King Leng Chasing His Wife: The Maid in the Tongfang Runs With the Ball

Chapter 891 The Current Situation of the Holy Land

According to what Lan Tai said, Shengzi is not in good health now.

"He is old and should have been replaced a long time ago, but it is said that his son wandered around after returning from his studies, and he refused to return to the Holy Land to take over."

"The holy son was also very annoyed by this. He tried to find his son several times, but his son disappeared."

"Now, seeing that he is about to die, he sent people to look for his son everywhere."

"Unfortunately, none were found."

"This is also the reason why the Son has not changed so far."

"The Holy Son felt that since his son refused to come back, he might as well persist for a few more years, so he sent someone to look for the Night Ghost Grass."

"It is said that Night Ghost Grass can prolong a person's lifespan. Once this stuff works, the Son of God can prolong his lifespan by 50 years."

"It's enough for him, and he can even have another son."

Jun Wumo was a little surprised when he heard this statement.

He thought about it carefully, and it was said that the Holy Son seemed to have succeeded to the throne three years ago.

So that's three years from now.

Then the current old holy son can persist for another three years.

In this way, the night ghost grass didn't work or maybe the night ghost grass was taken away.

Jun Wumo stroked his chin and wondered if he could take advantage of this opportunity and do something when there was no handover between the two parties.

It is certain to do things, it depends on how he wants to do it!
Thinking of this, he was in a good mood, raised his head and said to Lan Tai:
"It doesn't matter. Even if my aunt wants to get the Night Ghost Grass, she doesn't have to rely on him. There are still alternative herbs."

"How about this, if it's convenient for you to take me to your headquarters, let me meet Lord Son personally."

"As long as he is willing to give us a gift in return, I will be able to explain to the holy lady when I go back."

"In case the aunt thinks that I am not capable enough to do the task."

"What's more, according to our rules, all guardians who succeed to the throne must go back to the headquarters. I have never been to the headquarters since I became a guardian. I can take this opportunity to learn about it."

Lan Tai clapped his hands and laughed: "Yes, yes, yes, Protector Bai is right, you have to visit the headquarters anyway, and you should not have been baptized by the holy water of the headquarters."

Jun Wumo smiled faintly: "Brother Lantai is wrong, even though we are in southern Xinjiang, the water for the Holy Land over there is also taken from the headquarters."

"So it's really baptized, but it's not as powerful as the holy water in the headquarters."

"Could it be that Cheng Lan's memory is not very good, did he forget such things?"

Lan Tai shook his head helplessly: "You're right, I really forgot."

"Actually, Lan Tai felt that Jun Wumo was suspicious, so he was specially tested."

"If Jun Wumo followed his words just now, it would have revealed the truth."

"In fact, every few years, people from southern Xinjiang will send people to fetch holy water."

"It's just that most of the people who take the holy water are not the guardians or the high-level people around them, but all the merchants who come and go to the holy land can bring the holy water there."

At this moment, Jun Wumo looked at Lantai with a touch of fear in his eyes.

He stood up and said: "If there is nothing else, I will go back first."

"I still have some things to do in the past two days, and I will meet you at the headquarters after I finish."

Lan Tai said: "Okay, I'm going back to the headquarters too, why don't we go together."

Jun Wumo frowned, obviously showing a reluctance.

In fact, does the Holy Land branch in southern Xinjiang know where the headquarters are?

The reason why Jun Wumo acted like he didn't want to go with him was because he wanted Lantai to invite him to go with him.

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