I run a travel agency in the cultivation world

Chapter 521, Return to the universe

Yang Zhao used his spiritual consciousness to observe the vast universe for the first time.

The universe is huge and scary.

The universe is very dark, so dark that it makes people afraid.

The huge red planet curls up in the eye of the storm, making the large circumferential planet below look small and dim, but this planet is not worth mentioning in the universe.

All planets are like being in the mouth of a giant, and it is only a matter of time before it is swallowed.

And those meteoroids are more like ghosts in the universe. They silently surround the huge planet and are completely swallowed up by darkness.

The person was even smaller, like dust. Yang Zhao didn't even dare to breathe for a moment, for fear of disturbing some unknown existence.

"You have to be careful when doing this work. No matter what kind of ants they are, they are too small. Thousands of ants gathered together are only as big as two fists. Tens of thousands of ants can be kneaded and kneaded, and they can be packed in a box."

Niu Zhen came and gave guidance
  "Within fifty feet, all meteoroids, large and small, must not be missed. You must use your spiritual sense to explore inside the meteoroid. If you find something strange, stir the magic weapon and use your spiritual sense to make a mark, just like this."

Yang Zhao watched helplessly as a red dot appeared on a meter-wide meteoroid. A few moments later, it was split in half by a flash of spiritual light.

The two huge rocks were hit by the spiritual light, changed their original trajectory, and began to fly outward.

Densely packed small black dots exploded from the boulder, scattering small pieces one after another.

Yang Zhao's consciousness moved closer and carefully felt the difference between this boulder and other meteoroids.

To the spiritual consciousness, life is a kind of warm restlessness.

Within a few seconds, the stone was left behind by the boundary-crossing flying boat.

Based on what she had just felt, she began to scan with her consciousness, and soon found a small meteoroid that felt similar.

"I made a mistake, are you okay?"

"What's the point? Just do it boldly!"

Yang Zhao carefully marked the meteoroid. As soon as the mark was placed, the spiritual light came and silently shattered it, and a group of tiny black dots spurted out.

"Not bad, I discovered it the first time!"

"Happy luck."

In the next half a stick of incense, Yang Zhao found two more, which made Niu Zhen completely relieved and went to meditate next to them.

This job is not difficult, and all it requires is carefulness.

The cross-border flying boat will not go to places where there are a lot of meteoroids, and it will not even get close to larger meteoroids. Yang Zhao can find various stiff corpses from time to time.

So this job is still a bit boring.

The whole process was silent, so quiet that people thought there was something wrong with their ears.

But Yang Zhao likes this job very much. This is the first time she has exercised her spiritual consciousness after Jin Dan. She shot again and again and explored again and again, allowing her to gradually strengthen her control over spiritual consciousness. .

Three hours later, when Niu Zhen changed his shift, Yang Zhao was already sweating profusely.

She withdrew her spiritual consciousness that was entrenched outside, took out a candy from the Qiankun bag, stuffed it into her mouth, and began to practice cross-legged.

There is no sun or moon in outer space. If it weren't for a mobile phone, Yang Zhao would feel that time would be confused.

Not long after they started setting off, several border-crossing airships parted ways and went their separate ways.

Without the second option, the fear in Yang Zhao's heart increased.

She tensed up her nerves, feeling like her life was hanging on a spider's thread, fearing that something might go wrong.

On land, in the sea, even if something went wrong in mid-air, she would always have a place to escape.

But in outer space, if something goes wrong with the cross-border spacecraft, she has no way to escape. There is not even a place to transfer in space.

She wasn't sure whether her Golden Core cultivation level could protect her back to the Great Zhou Dynasty.

My heart is always with me along the way.

But unexpectedly and naturally, this grain transportation line is very safe.

The journey was quiet and smooth. After walking for almost three days, we finally arrived at our destination.

This is a small celestial body, dark all over, more than ten kilometers long, and even covered with ice in some places.

There was not a single person or building up there.

Looking into the distance, pieces of meteorites were quietly exploded, and pieces of corpses with different postures were wandering around.

Even through the vacuum, people can smell the fishy smell of blood.

Yang Zhao was a little confused: "Fellow Daoist Niu, are you sure this is a military camp in front of you?"

Niu Zhen chuckled: "Actually, these meteoroids are the best carriers for cross-border spaceships. They have a solid surface and are not afraid of meteorites and strange lights from the sky. They are relatively hidden."

"We hollow out the inside of the sky and install the formations. People can live a normal life inside. The formations outside can drive the meteoroid to change its direction and speed, which is economical and strong."

Um..., using large meteorites to build a spaceship?

Yang Zhao breathed in the cold air, feeling like his brain had been kicked, and his thoughts had made a qualitative leap.

Is this... scientific?

Is this... cultivation?

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