Chapter 227 The Biscuit Incident
227 biscuit incident
In the subsequent itinerary, Ling Xi spent a few more days in the life of being surrounded by monkeys because he was a rare person besides taking nutritional supplements and practicing yoga every day. He found that his stomach was getting more and more uncomfortable. In addition to drinking water is drinking nutrient solution.

The guards on the starship basically drink nutrients, which is quick and convenient, and they don't need to go to the toilet.

Ling Xi, who grew up eating rice, stir-fried vegetables and stewed meat, was not hungry after a few days of clear soup with little water, but his stomach began to throb because of lack of food.

After Tai Chi discovered Ling Xi's anomaly, he went to Mori to find a solution.

Ling Xi was wandering in the corridor clutching his stomach, and suddenly at an open door, he saw the display rack above the table inside, which seemed to contain biscuits and other substances!
There was no one in the house, Ling Xi stood at the door and knocked, but still no one answered for a long time.

Looking at cookies in glass-like jars?
Looking closer, it's really a biscuit!

Ling Xi immediately felt that there was a lot of secretions in his mouth.

Eat a piece first? !

Forget it, it's impolite!

I really want to eat, what should I do!
No, it’s stealing if you don’t ask yourself!
When Ling Xi was fighting between heaven and man, a handsome guard came out of the bathroom in combat uniform. When he saw Ling Xi, he was obviously shocked and stunned.


Amidst Ling Xi's high-decibel scream, a gust of Tai Chi wind 'blew' back.

It was precisely because it was confirmed that the starship was an absolutely safe area that Tai Chi left for a while. At this time, Ling Xi's scream made everyone on the starship very nervous.

Afterwards, Mos and the others hurried over, and saw a guard confronting Ling Xi with a blushing face and a thick neck.

Ling Xi seized the time and ate more than a dozen biscuits that were bigger than a thumb. Tai Chi and Moss were at a loss when they figured out the situation.

After Morrie arrived, he first reprimanded the guard: "Rio, do you dare to bully Ms. Ling Xi?"

"Report, I didn't bully Ms. Ling Xi, she, I'm preventing her from eating wolf and animal food." Rio stood up and saluted in one go, and then explained loudly and eagerly with some trembling voices.

"Ancestor, you can't eat this" Ye Yi.

"My God, quickly take the baby to the medical cabin." Sauron.

"Xiao Xi, there is xxx in dog and wolf animal food... Anyway, your weak stomach can't bear it, so you must not eat it." Tai Chi.

Moss and Ron were more straightforward, and went straight up to grab the bottle.

Ling Xi didn't even take much nutritional supplements because of his stomach upset. He was so hungry that he felt weak and uncomfortable. He didn't resist much at all, and the bottle in his hand was snatched away. Fortunately, he grabbed a handful.

Thinking of how she tricked Rio into tasting a piece before and was stopped, the two fought over the bottle and frightened him by screaming, and only ate a dozen yuan, which was not enough for her to stuff her teeth!
Ling Xi's skill is definitely not capable of defeating these well-trained guards, besides, she really has no malicious intentions, and she also knows that if she does something, the guard will be severely punished, so she made such a naive behavior.

The biscuits taste great, better than those in my hometown (the time and space before time travel).

Ling Xi's stomach really needs food to promote peristalsis and relieve discomfort, and this will not be able to control so much, there is nothing she can eat on such a big starship, and she dare not eat the fruit in the spiritual field in the space under many monitoring bodies, And he dared to drink the Lingquan water, fearing that his body would undergo great changes, so he could only look for dry food to eat by himself.

Isn't it just dog food? How about authentic butter biscuits? Why can't I eat them!
Besides, she is not a newborn baby, even if she becomes an adult at 28, she is still 25 years old, so she is considered a 'teenager'?What about these people? !
It's just dog food, and interstellar dogs are treated very well. This food is delicious and nutritious enough, and I like it very much.

Ling Xi was full of stomachache, and quickly stuffed the remaining handful of biscuits into his mouth.

"My God, hurry up, spit it out~ Your stomach can't eat adult food." Tai Chi spun around in a hurry.

Its program does not allow it to face its master with any aggressive movements, so he just tried to touch Ling Xi's back, trying to make her spit it out.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Ling Xi ate too fast, and choked sadly, Mo Li and the others were immediately frightened.

She glanced at the coffee cup on the table, and when she picked it up, it was a cow's drink.

"." All the people present were confused by Ling Xi's sturdy appearance.

Because they have experience and data, minors are not allowed to eat adult food.

But they don't know that Ling Xi's physique is actually special.

Ron dared to do it, and snatched the coffee cup from Ling Xi's hand. She couldn't even drink black tea, and coffee was even more unbearable for her.

However, he only grabbed an empty cup.

Moss hugged Ling Xi gently and quickly ran to the medical cabin, followed by a long string of tails, and the starship was in a hurry for a moment.

Ling Xi "." was speechless.

Rio stared blankly at his coffee cup, the lovely lady in his mind used his cup!

So, indirectly, what, oh he's going to faint, he's so happy.

The next second, when Rio came to his senses, his face turned pale with fright.

Because of his negligence, the 'underage' Ling Xi was allowed to eat the food of dogs, wolves and animals. He must have caused a catastrophe, and immediately after that he ran after him.

Ling Xi sat idly on the tablet of the treatment instrument in the medical cabin, dangling her feet and letting the medical staff help her with various examinations with a helpless expression on her face.

Angels in white clothes, but doctors in the interstellar era wear silver-white combat protective clothing, and their arms represent the unchanging medical cross.

It is also very strange to watch them use various space devices.

Everyone is a space device for rings, earrings, or necklaces. Space folding technology is widely used in this era.

However, space devices made by space talents (also called supernatural beings) using space mysteries are more popular, because space is broader and has certain attributes, such as hot, cold, normal temperature, or static insurance. Ling Xi salivated deeply.

spacer!It's as cool as a space storage device in the world of cultivating immortals.

I also have it, but how Ling Xi appeared has been confirmed, so on the premise that there is no concealment, Ling Xi will never let others know her space.

Before, although the lightless realm that her soul pierced was illusory enough, but at least her feet were on the ground, on the planet.

And now, in the universe!

In case of any accident, it's really not a joke!

Therefore, her own space is also her biggest reliance. In her previous life, she did not let Bai Yi enter, and Funo was forced to, but no one made him notice too much.

And after experiencing the life of soul wear, Ling Xi knows even more about the great protection and significance of space for her.

The more I look at the space device now, the more I look at it, and I can properly cover my own space in the future!

After a long meal, Ling Xi was released after passing various inspections just now, and sat on the sofa to rest freely.

The medical practitioners discussed and analyzed the unexpected test results, or looked at Ling Xi in surprise.

"how is it going?"

The five of Morrie and Moss stared at the doctor's examination results and asked eagerly, wondering what they were doing, and there was no conclusion for a long time.

"Don't worry about it, I'm fine." Ling Xi said coolly.

"It's strange, not only did the cub's stomach not worsen the condition because of these foods, but it absorbed the energy in it powerfully during operation, allowing her body to obtain nutrition. This, is this good for her?!

This is why, she is not yet an adult, there is a huge gap in food between interstellar adults and minors, and many minors have various crises after eating it. "A medical practitioner who is obviously an orc clan sighed.

"Ling Xi! I'm not a cub, don't call me a cub anymore, or I'll be in a hurry!!" Ling Xi looked at the men in the room with suspicion, expressing his dissatisfaction fiercely.

Why do you like to call her a cub!

She is two, ten, five, years old, lah! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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