

While everyone had different thoughts, Jun Wumo sat firmly on the dragon chair.

Lin Jiumian signaled to the chief eunuch next to him to start the process.

The ministers have offered their gifts, and now they continue.

At this time, the princes presented their gifts one after another. Unfortunately, except for the eldest prince and the sixth and seventh sons, the other princes did not come back.

This birthday banquet is really lonely, and in the end Jun Wentian has already sent a gift.

What he gave was a coral tree made of colorful colored glaze. This tree is a shelf made of coral, with small bells and beads made of colorful colored glaze hung on it. It looks bright and eye-catching, especially beautiful.

Looking at the gift, everyone was amazed. At this moment, someone outside reported: "The second prince, the third prince, the fourth prince and the fifth prince have sent people to send congratulatory gifts."

(End of this chapter)

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