Chapter 355 Preparing to Build a House

It's not that they can't afford it, but the original owner thinks that it's normal for a farmer to eat brown rice.

What's more, there are a few people in the family who are studying, and the annual consumption of pens, ink, paper and inkstones is a big expense. Compared with white rice, brown rice can save a lot.

Because of this, brown rice has always been the staple food of their family.

Anyway, now that her family's rice has been harvested, the days of brown rice can only be gone forever, let's just think it's easy for her to live in luxury, but it's hard to live in simplicity. Anyway, it's the kind of food that irritates her throat, and she doesn't want to eat it anymore.

In the following days, the paddy fields were fertilized and raked, and then the rice seedlings were planted. The whole family went to battle again. After two days, the late rice was already blowing in the wind and standing in the paddy fields.

With the planting experience of the first season, there is no need for Baiyunxi to follow in the next management.

Bai Anyan took Li Shi to shuttle between the fields, tending the fields with ease, and was extremely busy.

And she was also happy to have a leisurely time. After the harvest was over, Bai Yunxi asked the second child to do a simple calculation of the harvest while she was free.

Perhaps because of the sufficient fertilizer they provided, the wasteland yielded more crops than the fertile fields used to be.

After doing some calculations, Bai Anyan ran to Baiyunxi with a face full of surprise,
"Mother, I've done the math. The spring wheat harvested on the east hillside is four stones per mu, which is five hundred catties. The output of rice is relatively low, but it's still four hundred catties."

This is the most he has harvested since farming.

Listening to the second child's report, Bai Yunxi calculated silently in her heart. Calculated at 120 five catties per stone, four stones equaled five hundred catties, which was lower than the output of one or two thousand catties in her era.

But during this period, the yield of good fertile land was only three to four hundred catties.

In comparison, their family's wasteland can reach five hundred catties, which is already considered a high yield.

Calculated in this way, the wheat alone will harvest nearly [-] catties, and if rice is added, their family will also have [-] catties of grain.

This is thanks to the seeds and fertilizers she exchanged in the mall. Without these technologies, it is estimated that it would be difficult to achieve.

Thinking of this, Bai Yunxi directly ordered the second child,

"Leave the two acres of winter wheat for my family to eat, and sell all the spring wheat. There is also rice, keep enough for my family, and exchange the rest for money."

"My mother has to figure it out and see if I can build the house. It's not a problem to live in the shack all the time. This year is a fluke. If there is another blizzard and the shack is crushed, we will suffer."

Listening to Mother's instructions, Bai Anyan nodded repeatedly,

"Mother, don't worry, I will count the grain in the next few days, and I will go to the town to find out the price. If it is suitable, I will exchange the excess grain for money and build a house."

"Sure, go get busy. I'll leave the matter of going to the town to find out the price to my mother. It just so happens that I'm going to go around the town in the past two days, so I'll find out the price by the way."

It is said that the price of the new grain is good every year. If it can be sold at a good price, she will start preparing for the construction of the house as soon as the weather comes into autumn.

Sitting under the eaves, Bai Yunxi looked at the yard in front of him and the vegetable field in the backyard, wondering how much it would cost to build a square courtyard.
There are many people in the family, and each person has a suite, which is also a lot.

Since she wanted to build a house, she wanted to build a larger one at a time, so as to save the trouble of expanding in the future.

Think about the old houses in the past, as long as they are more beautiful than that one, with blue bricks and blue tiles, high gate towers, and the grandeur first.

(End of this chapter)

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