While feeling irritable, he also hid too much unwillingness. In order to study, he traveled far away from home to stay away from troubles and devoted himself to studying, but he failed repeatedly. God was unfair to him.

The atmosphere at home was tense, and he couldn't stay any longer, so he often went out to meet friends. He had just said goodbye to his friends that day when he suddenly saw several carriages entering the city. He glanced subconsciously and saw a few familiar figures, which shocked his calf. .

After confirming again and again, he found out that Xiao Wu was this year's top pick in the new subject. When he learned this, he was both excited and terrified.These days, he comes to visit when he has time, hoping to meet his mother and hope that her mother understands his painstaking efforts.

Xiao Wu looked at him with cold eyes, watched Shu Yuan walk out of the pastry shop, and then cleared his throat.
"Since you made your choice back then, you can't help but regret it. Judging from your appearance, your life is going well. Treat today as an old friend meeting. Don't appear in front of me again in the future, and don't disturb my mother."

Hearing Xiao Wu's indifferent refusal to recognize each other, Bai Anchen suddenly came back to reality, his face turned pale, and he trembled.

"I...I am your eldest brother."

"Brother? It's ridiculous. My selfish and irresponsible eldest brother separated the family five years ago. Your name has long been missing from the household registration. Everyone in the family knows this. Just Look how shameless you are to get close to your relatives."

As he said that, Xiao Wu looked at him deeply and whispered a warning.

"If I were you, I would stay far away and be safe. Why bother yourself."

After saying the last sentence, Xiao Wu directly lowered the car curtain and sat up straight.

Shuyuan carried the pastry, glanced at Bai Anchen before getting in the car, put the pastry box into the car, and drove away.

Looking at the carriage going away, Bai Anchen's face turned pale, and he clenched his fists tightly. His eyes showed disbelief and shock, as well as a sense of helplessness.

He knew that he was a little decisive in leaving back then, but what could he do?You have to find a way out for yourself.

He never thought that they could meet again in this life... Now that they have met, they are still brothers.
I thought that after talking to him, my brother would understand him and take him to see his mother. After all, they were brothers, connected by blood, but I didn't expect Xiao Wu Jing to be so unfeeling.

Shuyuan was driving the car, looking back from time to time and looking at his master's silent face, as if he wanted to ask but didn't dare to speak.

Xiao Wu took a deep breath and glanced at Shuyuan.

"When you meet that person in the future, just ignore it."

Shuyuan nodded, but didn't dare to ask more questions. He took a look at the person beside the car just now and felt that he was familiar, but he didn't remember this person.

Since the master doesn't like it, he must be more careful in the future and not let that person get close.

All the way back to the mansion, Xiao Wu's mood eased a lot. When Zhang Yishan got the news, Xiao Wu had already arrived at the second gate.

Seeing him in a bad mood, Zhang Yishan was surprised, but she still came up to him with a smile and took the snack in his hand.
"Thank you for your hard work, officer. Come in quickly and change your clothes. Let's go to mother's place for dinner together."

Xiao Wu nodded, followed her into the house, took off his official uniform, put on his usual home clothes, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Yishan soaked the handkerchief and was about to wipe his hands when Xiao Wu took the handkerchief, wiped it herself and threw it into the basin.

"I've seen the person peeping at the door and asked him to leave. Next time if you find someone staring at you, just chase him out and don't let anyone get close to him."

"Is it such a coincidence that I met you?"

Zhang Yishan glanced at Xiao Wu curiously.
"Who is spying on us? Is it someone sent by the prefect?" Listening to the lady's inquiry, Xiao Wu raised his eyebrows.

"Why do you suspect it is the prefect?"

"Needless to say, when we went to the banquet, Mrs. Qian kept finding trouble. Everyone in the whole city knew that she and Liang Gongren were on the same page. Mrs. Qian dared to act arrogantly, not because of the prefect's family. Maybe it was ordered by Liang Gongren. It's just that we don't have evidence, so it's not easy to make trouble."

Listening to the lady's analysis, Xiao Wu was stunned. He couldn't help but chuckle and cleared his throat.
"You also said that everyone in the whole city knows that the two of them are in the same spirit. Who is smarter and would give such an obvious reason for people to be caught? The more this is the case, the less people will think about this. Everyone will only think about it. I think Madam Qian is a arrogant person."

He has already discussed this matter with his mother, and he has written a book and sent it to the capital, and he will understand it only after the elder brother writes back.

After changing clothes, Xiao Wu carried the pastries, and the couple came to the Banyan Tree Hall to dine with their mother.

Bai Yunxi was sitting on the Arhat's bed teasing Yaya, when she saw the couple coming together, she quickly asked them to sit down.

"I came back early today."

"My son has a bath tomorrow. I have been busy with the things at hand in the morning, so I came back early. I also bought mung bean cake for my mother on the way. It was freshly baked. It is hot in autumn. Eating this can relieve the heat."

Looking at the snacks that Xiao Wu put on the Kang table, Bai Yunxi opened them, picked them up, tasted them, and nodded.

"Not to mention, it tastes glutinous and has a good texture. In the past few days, your sister-in-law has also been studying various kinds of pastries. She seems to be addicted and has made many kinds. In the past few days, I have been thinking about it, if she I really like it, and my craftsmanship is decent. We might as well open a pastry shop and let your sister-in-law be the pastry chef."

As soon as he finished speaking, Mrs. Du came in with a plate of golden melon balls and smiled sheepishly.
"Mother, don't praise me any more. My skills are just showing off in front of you. If I really want to take it outside, I might be laughed at by others."

"Sister-in-law, you are wrong. We have all tasted the pastries you made. They taste very good. They are no worse than those sold outside."

"It's not as good as you said. There's a pot of duck and bamboo shoot soup on the stove. I'll go take a look."

Du Shi was a little embarrassed by the praise and turned back to the kitchen.

"Today I received a letter from home, and there are also wild products prepared by your second sister-in-law. Your elder sister-in-law also cooks the dinner, using all the ingredients from my hometown."

Bai Yunxi looked at Xiao Wu's expression and explained directly, handing him the letter in the drawer of the kang table.

Xiao Wu took the letter and read it over, his brows relaxed a lot.

"It's really reassuring to have the second and fourth brothers at home watching over you."

"That's right, the second brother and his wife can worry less, and with your third sister watching over you, nothing will happen."

People from all over the country knew that Xiao Wu was an official, and with the deterrent power there, who would dare to find trouble?

Wearing an apron, Mrs. Du led the girl to serve the meal while calling everyone to the table.

Xiao Wu looked at his sister-in-law and lowered his eyes. After his mother's teachings in the past few years, his sister-in-law has changed a lot. She is gentle and virtuous.

Moreover, his mother took extra care of her, which he knew well, because her eldest brother owed her sister-in-law, and her mother subconsciously wanted to make up for it.But Bai Anchen suddenly appeared, looking like he wanted to come back, which is annoying just thinking about it.

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