Jun Wumo was originally tied to the tree, but when he heard Lin Jiumian say this, he frowned and said coldly:
"Don't say that the king didn't remind you, if you don't let the king go, once the black armor guards come, you will be killed. Don't say that the king is cruel."

In fact, he was just trying to scare Lin Jiumian.

Lin Jiumian sneered: "Okay, as many of your black armored guards come to this cave, I will let them die as many as they come."

Jun Wumo was so angry that he rolled his eyes wildly, and turned his head to look away with a cold snort.

Tayue was a little shocked: "Master, is he Jun Wumo?"

Lin Jiumian nodded: "Yes, isn't your Patriarch very powerful, even the God of War can be captured?"

Tayue nodded desperately after hearing the words: "Yes, yes, master, you are amazing."

Lin Jiumian snorted triumphantly and turned his head forward.

Then Tayue asked Chaixing and Tuntian to tie Jun Wumo and follow behind, and they walked forward along the original cave.

But at this time Lin Jiumian found out.

As they walked, they came to a fork in the road.

This is the four-way intersection she saw before, and there are three roads ahead.

She was a little suspicious, and couldn't figure out why she didn't find this way just now!
Lin Jiumian stopped here, looked at the three roads and said:
"Have you ever been to these three roads?"

Several people shook their heads and said no: "There is a barrier in front of us, so we can't get through, but you said, master, that you can't break in without your order, saying that it is very dangerous."

Tayue asked suspiciously: "Master, are you feeling unwell, why don't you seem to remember many things?"

Lin Jiumian said: "I am testing you, I am afraid you will forget."

Then she pointed to the entrances of the other two roads: "Go back and get some signs and put them here. It says that the front is dangerous and entry and exit are prohibited."

Tayue and the others hurriedly nodded in agreement.

Lin Jiumian led them to the first passage, which was the road leading to the water prison.

After twisting and turning, he soon arrived near the water prison.

Standing in front of the water prison, Lin Jiumian looked at the dark-brown man in the water prison, with mixed feelings in his heart.

Jun Wumo is still at the door.

Lin Jiumian didn't let him in, so Tayue didn't dare to send him in.

Lin Jiumian walked to the water prison, looked at the man in the water prison, and suddenly asked:

"What's your name?"

The man moved, looked up at Lin Jiumian, opened his mouth and made no sound.

Lin Jiumian remembered that his tongue had been cut off, she walked slowly to a place close to him by the railing of the prison, and asked in a low voice:

"How are you doing here? Jun Yuqing!"

The moment the name was spoken, the man's body trembled violently.

He raised his head and stared at Lin Jiumian with wide eyes. The next moment he wanted to rush over like crazy, and let out a roar from his throat.

Lin Jiumian sighed softly, and shook his head helplessly: "It's useless for you to hate me in every possible way."

"You have become like this, even if you say who you are, no one will believe it."

Jun Yuqing stared at her fiercely, without saying a word.

Lin Jiumian sighed and turned his head away.

She doesn't want to change the situation three years later, if his tongue is not broken, she might find a way to interrogate him.

Forget it now.

But after walking a few steps, he thought of something and turned his head to look at Jun Yuqing.

She squinted her eyes and tilted her head for a while, then suddenly walked back.

He took out an improved version of Veritaserum from his own space, stuffed it into Jun Yuqing's mouth, and then ordered someone to bring a table and a pen and paper to ask Jun Yuqing to write down what he wanted to say!

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