Being targeted by Junior Brother Black Lotus

Chapter 59 Tianchi Chapter: Breaking the Talisman Formation

Chapter 59 Tianchi Chapter: Breaking the Talisman Formation

The purple sunset glow covered the whole sky.

On the ring, Jiang Xiyu was trapped in a magic circle composed of hundreds of talisman papers.

As time passed, the sword in her hand swung more and more urgently, but no matter how strong the sword energy she used to break through the surrounding talisman papers, they would be filled with new talisman papers immediately!

What's hateful is that the puppet possession talisman took most of the time, but she couldn't even see Ji Dian's people!

"Senior Brother Ji Dian is the number one in the Orange District, and Jiang Xiyu is the ninth in the Green District. You must know that his talisman formation cannot even be broken by Brother Zhuo Wen, the sword repairer who is second only to Senior Sister Bai. One-sided crushing of thin fish."

Because Jiang Xiyu won a lot of goodwill in the competition with Gao Tu, so there was a lot less blatant sarcasm in this competition, but there was still no lack of secret gloating from her classmates who had been bullied by 'her'.

"That's right, she's going to lose anyway, she might as well admit defeat quickly, and waste everyone's time here for nothing."

"Brother, what you said is too much." Mu Xiangxiang finally couldn't listen anymore, and retorted sharply: "According to what you said, it's cowardly to admit defeat if you can't beat it. Besides, the one who fought against Senior Brother Xie and Senior Sister Bai I don't see you dislike other people wasting time."

The man's face was turned blue and red, and a figure walked into his sight, and he suddenly raised his voice: "So, you mean that Senior Brother Zhao is also a coward?"

Although she did think so, she absolutely couldn't admit it!
Mu Xiangxiang looked innocent: "...Brother Zhao? There are dozens of senior brothers surnamed Zhao in Tianchi Mountain. Which brother Zhao do you want to say is a coward?"

"It's obviously you." Feeling a gloomy gaze sweeping over in front of him, the man suddenly stood up, looked at Zhao Zong who was standing inside, and explained with a worried face: "Brother Zhao, I, I didn't say You! She, the outer disciple, said that those who admit defeat are cowards, she said."

Immediately stared at by dozens of pairs of eyes, Zhao Zong's face was so gloomy that water dripped out, he gritted his teeth and said, "Shut up!"

At this time, a voice of surprise suddenly sounded from behind:

"Hey, look at Jiang Xiyu put away the sword! Is she going to admit defeat?"

Ji Dian's talisman paper was destroyed as if he didn't need money, and he immediately replenished it, but Jiang Xiyu's spiritual power was 'borrowed', and he might damage himself due to excessive consumption at any time.

According to her way of using spiritual energy to pour swords into raw chops, the puppet possession talisman won't even last for a quarter of an hour, and it will be destroyed in advance.

Looking at the talisman papers shining with golden streamer in front of him, it seems that he has to give it a try!Jiang Xiyu ruthlessly slid his index finger across the blade, sharp pain spread from the fingertips, and bright red blood burst out instantly
Everyone's eyes widened, and they saw that she used blood to draw some strange patterns on the talisman paper that had already been painted with cinnabar.

As the pattern became more and more complex, a beam of golden and red light burst out from the pattern!The golden-red light spread over hundreds of talisman papers like ripples in the water.In the next second, the cinnabar patterns on hundreds of talisman papers faded in an instant, turning into ordinary yellow paper.

As a result, the talisman paper surrounded by an iron bucket, like autumn leaves in a strong wind, fell on the ring with a rustling, covering it with a light layer of yellow.

There was an uproar on the stage!
"She actually broke Brother Ji's talisman formation!"

"This is Senior Brother Ji Dian!"

Ji Dian's perennially gloomy face finally showed a different expression after Jiang Xiyu broke his talisman formation.

It was as if a stone had been thrown into his still water-like eyes: "I finally know why Master wants to accept you into the Tianfu Palace."

"I know, you must want to say that it's because I'm excellent!" Jiang Xiyu felt that the aura in her body was rapidly 'evaporating' like a puddle of water exposed to the scorching sun.While deliberately talking poorly to divert Ji Dian's attention, she calmly waved the tattered talisman paper in her sleeve to the yellow paper on the ground.

Unexpectedly, Ji Dian had a mournful face, and his eyes revealed a kind of eagerness that Jiang Xiyu couldn't understand.He said loudly: "You are not excellent, you are a genius in talisman cultivation!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the "talisman repair genius" in his mouth began to bleed again. Jiang Xiyu wiped her upper lip without any surprise, and grinned at him: "Senior Brother Ji is really overrated, I am far from a genius." As she said that, she raised her bloody hand, looked up to the sky and said, "Uncle, this disciple can't beat Senior Brother Ji, this disciple admits defeat."

It was obviously broken, why did they stop fighting all of a sudden?

On the viewing stage, the eyes of the people who were still enjoying themselves were full of confusion.

At this time, some bored disciple shouted casually: "Maybe she is afraid that it would be indecent to fight while having a nosebleed."

That disciple never expected that the nonsense words that he uttered suddenly spread throughout Tianchi Mountain.

At first glance, this reason is indeed outrageous enough to make people laugh.But everyone brought him into the arena while swaying the sword heroically, while spilling nosebleeds all over the stage, and suddenly felt that this reason suddenly became plausible.

The clouds were thinning, and in the afterglow of the setting sun, Elder Rong He was tired
The voice said: "The sky is getting late, the remaining disciples who have not yet participated in the competition will continue at Maoshi tomorrow."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw several figures flying up from the viewing platform.

Seeing this, Elder Rong He sighed slowly: "Flying is prohibited in Tianchi Mountain..."

Then more 'whoosh' sounds from all over the viewing platform.The disciples who were riding on all kinds of strangely shaped instruments also uttered 'oh hoo' shouts.

Concerned about the elder master's disciples not daring to fly, they raised their hands and waved below in response.

The scene was lively like a busy market in the human world.

The elders have long been used to it, and this group of disciples broke some minor rules during the trial period, let them go as they please, who is not yet young and frivolous.

While covering her bleeding nose, Jiang Xiyu threw two hemostatic pills into her mouth, and finally she did not forget to tell Xie Xunfeng: "Under the biggest banyan tree in the West Palace, senior brother, go back early!"

Xie Xunfeng was still worried about her incessant nosebleed, and when he heard this, he didn't want to say a word to her, and turned and left speechlessly.

Seeing that Xie Xunfeng was going to the appointment, she immediately sent a letter to Mu Xiangxiang.

Finally the matter of Mu Xiangxiang was settled, Jiang Xiyu walked slowly towards Tianchi with blood on his face.

Tianchi is on the top of the highest mountain in the main palace, and the other four palaces are connected with the main palace by a rainbow bridge.The East Palace where the Sword Discourse Arena is located is the largest, and there is also a purple bamboo forest for disciples to meditate from the Sword Discourse Terrace to Hongqiao.

It was rare for Jiang Xiyu to enjoy the scenery of Tianchi Mountain leisurely like now, she deliberately fell behind the crowd, until the shadow of the full moon was faintly imprinted in the hazy sky, she finally walked to the edge of Tianchi full of aura.

It's a pity that this spiritual energy cannot be directly absorbed by the human body, but the exotic flowers and herbs used to nourish the alchemy can greatly improve the quality of the elixir.

(End of this chapter)

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