At this time, the little robot said something that no one thought of.

It said, "Are you free?"

"It was tested before, and now I have to do it again."

"Just look at the results of the last test."

Lin Jiumian was shocked.Suddenly remembered that this robot originally followed Dong Zhixia.

Since Dong Zhixia had explored in this dark river, there must be results.

She turned her head to look at it and said, "Where is the result of your last test? Show it to me?"

The robot unexpectedly didn't carry out her order, and turned its head to look away and refused to pay attention.

Lin Jiumian asked in a daze, "What do you mean to protest with me? Or are you making trouble?"

The light of the little robot flickered again, turned to look at her and said:

"Lord Xia has an order, and I can't show you the result before you arrive at that place."

"You continue to explore, don't get entangled in this."

Lin Jiumian snorted, turned to look at Jun Wumo and said, "Let's go."

But Jun Wumo asked with a puzzled look on his face: "Who is Lord Xia he is talking about?"

Lin Jiumian replied silently: "The Lord Xia he is talking about is me."

Jun Wumo was shocked: "You are clearly here, why does it still say Lord Xia?"

Lin Jiumian said: "That's because it said Lord Xia was me before, not me now."

"A part of my memory is also missing. After the loss, I can't remember many things."

"It separates the former me and the present me into two people, understand?"

Jun Wumo was dumbfounded.Unexpectedly, there is such a thing.

He couldn't help but looked at the robot and said, "Is there still such a big secret between us? Are you unwilling to tell me? Or can't tell?"

Because Jun Wumo saw that Lin Jiumian was hiding something from him.

Lord Xia and her now, no one would divide the self after losing memory and the current self into two people.

Not only the robot said this, but Lin Jiumian seemed to say the same.

In other words, the two of them have fundamentally divided the front and back into two people.

This is obviously not right.

Lin Jiumian was a little annoyed by the question.

What do you ask her to say at this time?Nothing is right.

Finally, she waved her hand and said, "Are you going or not?"

"If you don't go, you can stay here and talk to it."

Jun Wumo nodded and said, "Let's go, let's go, can't I go with you?"

Seeing this, the little robot wobbled behind him.

Lin Jiumian stopped and turned to look at it.Still waved it back to the space.

Although Jun Wumo didn't dare to ask again, today's incident took root in Jun Wumo's heart.

He still couldn't help but wonder who is that Lord Xia?

When I explored further, there was still endless darkness and caves.Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

Even though Lin Jiumian held a big searchlight in his hand, he still couldn't see anything special.

After walking for a while, Lin Jiumian suddenly asked: "Jun Wumo, if I'm not me, I'm not Dongling's little princess, would you still like me?"

Jun Wumo was stunned for a moment and said, "I never thought about it, because I like you, not because you are the princess of an enemy country."

"On the contrary, I think it would be better if you were an ordinary citizen."

Lin Jiumian asked suspiciously, "Why do you say that?"

Jun Wumo stroked his chin and said, "If you were just an ordinary citizen, I wouldn't have to worry about my son being abducted by the enemy emperor."

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