Chapter 883 Back to Six Years Ago
Of course Jun Wumo remembered the year when he came, and it was because of this that he was shocked.

What the two people said in front of them should not be false, because when they said this, the girl next to them also seemed to agree with it.

This year should also be recognized.

And the year at this time was 6 years earlier than when he arrived in the cave, and he returned to 6 years ago.

It's just, how is this possible, it's simply too unreal!

He had never heard of such a thing happening.

Then he asked a few more questions, probably who were the guardians of the Holy Land at this time.

Who is the head of the branch in the Imperial Capital of Xizhou who is in charge of commanding the overall situation?

When he heard the name Sangzi, Jun Wumo was struck by lightning.

But he still couldn't believe it, and finally he waved his hand: "It's okay, you go back first, I still have tasks to perform."

"Probably something went wrong in the middle."

The two frowned, but didn't dare to say anything more.

Because in terms of level, Jun Wumo's level is much, much higher than theirs.

Although they are in charge of contacting the neighborhood, they are still not qualified to talk to the guardians.

It is even more impossible to ask the other party, so you can only leave with one step and three turns.

After they left, Jun Wumo looked at Dong Zhixia beside him: "You really want to follow me."

Dong Zhixia nodded.

Jun Wumo asked again: "What's your name?"

Dong Zhixia frowned, expressing that he didn't remember.

Jun Wumo hesitated to speak, frowned and thought: "Could it be that this girl is actually what Lin Jiumian looked like six years ago!"

So she looks very young and doesn't know herself.

But think about it again: no!
Lin Jiumian is the princess of Dongling Kingdom, even if she doesn't know herself, she still looks pampered.

It is even the owner of the Shadow Pavilion, how could it be possible for a person to be so young and innocent after placing an order alone.

She said that she had forgotten the past, but why was it such a coincidence.

Jun Wumo frowned and said nothing, Dong Zhixia saw him silent and muttered inwardly.

She really didn't know what to do.

Because I have forgotten the past and lost my memory, I look at everything with a skeptical attitude, and I am also very worried.

But she can be sure that the man in front of her can protect herself.

After all, Jun Wumo didn't make up his mind to throw Dong Zhixia into the wilderness, so he took her towards the city, planning to find a doctor to show her if there was any problem?
He met some common people on the road, and Jun Wumo took out money and asked them, "What year and day is it now?"

Their answers are almost always the same.

And along the way, he met men, women and children, it was impossible for everyone to deceive him together under the circumstances at this time.

So Jun Wumo finally believed that this was six years ago, and gave up.

When they arrived in the city, Jun Wumo immediately went to find Langzhong.

The doctor checked Dong Zhixia's pulse, and said after a while: "The girl must have suffered some trauma, you can check her head."

Dong Zhixia was a little suspicious, stretched out his hand to touch it, and found some residual blood between his fingers.

Seeing this, Jun Wumo hurried over to check, and found that the back of her head had indeed been beaten, and she was obviously knocked unconscious.

Lang Zhong continued: "There are blood clots in her brain, and it will return to normal after the blood is absorbed."

"I'll prescribe a medicine for her and drink it."

(End of this chapter)

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